Father Simon Says

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 85:22:45
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Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.


  • Father Simon Says - August 15 2024 - Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary

    15/08/2024 Duração: 53min

    (1:48) Bible Study: Father Shares insights about Mary today the feast of the Assumption of Mary Lk 11:27-28 Father talks about what it means when Jesus talks with Mary in the bible. (27:00) Break 1 (27:33) Word of the Day: Sign (30:27) Letters: Father talks about slavery. (40:23) Phones: Gale - difference b/w the ascension and the assumption of Mary.  Did she actually die or was she like Elijah? Kris - Did Adam/Eve ask for forgiveness? Lilly - If it's not in the Bible, why is it considered a mortal sin to not go to mass on Sunday Tricia - About the 1st reading today, could you explain the symbolism?  And about labored to give birth?

  • Father Simon Says - August 14, 2024 - What is a "Thau"

    14/08/2024 Duração: 53min

    (1:08) Bible Study: EZ 9:1-7; 10:18-22 Father explains the time lineup to Jesus birth to give context to this passage Mt 18:15-20 Order of operations is really important (27:00) Break 1 (27:47) Word of the Day: Thau (30:55) Letters: Father answers questions about translations, which is his specialty. (39:48) Phones: Aaron - If somebody is in schism and working on trying to get out of this confusion, what would he suggest? Fr. Dan - Becoming one in marriage, he said a couple becomes one through their children, what if a couple doesn't have children John - About prayer and praying for people.  So many people and causes, it takes so long.  Is it okay to write it down on paper, and just say, 'I'm praying for all these people'

  • Father Simon Says - August 13, 2024 - Sweet Scrolls

    13/08/2024 Duração: 53min

    (1:23) Bible Study: Ez 2:8—3:4 Father talks about the scroll which Ezekiel received Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Father explains this passage from the perspective of the people from Jesus’ time. (27:00) Break 2 (27:57) Word of the Day: Magillah (30:34) Letters: Father answers letters from listeners abut interesting topics including whether or not we become gods when we become one with God. (42:18) Phones: Phil - Jewish Faith and do they still expect the Messiah to be a political figure? Dominic - There is a song called 'Mariah’ and it refers to a storm out west. Teresa - When we say the divine mercy chaplet and it says 'Eternal Father, I offer you' what does that mean?

  • Father Simon Says - August 12, 2024 - Charcuterie

    12/08/2024 Duração: 53min

    (1:26) Bible Study: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c Father talks about visions and how people tend to describe them. Mt 17:22-27 Father talks about some interesting things from this reading (27:01) Break 1 (29:05) Word of the Day: Electrum (30:14) Letters: Father talks about which ceremonial banquets you can go to, why statues and stainless windows are used in churches and discusses the keys of the kingdom. (40:50) Phones: Jim - When you look at Christ on the Cross, sometimes in his right hand he has two fingers pointing out and some crosses don't.   Why is that? Patrick - In the Book of Ezekiel, refers to the men of the land of the covenant.  What is the Land of the Covenant? Pat - I'm confused who wrote the letter to James?

  • Father Simon Says - August 09, 2024 - What the Cross Really is

    09/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:00) Bible Study: NA 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7 Father talks about the ethnicity cleansing of Nineveh MT 16:24-28 If there was nothing in it for you, would you still follow Jesus? (18:29) Break 1 Father answers when Jesus actually gave Peter the keys to the kingdom. (22:50) Letters: Father answers a whether or not confession is needed because the curtain was torn in the temple, what it means to have baptism for the dead and a visionary who saw visions of the life of Christ. (36:23) Break 2 (39:06) Word of the Day: Prophet (41:43) Phones: Daniel - Thank you for everything he's given, and that from the Catechism supports in the Kingdom of God.  In CCC 221, the whole idea of his kingly nature is love.   What do you think? Jackie - How do you get forgiveness from someone who's passed on? Mary - Does he know anything about Pax Christi, they're very leftist? Charles - Who knew and who didn't know and when that the Ark was in the Holy of Holies? Harriat – Can I see a relic if I am not in the st

  • Father Simon Says - August 08, 2024 - Extra Bible Study

    08/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:53) Bible Study: Jer 31:31-34 Father talks about Israel and some things which you may not have known. Mt 16:13-23 Father talks the land in which Jesus asks an important question. (29:44) Break 1 (30:55) Letters: Father talks about the transgender issue in sports and answers a question about proper Liturgical music.  (40:28) Break 2 (42:22) Word of the Day: Master (44:30) Phones: Pedro - Is the priest obliged to distribute holy communion?  My priest has two Eucharistic ministers do it and then he sits back down. Charles - Jesus gave Peter the eyes to the kingdom, but scripture says 'he will' give him keys to the kingdom.  Could you explain? Patricia - I want to thank Fr. Simon about what he said regarding holy music.

  • Father Simon Says - August 07, 2024 - Cultural Tirades

    07/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:01) Bible Study: JER 31:1-7 Father talks about the difference between Israel and Juda and a bunch of other things about the exile. MT 15:21-28 What does it mean that Jesus came back for the lost house of Israel (23:22) Break 1 (24:06) Letters: Father Shares what the great cause for death and war in our world is and father talks about the issues of today namely the Olympic games immoralities and other issues n our society. (39:34) Break 2 (40:26) Word of the Day: Tambourine (42:15) Phones: Rose - How can we change prayers around without taking away from their meaning. Especially changing around words like we to I? Pat - can a parent bless a child before their wedding? Carol - I heard that st. peters wife was crucified and that he had to watch. Is this true Jason - what would an interfaith couple have to do to make a marriage work?

  • Father Simon Says - August 06, 2024 - Transfiguration

    06/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:49) Bible Study: DN 7:9-10, 13-14 Father Explains what it means that Jesus is the “son of man” 2 PT 1:16-19 Father explains this passage and why some people think the bible is a myth. Mk 9:2-10 Father talks about how the shroud of Turin connects with the Transfiguration (21:31) Break 1 (22:15) Letters: Father answers whether or not the holy souls in purgatory can pray for us, should you bless yourself holy water if you do not receive communion and what else Jesu could mean by rising from the day (34:18) Break 2 (35:16) Word of the Day: Tent (37:53) Phones: Myra - Question about receiving wine during communion.  Could i SKIP that and just take the host? Joe - Has he ever researched how was it that Jesus makes it a point that Jesus is the one that I loved? Michael - Transfiguration and why John doesn't mention it.

  • Father Simon Says - August 05, 2024 - Yokes

    05/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:54) Bible Study: Mt 14:13-21 Father talks about the role of the Messiah to renew the manna in the desert. Jer 28:1-17 Father explains the yokes mentioned in this reading. (18:13) Break 1 (19:48) Letters: Father answers questions about the meaning of the word scribe, how do you know if you should stop praying for something, and he answers questions about the history of communion in the hand. (38:30) Beak 2 (39:23) Word of the Day: Desert (40:34) Phones: Claire - I understand that the gospel is read because it is the teaching of Christ, but what about the 1st and 2nd reading? What are they for? Chris - What is the meaning of the word 'Selah' in the Psalms? Peter - If David was a 'man after God's own heart, how can we believe this when he was an adulterer and a murderer? Larry - Do you have any thoughts on Catholic colleges which are Catholic in name only?

  • Father Simon Says - August 02, 2024 - Types of Scapulars

    02/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:25) Bible Study: Jer 26:1-9 God speaks through the most unlikely sources. Mt 13:54-58 Who are the brothers of Jesus? (21:39) Break 1 (23:36) Letters: Father explains the promise of the scapular and the different colors of the scapular and how do you respond to someone who says the Olympic ceremony was not mocking the last supper? (37:44) Break 2 (38:29) Word of the Day: Lupe (42:35) Phones: Suzette - 1 Tim 2:15 can you explain this? Matt - Due to my work schedule there is a week that I am just unable to go to Mass. Where do I draw the line? Diane - wants to chime in on word of the day

  • Father Simon Says - August 01, 2024 - Potter and the Wheel

    01/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (4:22) Bible Study: Jer 18:1-6 Father explains the passage about the Potter and the wheel. Mt13:47-53 Father talks about the surprising fact about what makes up the Church (23:07) Break 1 (23:45) Letters: Father tackles a letter from a listener complaining about father not using logic and answers a question from a Greek Orthodox letter about Easter and questions about being free to marry marriage. (38:41) Break 2 (39:20) Word of the Day: Desposynee (41:22) Phones: John - Is there any theology behind the idea that people still exist in hell, as opposed to being completely obliterated. Terence - Question about the sin of sorrow, what do you think about that? Margo - Some of the fallen angels left heaven to be able to reproduce, what do you think? Alex - ON the topic of indecision, how to be a more decisive person?

  • Father Simon Says - July 31, 2024 - Jeremiah

    31/07/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:53) Bible Study: Jer 15:10, 16-21 Father talks about the Mass and the purpose of the human life Jn 15:15b Father shares what the word Kingdom means (26:00) Break 1 (29:05) Letters: Father answers questions about handling the Eucharist, Obedience to the bishops and whether or not people say please in the bible? (38:25) Break 2 (41:20) Word of the Day: Repent (42:40) Phones: Alex - My dad thinks he has special dispensation Thomas - John 6 - can you help me better understand the Bread of Life Judy - About abortion, can you help me rationalize how does the devil win with abortion? I am assuming babies go straight to heaven.

  • Father Simon Says - July 30, 2024 - Weeds

    30/07/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:55) Bible Study: Jer 14:17-22 Father talks about the wrath of God and what it really means Mt 13:36-43 What kind of weeds are Jesus talking about? (21:38) Break 1 (28:17) Letters: Father talks about the error of baptizing the dead, who the first protestants were and whether or not some of the disciples knew Jesus when He was young? (37:46) Break 2 (40:54) Word of the Day: Mercy Seat (43:37) Phones: Jason - How do we communicate to family that Christians are not bad. I feel like saying nothing is the only thing that works. Monica - How do I respond to someone who thinks Jesus is only a prophet Jillian - The 'Living and the Dead' in the Creed. I've also heard 'The quick and the dead'. Does Fr. Simon know anything about this?

  • Father Simon Says - July 29, 2024 - Olympics Opening Ceremony

    29/07/2024 Duração: 51min

    (10:18) Bible Study: JER 13:1-11 Father explains the important aspect of this passage which is different than you probably think. LK 10:38-42 Father Simon deals with the problem in the Gospel with Mary and Martha (20:04) Break 1 (20:50) Letters: Father answers questions about blessing consecrated ground for burial, helps a listeners understand Paul’s words in his letters to the Corinthians and explains the glory of man which is woman and what that means really. (34:34) Break 2 (35:04) Word of the Day: Love (41:40) Phones: Michael - Did the devil enter the serpent or the other way around? Paloma 12-years-old - What is the best way to talk to someone who is dressing immodestly? Dean - Why did the authorities need Judas to find Jesus? Wasn't Jesus already famous?

  • Father Simon Says - July 26, 2024 - Mercy Seat

    26/07/2024 Duração: 51min

    (4:15) Bible Study: JER 3:14-17  Father shares the eloquent poetry in this passage. MT 13:18-23 Father talks about the kingdom and the word logos. (23:13) Break 1 (24:05) Letters: Why did God have a chosen people of Israel? What are some good books for an agnostic atheist? And why should we fast? (36:17) Break 2 (37:40) Word of the Day: Mercy Seat (41:51) Phones: Jason - The Eucharist and non-Catholic denominations. Is it Catholic believe that when you take the Eucharist in those dominations, is that the Real Presence? Richard - In revelations, it says 'who ever adds any words or deducts any words, part of the kingdom will be taken away...Does that apply for in the future? Like for the protestants. Ann - Is it correct to say in Genesis 1 God went big, and Genesis 11 went small with Shim?

  • Father Simon Says - July 25, 2024 - The Throne on which Jesus Sits

    25/07/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:06) Bible Study: Father talks about Saint James on his feast day? 2 Cor 4:7-15 Father explains dying to self in the context of this reading Mt 20:20-28 What is the throne that Jesus speaks about? (20:36) Break 1 (21:25) Letters: Father answers questions about whether or not you need a pastor to have a valid wedding, the value of the authority of the papacy and when it might be appropriate to clap in church? (36:36) Break 2 (37:22) Word of the Day: Homage (40:08) Phones: Tasha - Is baptizing animals/pets blasphemy? Mary Ellen – Difference between sacrifice and reparation? Damon - Difference between Greek words 'Genaou' and 'Ginamai'? Matt - I heard that the bells of the Mass are baptized and not just blessed, that's why they should not be silent during Mass. Is this true?

  • Father Simon Says - July 24, 2024 - Good Music

    24/07/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:52) Bible Study: Jer 1:1, 4-10 Father shares what the word Kingdom means Mt 13:1-9 Father explains what the seed is in this reading. (22:26) Break 1 (24:35) Letters: Father talks about the need for good music in Mass but also should be focused on God, answers questions about the souls of animals and whether or not Adam and Eve knew how to repent. (33:40) Break 2 (34:44) Word of the Day: Prophet (40:55) Phones: Stuart - What is the reason the protestants moved away from the Eucharist? They seem to not even have mass anymore. why stop something the apostles started? Therese - book suggestions on learning more about the Eucharist. And is it better to pray the rosary in a church or in a public square?

  • Father Simon Says - July 23, 2024 - Eucharist

    23/07/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:54) Bible Study: MI 7:14-15, 18-20 God delights in forgiveness MT 12:46-50 Did Jesus have actual brothers and sisters? Gal 2:19-20 Father explains the meaning of being cursed. (23:18) Break 1 (23:59) Letters: Father answers questions about tattoos, what superstition is, what are curses, what it means that the gates of hell will not prevail against us, what to do if you feel the presence of spirits and is it okay to pray the angelus at 6am? (37:12) Break 2 (38:32) Word of the Day Eucharist (44:51) Phones: Frank - The story in the book of Daniel, about Susana and the elders. They claimed that Susana had relations with the men... there was an inconsistency about the trees.... Was it enough to blame Susana? Susan - In the book of Chronicles, it is so violent, I am having a hard time reading it. how can a loving God do that?

  • Do All Dogs Go to Heaven?

    22/07/2024 Duração: 51min

    Bible Study: 1:52 2 Cor 5:14-17 Why are Paul's words here so significant?  Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 An inconsistency in Scripture? Letters (14:27) Is there a place where God is not?  Question about scapulars and Christianity as a force for good Why are there so many few 'normal' saints? Question about a letter from 1500, 'a true letter from Christ' What do I do if the priest has forgotten to give me a penance?  A priest used the term 'CE,' should I mention it to the priest?  I'm upset about how the Native Americans were treated by Catholic missionaries Does praying to the saints mean we're praying to the dead?  Can Catholics marry on a Sunday? My grandmother gave me a necklace with a cross, do I need to wear crucifix instead?  Do our pets go to heaven?  Word of the Day: Soul (39:30) Callers: (43:15) - Naming Guardian Angels and if that's okay?  A friend says we shouldn't ask for it, but it's revealed to us anyway (46:37) - What do you think of the idea of a brown scapular tattoo? (48:55) - Are the Deuterocanon

  • The Bible is Historical

    16/07/2024 Duração: 50min

     Bible Study:(3:00)  Is 7:1-9 Multiple kingdoms wanted to overthrow Judah and end the house of David. Mt 11:20-24 Miracles are important and they gain our attention.   Letters (21:47): Fr. Simon answers questions about the elevator music on the show, about John 6:66 and how many of Jesus’ disciples continued t follow him, why does the King James version at Mark 2:17 talks about repentance,   Word of the Day (33:30): Shear-jashub Phones (42:35): Rose- I feel like my faith is being shredded. How do I forgive when there is so much to forgive? Rose- When I receive Holy Communion, there is a priest and extraordinary minister. I like to receive from the priest. Is this ok or a sin of pride?

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