Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 466: Improving Cardiac Risk Factors



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Are we at the mercy of our genetics?  Should we just accept our fate as being genetically flawed is some way or another.  There is talk about plasticity of the brain or forming new circuits.  Body builders change their shape through specific workouts.  We can become runners after starting a couch to 5 K program.  So why do we think we cannot change our genetic fate when it comes to cancer or cardiovascular disease.  Most allopathic physicians focus on testing and following disease progression.  I  even heard  from a patient that was told by a cardiologist that he will know when he needs him.  Why wait until you already have disease?  The only preventative therapy is medication in the world of sick care.   Take as much as you can tolerate before side effects become intolerable.   One such example is the release of new medications that become part of protocols that everyone with a diagnosis receives.  No individual evaluation.  One size fits all.  A pharmaceutical represen