Lawyer Greg

Back Stage Pass 5: Mentor is a Must



Chapter.5 "Mentor is a Must" Exercise: ‘Reaching Up’ What do I mean by reaching up? The first time I spoke with Bob Crumley was by phone. I had a great time talking with him, savoring every morsel of wisdom I could out of a 45 minute conversation. I was pumped. I got a list of wisdom, things I needed to do to run my firm like a business and grow it. And that is how I would describe ‘Reaching Up.’ I was reaching up beyond my experience, my boundaries and pay grade. Even beyond my belief. People are afraid to talk to someone they see as better than them, or smarter, more successful. You have to remove those self imposed boundaries. You put the boundaries there, but all they do is limit you. Stop being afraid to ‘Reach up.’ Call a business person, big kahuna lawyer, hell call Richard Branson and ask them something that you want advice about. Reach up to them for help. #RockStarLawyer #LawyerGreg