Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#27: Non-billable Purgatory



I’ve talked before on this podcast about the need to watch your time, and when it’s ok to say “No” to certain opportunities you are presenting with. Today I’m revealing the four main categories of non-billable time that you’ll want to plan for in advance, and how you can successfully manage each of them.  Things you will learn in this episode:  Be aware of how you plan and manage your non-billable time    The role business development plays in your career    Whether or not you should be doing pro bono work    How being involved in your community will help build your business   The one question you should always ask yourself before taking on any task    How to determine how much time you actually have to give    How to say “No” – and the unintended consequences of doing this  LINKS:  Get full show notes and more information here: