Everything Voluntary With Skyler J. Collins

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Ten (21m) – Episode 463



Post by Skyler J. Collins (Editor). Episode 463 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: "A 'guaranteed profit' is something akin to a riskless danger."; "A fool believes that liberty comes from participation in power. A person of reason knows that it comes from dissipation of power."; "A libertarian does not oppose the welfare state because he does not care about the poor, but because he cares about them too much to believe they deserve being caught in the web of lies, empty promises, perpetual dependence, hate-mongering, and cultural degradation created by self-serving, power-hungry crooks."; "It takes a common thug to commit injustice, but it takes an exceptional thug to call it 'social justice'."; "Collectivism: the practice of exploiting humans in the name of humankind."; and "All delusions aside, personal development consists in little more than scrubbing oneself clean of endless layers of folly."