Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach



Learn from writing coach Ann Kroeker how to achieve your writing goals (and have fun!) by being more curious, creative, and productive.


  • #31: Plan a Playful Year

    28/12/2015 Duração: 04min

    Show Notes Summary: This is the time of year when people look back at 2015 and consider how they did at achieving their goals, then they look ahead to 2016 and start to plan the year ahead. They decide the habits they want to eradicate and establish, and the goals they want to achieve. It happens that this time of resolution setting overlaps with the Play Project: Every single day in January I'm going to do something big or small to be more playful. When you think back to the early days of your writing life, do you remember being playful? Playing with words and stories? Writing just for the fun of it? If we can regain that playful freedom as writers, we'll find freedom to be more creative and productive. Look ahead. Dream big. Set goals. And actually plan some play. Kickstart it by joining the Play Project, intentionally setting aside time to play every day for a month. Try something you've never tried before. Lose yourself in your work, in your art. When you play, you'll likely start to turn out fresh,

  • #30: Action Creates Clarity

    14/12/2015 Duração: 05min

    Show Notes Summary: My friend John, an entrepreneur, said to me years ago: Action creates clarity. I’ve passed this nugget along to many people who are just sitting on an idea, afraid to take action, worried they’ll get it wrong. Once you take action, you might feel like you’re stumbling or making mistakes, but what you’re doing is gathering information so you can adapt, fill in the gaps, improve, build and grow. I found the phrase actually originates not with my friend John, but with Peter Sheahan, in a book called FL!P. Sheahan talks about microplanning and overplanning, researching incessantly and planning and strategizing to the point where we're procrastinating and practically paralyzed. "[Y]ou can’t plan your way to greatness. There is nothing more valuable for your business (and for your life and career) than to do away with your commitment to microplanning everything and to let loose with some bold and courageous action" (29). I agree. It's time to do something. Write something. To take action an

  • #29 The Energizing Work of a Playful Writer

    08/12/2015 Duração: 04min

    Show Notes Summary: One of my daughters has always been a playful, creative inventor, looking for ways to add tangible fun to her days. Once, she dragged a plastic bottle and paper towel tube from the recycling bin, grabbed a handful of rubber bands and duct-taped everything together to make a ukulele. It didn't play, but she sure had fun trying. Years later she applied this playful mindset to her part-time job at a dog kennel. The dogs would yap and bound playfully, but she invented even more fun by playing games such as trying to beat a self-imposed time limit while washing dog bowls or hosing down crates. She's discovering what research is indicating: work does not preclude play. Play energizes our work. And playful writers energize their work with fun In a 2009 TED talk, Dr. Stuart Brown claims play is more than fun—it's vital for adults. "Nothing lights up the brain like play." Jessica Walsh writes in a Good Magazine article that play is vital for brain growth. And she says several conditions are

  • #28: In This Season of Big Dreams, Take Time to Write Small

    01/12/2015 Duração: 04min

    Show Notes Summary: This is a time to dream up some big goals for 2016 and think about how you can expand your reach and stretch yourself, and I definitely applaud and encourage that. But it can also be a time to go small—to use your words to connect with one or two people at a time. By "small," I mean brief, but also "intimate." You could: pull out a note card and write a letter craft an email to an old friend pen a poem and slip it under somebody's windshield wiper leave a love note under a pillow Small, focused, writing projects have some side benefits beyond blessing the recipient of your writing. By writing to someone specific, you develop your voice. You’ll be a little more comfortable and relaxed when writing that note or typing that email for someone you know well. You might insert a little inside joke, tell a story, and play with a more informal style. You’ll probably keep it somewhat tight and brief; then again, maybe you’ll be a bit more leisurely. When you know your audience well, you ca

  • #27: Pay Attention to Draw Attention

    23/11/2015 Duração: 06min

    Show Notes Summary: During the holiday season, while traveling and hosting or visiting others, you may not be able to keep up your writing at the same pace. We discussed in the last episode the benefit of having a rut to run in, and yet as we head into these next couple of months, we may not be able to maintain our writing routines at the same level. Today I want to encourage you that even if you are unable to keep up even a modified version of your writing routine, you can still do one thing: pay attention, to draw attention. If you pay attention to the details, events and interactions surrounding you over the next few weeks and you have a way to collect and store them, you will be able to use all of that for later, when you’re writing, to draw attention. Oliver Burkeman in an article in The Guardian, highlights thoughts on writing from Steven Pinker, who points out that writing is inherently a psychological phenomenon, "a way that one mind can cause ideas to happen in another mind." So our job is to be

  • #26: Why Writers Need a Rut to Run In

    16/11/2015 Duração: 06min

    Show Notes Summary: A writer needs a rut to run in. If you're troubled by the construction, let me also say it this way: a writer needs a rut in which to run. But about this might be thinking, "Hold on, now, how can a coach who encourages curiosity and creativity be promoting a rut?" After all, People get stuck in ruts and never change, never take risks, never explore new possibilities. Ruts are things to get out of not to fall into. Ruts feel like tedium. Monotony. Boredom. And there’s some truth to that, but I’m going to try to convince you to think differently about the monorail experience. When you have a rut to run in, parts of your life switch to autopilot and you don’t have to reinvent every single day. It simplifies life and frees up mental energy for greater willpower and creativity. It steadies you. Think of a rut as a habit or set of habits—a routine—that automates parts of your life. In an article in The New York Times, John Tierney, who wrote the book Willpower with Roy Baumeist

  • #25: Stuck in the Middle

    09/11/2015 Duração: 05min

    Show Notes Summary: Hundreds of thousands of writers are in the middle of National Novel Writing Month, or what is affectionately known as NaNoWriMo—where writers have signed up with the goal of completing a novel draft of 50,000 words. If you are among the participants—or if you decided to tackle a nonfiction project during the same month, tapping into the resources and momentum of NaNoWriMo—you’re heading toward the middle of the month and, presumably, the middle of your project’s draft. The middle is hard. A lot of people stop in the middle of things. How were you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions back in July? How about some hobby or craft you started but stopped about halfway through, that’s boxed up in the garage or basement? The halfway point is critical, because you know what it took to get to that point, so you know you need at least that much effort to finish. It can feel overwhelming. It’s easier to just stop and shelve the project. Click save. Say you’ll come back to

  • #24: Let It Go or Let It Grow

    02/11/2015 Duração: 06min

    Show Notes Summary: In the last episode, we discussed the urgency of acting on ideas. I quoted an editor my parents worked with who shouted, “Never, never, never sit on a story!” I warned you not to let somebody scoop you, because that idea was given to you. So take action, I said. And write. Today, I want to encourage you that if you waited a few beats too long and your idea was written up and sent out by someone have some options. You can let it go, or let it grow. If you feel like you’ve been scooped, it’s possible you did get scooped and you need to simply let it go and move on to new ideas. But before you abandon it completely, maybe you’ll find you haven’t really been scooped—maybe you’ll see that your idea is quite a bit different from the piece that came out before yours. If so, you can continue with your idea as originally planned. And maybe you’ll see that your original idea did get scooped, but if you’re willing, you can let it grow, tweaking yours so it can find readers who have be

  • #23: Never, Never, Never Sit on a Story

    26/10/2015 Duração: 05min

    My parents were editors at a major metropolitan newspaper, and my dad often quoted his managing editor, who fulfilled all '50s and '60s movie newsroom stereotypes—puffing on a cigar, shouting across the newsroom. When this editor realized one of his reporters had been scooped by a competing newspaper, he shouted for all the newsroom to hear: “Never, never, never sit on a story!” Though I’ve not been in the newspaper business other than writing the occasional feature story, I’ve seen this in my writing life. I’ve learned this lesson. “Never, never, never sit on a story!” And that’s what I’m here to tell you today. The times I’ve done nothing more than toy with a story, talking about it with friends and family, tossing it around like I’ve got all the time in the world to develop it, someone else goes ahead and writes it. Seriously. It’s happened to me multiple times. If you’ve got an idea in you, don’t sit on it. Don’t just think about it or chat about it with friends and family. Do something today to ma

  • The Writing Life Podcast: How Writers Increase Grit

    19/10/2015 Duração: 07min

    The last time we were together we talked about one thing writers need to succeed, and if you listened, you know that thing is grit. In this episode I'm posing several ways writers can increase grit, so if you feel like a low-grit writer, listen and try some of the ideas. I believe you can grow in grit to become a more productive and successful writer. In the words of Louis Zamperini: Be hardy! Key ideas from this episode: Grow in grit by looking for other areas where you exhibit grit and funnel it into your writing Grow in grit by creating small wins Grow in grit by developing stamina through training for a race that relies on incremental progress Grow in grit by minimizing distractions to increase focus Grow in grit by arranging schedule and space to reflect prioritization of writing Grow in grit through courage, taking risks despite fear of failure or rejection Be hardy! Resources mentioned in this episode: Louis Zamperini's USC interview * * * Listen for the full six-minute podcast. You ca

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