Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis



LIVE FRIDAYS 4 PM ET/3 CT/2 MT/1 PT Is your life and business truly delightful? Can it be? Jennifer Cramer Lewis says yes it can, when you don’t fall for the Big Fat Lies. Jennifer stands for deliciously ambitious female business owners like you, always knowing when they are under the spell of a Big Fat Lie, and will use her quirky irreverent style to show you, what to say yes to, so you can be proactive, passionate, productive and profitable in your life and business. Part cautionary tale, part practical magic, Big Fat Lies invites you to laugh at limitation and embrace all the fun and fortune you came here to experience as a female business owner. Jennifer’s Gift for You Jennifer’s Community


  • “I Can’t Say NO To New Clients!” ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hey, I get it, a new client walks in the door and throws their money down, how do you say no? Is that even possible to say no to a new client when you have bills to pay, presents to buy, a business? In this Big Fat Lie Episode we will unzip the Big Fat Lies around “I Can’t Say NO to New Clients!” There’s an old mantra in marketing called “Niche Down to Blow Up” which means the tighter your niche, the more you can get identified as an industry leader in that nice little dime of a niche. That said; "What do you do when you feel a cash crunch or a growth slump? Do you say yes to clients outside of your niche? To projects that are "mission-adjacent"? In this episode I am going to share the 3 ways to say NO in a way that works for you and also the 3 questions that you have to ask to make sure that this new client is going to be wow client that refers more wow clients. Join me in the live studio audience to ask your questions about this Big Fat Lie Called “I Can’t Say NO to

  • “You Need To Get Your Priorities Straight” ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you ever thought "If only I could get my priorities straight, then... " as though it was you and your priorities that needed straightening out. The Big Fat Lies about priorities are very deep, on this show we will explore how your priorities may not even be yours, and how adopting ones that are yours and include taking care of yourself, may cause a huge upswing in your success and profitability. Join Jennifer Cramer Lewis and open your eyes to the Big Fat Lies of Priorities. ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and success in business through her intuitive strategies and foresight, that include both the body and the business. Her approach is to identify the individ

  • “I’m Not Dramatic, You Are” And Other Lies ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you been told you are overly dramatic? Did you believe that lie? What does your dramatic nature have to do with the gift that you came here to be, and what if it isn't a lie or even a bad thing? Join Jennifer Cramer Lewis for this frank and fun conversation about us hot blooded people and how the passionates make up 50% of the population. Jennifer believes nothing worthwhile ever gets started without a spark of the dramatic. Join her in the live studio audience, ask questions and engage in this exploration of the Big Fat Lie called "I'm Not Dramatic, You Are" ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~​joyfulentrepreneurcommunity/ Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and succ

  • “I’m Sorry” And Other Big Fat Lies~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  This week on Big Fat Lies we are going to cover what to say when a toxic person offers you an apology and says they are sorry. How do you accept their apology without allowing their "I'm Sorry" to change how you feel about yourself as a person? As we head into the Holiday Season, we will navigate more of these types of situations, I'd love for you to have the tools to open your eyes to the Big Fat Lie called "I'm Sorry" and handle it with finesse and calm. ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and success in business through her intuitive strategies and foresight, that include both the body and the business. Her approach is to identify the individual’s core talents and e

  • You Should Never Do Business With Family ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you ever heard that you should never do business with family? This week we explore the lies of family and business. What if the best people to endorse your business and work with you in your business are your family? What if they know you best? Join me as we drop a stick of dynamite on this Big Fat Lie? ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and success in business through her intuitive strategies and foresight, that include both the body and the business. Her approach is to identify the individual’s core talents and energy fields, ignite them and bind them to the bigger dream, then build systems that add elegance, joy and profitability. Jennifer can’t help it, she’s

  • You Can’t Do THAT In Business ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Who says you can't pivot in your business? Have you ever been told that your clients need to know exactly what you do? What if what you DO best in your business is Pivot?   Join Jennifer Cramer Lewis this week as she peels back the curtain on the Big Fat Lies around what you can and can’t do in business.  Jennifer can make a business out of anything and delights in creative conversations like this one!  You can call in with your questions and enjoy the show creation in the recording studio.  Join us live at ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and success in business through her intuitive strategies and foresight, that includ

  • Big Fat Lies Debut With Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you ready to open your eyes to the Big Fat Lies? Business Mentor, Shaman and Seer, Jennifer Cramer Lewis is annoyingly aware of the Big Fat Lies showing up stopping entrepreneurs from making money while making a difference with their work. Join Jennifer in her Debut show on Inspired Choices Network and set your clock for eye opening business insights at 1PM Pacific for Big Fat Lies on Fridays. ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and success in business through her intuitive strategies and foresight, that include both the body and the business. Her approach is to identify the individual’s core talents and energy fields, ignite them and bind them to the bigger dream,

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