Mindful Medicine



Articulate, passionate and humorous, Dr. Holly Lucille breaks down the myths and misconceptions about health and health related topics.


  • Encore Episode: Why Your Diet Is Making You Fat


    You’re surrounded by diet advice. Quick-fix diets are of no use once the expiration date of the diet passes. Changing your eating habits are the true solution to weight loss. 10 Simple Tips Eat protein and fiber at every meal. Lean meats, fruits and vegetables are the simplest way to arrange your plate. Check your starches. Have two per day maximum if you are trying to lose weight. Clock your meals. Give yourself an eating schedule. Eat something every four hours. Eat some fats. Sauté your vegetables and eat the skin on your chicken. Skip the fat-free salad dressing. Enjoy butter and olive oil. Watch the sugar. It’s addictive. Don’t bombard your taste buds with sugar substitutes. Indulge intelligently. Decide to eat your vice food once a week with no regrets. Supplements are important. Today’s foods require a nutritional boost. Get some sleep. Your body needs sleep to be healthy and lose weight. Drink plenty of water. It helps balance and energize your body. Move your body. Increase intervals and intensity. I

  • Encore Episode: Demystifying Chinese Medicine & Monthly Cycles


    Practicing Chinese medicine requires thinking outside of the conventional box. An anthropological approach is used when thinking about health and the body. Menstrual cycles are approached with caution in Eastern medicine. Nutrition is greatly considered. Activity is taken into account. Women are weary of eating cold foods during their periods. As menstruation is an indicator of overall health, women approach it proactively. After birthing a baby, women will sit for a month. This process involves just nursing the baby, resting and eating plenty of nutritious foods to replenish the body. Listen as Dr. Eric Karchmer joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss Chinese medicine and women’s health.

  • Encore Episode: Co-Parenting: Putting Kids First


    Divorce impacts over two million children under age 18 in the United States each year. Co-parenting or shared parenting is becoming more common but can be tricky for people who have encountered marital issues in the past. Most parents should consider co-parenting. Exceptions would be abandonment or abuse. The safety of the children should be the priority. Co-parenting creates a new relationship with the children at the forefront. Both parents should be able to ask each other for support. Each parent gets at least close to 35% time with the children. Traits to Aid Co-Parenting Emotional awareness Self-control Ability to accept reality Dependability Taking the needs of others into account The less drama in the co-parenting relationship, the more attention is available for raising the children. Listen as Karen Kristjianson joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share some tips on co-parenting.

  • Encore Episode: How Science Transformed the Art of Medicine


    Medical doctors don’t typically focus on the spiritual side of healing. Their concern is healing the body. Sometimes the spirit needs mending so the physical aspects improve. Physicians in olden days provided treatment of the body and soul. Treatment was more holistic than what’s taught in medical school today. Compassion is needed in patient treatment. However, it can burn out a provider. Listen as Dr. Rajeev Kurapati joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss the connection between mind and body in healing.

  • Encore Episode: Taking an Active Role in Your Care


    You have to be your own primary care provider. No one is a better advocate for your health than you. You have power over your choices. Learn about the medications that your provider prescribes. Make informed decisions about treatment. With the ever-changing Affordable Care Act and increasing prices of health insurance, it’s important to ask your provider all the questions you can. Taking the reins of your own health can be very cost-effective. Listen as Dr. Jade Wimberley joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share how you can take more control over your health.

  • Encore Episode: 7 Things to Turn Illness into Wellness


    Wouldn’t it be fantastic to transform illness into wellness? With Dr. Samm Pryce’s advice, you can make progress with that very thing today. Mindset. Having the right mindset is important when you’re facing chronic illness or trying to prevent a condition. Sleep. Get the right amount of sleep so your body can heal. It assists your mood and physical function. It’s free. Water. Drink plenty of water to move toxins out of your body. Food. Read all the labels. Make sure you have plenty of fiber so you poop regularly. Supplements. Take the supplements you need for optimal health. Movement. Move your body. It needs some fitness on a regular basis. Detox. Eliminate toxins from your diet and environment. Listen as Dr. Samm joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share what you can do today to improve your health, how the blood type diet works, and how a naturopathic doctor can help you.

  • Encore Episode: Health Challenges for the Modern Woman


    Modern womanhood involves juggling multiple roles. Business, family, and social demands can make it seem impossible to maintain your health. Common Causes of Health Troubles Stress Lack of sleep Hormones Digestive health The latest trend you saw online may not provide the benefits you expected. Examine these common causes of health troubles and see where you may be struggling. Five Types of Superwomen Gypsy Girl: A creative, innovative type who is often fatigued. This type has dry hair and skin. She often needs more protein, fats and nourishment to help their kidneys. She needs a consistent sleep cycle. Boss Lady: She moves from point A to point B. She can command and direct. She tends to burn out her thyroid and have digestive issues. Savvy Chick: A blend of the gypsy and boss, she is an organized visionary. She needs more B vitamins. She has issues with adrenals and thyroid. Earth Momma: A nurturing person who thinks of others first. She won’t have a fancy, sexy career. The nurturing takes a toll on her h

  • Encore Episode: Tools for Non-Violent & Compassionate Communication in the Workplace


    We are all interdependent on one another. We have to treat each other like people in the workplace. Tasks are important, but people must work together to get the work done. We want a happy workplace. People want acknowledgment for good work, purpose, a sense of belonging, appreciation, compassion and trust. Innovation and creativity flourish in this environment. Fear doesn’t help growth. Aspects of Non-Violent Communication What are you observing versus what are you evaluating? What exactly is happening is the observation. Imposed beliefs and assumptions are the evaluation. Own your applied evaluation. Your prejudices and ways of thinking may add unnecessary meaning to a situation. Maybe your co-worker didn’t say hello because he didn’t hear you, not because he is angry with you. Recognize “us versus them” or “me versus you” in the workplace. All departments have their own agendas and handoffs aren’t always seamless. Interconnectedness is important. There’s an opportunity to improve morale and ease of commun

  • Encore Episode: The Four Elements of Healing


    Trauma is common, physical and emotional. Healing takes work on all levels. The four elements of healing from an indigenous point-of-view are based on connection. Listen. Listen to yourself and your environment. It’s never too late to learn how to listen. You can identify when something is out of place by listening what is happening inside and outside of yourself. Supportive relationships. Seek supportive relationships that shine the light on things when something is amiss. Be supportive of yourself. Unconditional love. You can’t help but heal when you are loved, especially by yourself. You’re connected to yourself, other people, nature and the spiritual world. You are worth loving. Positive action. It’s okay to hope, wish and pray for things. Action is necessary to make change. You won't change if you return to the same routines. See a therapist, priest or counselor to talk through your trauma. Listen as Dr. Anita Sanchez joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share how you can begin healing from trauma.

  • Encore Episode: Healing Your Relationship with Eating


    The vast amount of information currently available about food can lead you to feelings of fear, guilt and judgment. You may stop enjoying food due to information overload. To enjoy food again, find something that feels good for you. You may enjoy cooking or eating certain foods. Exercise may make you feel calm and creative. Spend more time doing that thing. It will quiet your mind and help your food intuition come to the surface.Be mindful. Make decisions to eat food and enjoy it while you eat. Consider what drives your cravings. If your craving is emotionally driven, see if there is another way to address those emotions. If your friend is struggling with food, it is not your job to fix her. Release any judgment. In due time your friend can move through the experience and heal. Try to provide pleasant experiences, not putting pressure on how to experience food. Listen as Devyn Sisson joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share how you can heal yourself with food.

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