Transatlantic Poetry is global poetry movement bringing some of the most exciting poets from the US, UK, Europe and beyond together for live online readings and conversations. With the help of notable partners, we are transforming the way people experience poetry in the twenty-first century.
Mona Arshi and Chris Campanioni
15/11/2015Mona Arshi and Chris Campanioni read poems and answer live Q&A, hosted by John Gosslee of Fjords Review.
David Wheatley and Stephen Burt
17/10/2015Stephen Burt and David Wheatley read poems and answer your questions live on air. Hosted by Jennifer Williams of the Scottish Poetry Library.
Danez Smith and Liz Berry
27/09/2015Liz Berry and Danez Smith read poems and answer live Q&A, hosted by Robert Peake on behalf of John Gosslee of Fjords Review.
Jericho Brown and Yonatan Berg
01/08/2015Yonatan Berg and Jericho Brown read poems and answer live Q&A, hosted by Rachel Heimowitz. Be sure to turn on "Subtitles/CC" when Yonatan is reading in Hebrew to see the English translations of his poems on screen.
Naomi Foyle and Michael Prior
19/07/2015Michael Prior and Naomi Foyle read poems and answer questions live on air. Hosted by John Gosslee of Fjords Review.
Shruti Iyer and Janine Joseph
20/06/2015Featuring Janine Joseph and Shruti Iyer, hosed by R.A. Villanueva of Kundiman.
Sean Street and Philip Fried
26/04/2015Philip Fried (NY) and Sean Street (Liverpool) read poetry and answer your questions live on air. Hosted by John Gosslee of Fjords Review.
Roberta Beary and Richard Gilbert
29/03/2015Richard Gilbert and Roberta Beary, two heavyweights in the poetry subgenre of haiku, read poems and answer your questions. Hosted by Tim Green of Rattle.
Jeffrey McDaniel and Jack Underwood
21/02/2015Jeffrey McDaniel and Jack Underwood read poems and answer questions live on air. Hosted by Christopher Crawford of B O D Y.
Hilda Sheehan and Tim Krcmarik
18/01/2015Hosted by Robert Peake, founder of Transatlantic Poetry on Air.
Megan M. Garr and M. Bartley Seigel
21/09/2014M. Bartley Seigel and Megan M. Garr read poetry and answer live Q&A. Hosted by John Gosslee of Fjords Review.
Rebecca Goss and Dan O'Brien
31/08/2014Rebecca Goss and Dan O'Brien read poems and answer questions live on air. Hosted by Robert Harper of Bare Fiction.
John Burnside and Lucie Brock-Broido
27/07/2014John Burnside and Lucie Brock-Broido read poems and answer audience questions live on air. Hosted by Jennifer Williams of Scottish Poetry Library.
Agi Mishol and Marie Howe
04/05/2014Marie Howe and Agi Mishol, hosted by Rachel Heimowitz and featuring poet and translator Joanna Chen.
Gerry Cambridge and David Mason
27/04/2014David Mason and Gerry Cambridge, hosted by Jennifer Williams of Scottish Poetry Library.
Randi Ward and Jo Bell
23/03/2014Featuring Jo Bell and Randi Ward, hosted by John Gosslee of Fjords Review.
Christopher Crawford and Anthony Madrid
05/02/2014Featuring Anthony Madrid and Christopher Crawford, hosted by John Gosslee of Fjords Review.