Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh



Real talk, with real people, and real results so YOU can heal yourself naturally. Hosted by Dr. Anh, a board-certified pharmacist and health coach who believes the answer to better health is NOT found in a pill bottle but in WHAT we eat and HOW we choose to live our lives. Dr. Anh conducts weekly interviews with people who have healed themselves or their clients using food as medicine, including Dr. Terry Wahls, Abel James, and Ari Meisel. While the show focuses on food and nutrition, you'll also learn about supplements, exercise, mindset, and other alternative therapies that contribute to overall health and well-being.


  • The Truth About Gluten with Dr. Tom O'Bryan

    07/03/2016 Duração: 01h02min

    Welcome! My guest today is Dr. Tom O’Bryan, who is an internationally-recognized speaker and workshop leader about the health dangers of gluten. He is the founder of and a visionary behind the paradigm shift at The Gluten Summit: A Grain of Truth. In this summit, 29 leading experts on gluten diseases and disorders met to discuss the issues. Check our resources below to find out more about the summit. Dr. Tom is here to discuss the complications of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, and autoimmune disease. Join us for this informative conversation! Dr. Tom discusses the following: Dr. Tom became known as “The Gluten Expert” after he and his wife successfully beat infertility 36 years ago by following the advice of 7 holistic health experts. His fame spread as he was able to help friends and neighbors with health issues by following the same program and helping hundreds of couples beat infertility. EVERY couple that he worked with had food sensitivity issues, and they were “throwing g

  • Balancing Women's Hormones with Essential Oils and Keeping it Simple with Dr. Mariza Snyder

    29/02/2016 Duração: 46min

    Welcome! My guest today is Dr. Mariza Snyder, who is a five-time nutrition author. One of her books has been featured on the Dr. Oz show! She is also a public speaker and essential oils expert who has been featured on several national TV shows. She will share with us how women can balance their hormones with essential oils and other methods. Dr. Mariza shares the following: Mariza feels like she comes from a “lineage of hormone chaos.” Her grandmother, mother, and then she suffered from hormonal imbalance. Mariza always leads her clients (and herself) into natural solutions. Her problems led to her research on “hormone magic” to get the body working ideally and get energy back. Toxicity, poor diet, and a fast-paced lifestyle contribute to hormone imbalance for many women. Mariza shares her #1 tip for managing cortisol, the stress hormone: green smoothies! She shares her simple daily recipe and ways to add creativity. Essential oils are an essential part of Mariza’s daily routine! “Essential oils have no side

  • Candida: Risk Factors, Foods & Supplements

    22/02/2016 Duração: 56min

    Welcome! My guest today is Ricki Heller, who is an RHN, Ph. D., a holistic nutritionist, and special diet coach. She is also a whole foods chef and writer who shares sugar-free, gluten-free, and allergy-friendly recipes on her blog. Ricki is the author of two cookbooks and Living Candida Free. She is the associate editor of Simply Gluten Free magazine, and has written for various publications. Ricki uses her speaking engagements at live events, along with her other platforms, to teach people how to thrive on a Candida-free diet! Ricki shares the following about her story and her work: Ricki explains that Candida is a necessary organism in the human digestive tract, but causes problems when it grows out of control, feeding exclusively on SUGAR! Ricki is a self-described “case study” for Candida overgrowth, growing up with a sugar addiction that progressed to IBS, recurring yeast and sinus infections, and a regular dependence on antibiotic medications. Ricki cleaned up her diet, went to nutrition school, and f

  • Healthy Living for Baby Boomers with Debra Atkinson

    15/02/2016 Duração: 59min

    Welcome! Today’s guest is “America’s Boomer Babe” and a fellow Iowan. Debra Atkinson is passionate about helping boomers live healthy lives in their second 50 years. She speaks frequently about active aging and has completed several Ironman Triathlon events. She has created a Forever Fit and Fab After 50 Checklist. Let’s hear more from Debra! Debra shares the following about active aging: Debra grew up with NO ambition to be an advocate for health and fitness, but found a passion for instruction. Debra always felt “older” than she was, and understands issues that boomers face. Her mission is to smooth the transition to make big differences in lifestyle choices. There is some “unlearning” that some people need to do around the following: “Fat makes you fat.” It turns out that healthy fats are good for us. “A healthy diet doesn’t need supplements.” Most of us eat diets that are insufficient in certain vitamins and minerals. There are baby steps we can all take to try new things, like adding to our diets nuts

  • Healthy Family Meal Planning with Elaine De Santos

    09/02/2016 Duração: 27min

    Welcome! My guest today is Elaine De Santos, who struggled with health issues with her family until they took the steps to get healthy together. She is committed to helping families make the changes to get healthy. Elaine created an online meal planning tool with delicious, chef-created recipes that take 30 minutes or less to prepare. The ingredients are easy to find and recipes can be adjusted according to serving sizes. Her website can help you create shopping lists, too. Check out the Resource section below for more information! Elaine shares the following about her journey: Elaine’s family (husband and two young children) was full of health issues, including coughs, congestion, breathing issues, eczema, and migraines. Elaine’s wake-up call came one morning when intense pain prevented her from getting out of bed. The problem? Shingles! “There HAS to be a better way!” Elaine found a local MD who practiced integrative medicine and began listening to podcasts and radio shows for more information. Her husband

  • Everything You Need to Know to Go Dairy Free with Alisa Fleming

    01/02/2016 Duração: 44min

    Welcome! My guest today is Alisa Fleming, who is a great resource for people who want to go dairy-free. She’s here to share her knowledge and expertise. Join us! Alisa shares the following about her experience with dairy: Alisa was allergic to milk as an infant, but never knew it until adulthood. She spent her childhood and early adulthood being sick to the point of having an ER visit about once a week—all because of the allergy to milk protein! Alisa HAD to make the change to dairy-free in a time when not a lot of information was available She started a website about ten years ago to share helpful information with others. Common symptoms of milk allergy include digestive issues, acne, restless leg syndrome, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and narcolepsy. The proteins in different milks affect people differently. About 40% of people allergic to cow’s milk can tolerate goat’s milk! Great substitutes for milk include almond, cashew, and coconut milk. Coconut milk works great for cooking and baking. Alisa shares he

  • Women's Hormonal Health and Shedding Stubborn Weight with Naomi Judge

    25/01/2016 Duração: 51min

    Welcome! My guest today is Naomi Judge, who is a naturopath and clinical nutritionist. She is an expert in women’s hormonal health and weight loss from  Sydney, Australia. Naomi specializes in helping women with elevated estrogen levels and thyroid disorders. She has helped thousands regain their vitality and shed unwanted weight with her program, Breakthrough. She works with clients on a one-on-one basis and offers detox and diet plans. Let’s jump right in with Naomi! Naomi discusses the following about her work: Naomi has been seeing clients as a naturopath since 2007, when she began observing patterns in women’s weight issues. She decided that there must be more going on other than the less food/more exercise connection. The commonalities she noticed, and now focuses on with her clients, are hormones and food intolerance. Her Breakthrough program shoots down the old theory that eating less calories and exercising more will always yield weight loss. Naomi says focusing on the macronutrients in our diets is

  • Cancer Prevention Through Cleansing, Diet and Detox - FAM #062

    19/01/2016 Duração: 52min

    Welcome! My guest today is Dr. Heather Paulson, who went from marine biologist to naturopathic oncologist! In fact, she’s one of the few board certified naturopathic oncologists in the US. She obtained her degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Scottsdale, AZ. Heather did her residency work in Goshen, IN, and practices there at the Women’s Retreat Center. Let’s hear what Dr. Heather has to say! Our conversation covers the following: Heather was drawn into a love for marine biology by the magical sound of a humpback whale. In fact, she still spends her vacations face down in the water! As she worked in Canada, and then the redwood forests of CA, she became aware of the toxins and pollutants in the environment.  She made the connection between environmental toxins and the toxins that threaten the physical health of people, and knew she could impact more people for good health in the naturopathic field. Heather encourages her clients in cancer prevention using the acronym, “the GREAT life”:

  • Managing Auto-Immune Disorders through Neuro-Metabolic Integration - FAM #061

    11/01/2016 Duração: 52min

    Welcome! My guest today is Dr. Peter Kan, an experienced physician specializing in thyroid issues. He is a board-certified chiropractic neurologist who is certified in functional medicine. He has extensive training in the management of autoimmune disorders and has formulated a unique approach called “neuro-metabolic integration.” Dr. Kan was born in Taiwan and came to the US at the age of 13. He appreciates both Eastern and Western medicine and believes in the body’s God-given ability to heal and regulate itself. People come from all across the country to visit his practice in Gilbert, Arizona.  My conversation with Dr. Kan covers the following: He learned about the body’s holistic ability to heal itself when helping his father treat liver cancer with dietary changes and supplements. His practice is 90% complex Hashimoto’s cases and other thyroid symptoms of brain fog, depression, memory loss, and balance issues. “This is not my work; I am chosen to do this.” Dr. Kan explains “brain fog” as the feeling of ha

  • Hashimoto's, Post-Partum Thyroiditis, and Healing After Childbirth

    04/01/2016 Duração: 55min

    Welcome! My guest today is Jolene Brighten, who earned her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Natural Medicine. She also received her bachelor’s degree in Nutrition Science and completed the coursework in Molecular Nutrition from Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo. Jolene has had extensive training in integrative women’s health and autoimmune disease management and is a practicing Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner. Because she developed Hashimoto’s disease during her pregnancy, she has become a strong advocate for the Hashimoto’s community, with a special emphasis in fertility, pregnancy, and post-partum thyroiditis. She is the author of Healing Your Body Naturally After Childbirth: The New Mom’s Guide to Navigating the Fourth Trimester. She has a lot to say about these topics, so join us for more! Dr. Brighten talks about the following: Dr. Brighten was always a “sick kid” with digestive issues from age 7-17, which eventually led to her specialization in Hashimoto’s. She studied nutrition

  • Heart Disease, Smart Fats and Smart Carbs with Dr. Steven Masley

    28/12/2015 Duração: 47min

    Welcome! My guest today is Dr. Steven Masley, who is an accomplished physician, chef, and nutritionist. He is also the author of four cookbooks. I’ve been a big fan and follower of his for a long time and am excited to have him on the show! He has a new book coming out soon on the topic of healthy fats, so join us to hear more! Dr. Steven discusses the following : His new book is an outgrowth of the discussion about the REAL cause of heart disease, which is metabolic syndrome and pre-diabetes. His plan is based on clean protein, smart fat, fiber, and flavor! “Smart fats” include nuts (almonds, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, and macadamias), salmon, sardines, avocado, dark chocolate, and olive oil. He discusses the controversy about oils, their processing, and their uses. Regarding oils, you have to know your smoke point! Some oils are safe for cooking and some are NOT! Neutral oils are those with no proven benefits or harmful effects, like grapeseed oil and unclarified butter. The goal is 5 servings

  • Improving Libido Naturally with Dr. Keesha Ewers

    21/12/2015 Duração: 52min

    Welcome! My guest today is Dr. Keesha Ewers, who is the founder of the Functional Sexology Institute. Keesha is a psychotherapist and holds a PhD in Sexology. She uses functional medicine and the principles of Ayurvedic medicine to focus on women’s libido.  Keesha covers the following areas of this topic: Keesha suffered from rheumatoid arthritis but completely reversed those symptoms. She noticed that her own sexual libido was lacking, and saw the same thing in many clients. She used her master’s degree background in Ayurvedic medicine to address the issue of women’s libido. Since this is such a delicate subject, Keesha focuses on creating a safe environment for clients to share their “libido story.” Only 30% of medical providers ever ask patients about sexuality except in the context of STD’s and contraception. The beliefs we have as adults were wired in our childhood. These issues include body image, pressure to be perfect, and other events and behaviors. Some patients have resistance and some aren’t will

  • Emotional Detox and Scheduling Your Health

    14/12/2015 Duração: 38min

    Welcome! My guest today is Summer Bock, who is an expert in fermentation and gut rebuilding. I met Summer at a conference in CA last summer and I’ve been excited to have her on the show. Summer is here to share how she turned her life and health around and how she helps her clients every day. Summer covers the following topics in our conversation: Summer describes herself as an “unresourced” teen who turned to drugs, which took a huge toll in her health. Within the desire to change her life, she studied herbal medicine, did a cleanse, and experienced a moment of clarity and freedom from the anxiety that had dominated her life. “This feels wonderful! How can I feel like this ALL the time?” Despite her studies in herbal medicine, Summer grew sicker and sicker with food allergies, exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, hives, and anxiety. Her turning point was when she decided to rebuild her gut, using fermented foods and probiotics. Today, she has NO food allergies, even though her journey to health took about TEN years

  • Graves Disease, Hashimoto's and Hormone Imbalance with Magdalena Wszelaki

    07/12/2015 Duração: 42min

    Welcome! My guest today is Magdalena Wszelaki, who is a certified nutrition coach and an expert in hormone health. She creates beautiful recipes for healing yourself naturally using food as medicine, which is what this show is all about! Join us! Magdalena shares the following about hormone health: Magdalena’s personal journey includes struggling with hormones, Graves disease, dominance, and Candida. Healing starts with the gut! The first steps for Magdalena were to combat Candida, heavy metals, and parasites. Journaling is an important step in becoming your own health detective. Retraining the mind is part of the healing process. Cravings are the body’s way to tell us what it needs. The different cravings you experience are evidence of mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Magdalena’s favorite ways to approach hormone balance focuses on the three aspects of digestion, liver, and sugar levels. The health of your gut bacteria directly relates to estrogen levels. Onions, garlic, parsley, and cruciferous vegetables

  • The Key to Healing Thyroid and Metabolism Naturally with Heather and Damian Dube

    30/11/2015 Duração: 47min

    Welcome! Today’s guests are the husband and wife team of Heather and Damian Dube. Their background is in bodybuilding, and they are experts in hormone health and fat loss. I met them at a health conference in CA and knew I had to have them on the show! Heather and Damian cover the following topics: Heather and Damian met in a gym when Damian offered her training and nutrition advice on healing from ACL reconstruction surgery. Before long, they were married! They both worked in sales and marketing in Sacramento, CA, but their lives were very stressful. Heather experienced many symptoms of health issues, visited many doctors, but was not properly diagnosed until much later. Her fatigue became severe, and she saw no relief until she visited a natural health practitioner and started to make changes. Heather was later diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, autoimmune issues, pancreatic toxicity, and tested 50% positive for lupus. As a couple, they experienced severe economic and financial l

  • Eat Yourself Skinny with Dietitian Cassie

    23/11/2015 Duração: 45min

    Welcome! My guest today is a dietician whom I met at a conference last August. I’ve become a fan of Cassie Bjork and her “Eating to be Skinny” approach to health and nutrition. I’m excited to have her on the show today! Cassie describes her work as being a “dietician detective” in which she looks for evidence and symptoms in her clients, and then puts the puzzle pieces together. “We help you narrow down the suspects included in your personal crime scene that keep you from being skinny and living a healthy life.” Cassie shares the following about her life, her work, and her nutritional recommendations: Her own sugar addiction brought her to the lowest and unhealthiest point in her life, so she got off the blood sugar roller coaster and made some changes. America’s biggest nutritional problem is SUGAR ADDICTION! Forget the low-fat, low-calorie approach to trying to lose weight! Cassie identifies some key areas that are usually the missing puzzle pieces in nutrition: keeping inflammation down, managing stress,

  • Gut Health, Antibiotics and Swimming with Dr. Grace Liu

    16/11/2015 Duração: 01h12min

    Welcome! Today’s guest is Dr. Grace Liu, who is a pharmacist and functional medicine practitioner. She is the “Gut Goddess.” Her expertise is in pharmacy nutrition and optimal health, and her training includes plant biology, food science, nutritional science, pharmacy, and Crossfit Nutrition. She and I met at the PaleoFX 2015 conference in Austin, TX, and I’ve been excited to have her on the show. Join us! Grace obtained a nutritional science degree, then took some time off before going to pharmacy school. She worked in traditional medicine for 13 years. She became really sick and then discovered Paleo and CrossFit. It was when she lived in China in 2008 that she began focusing on gut health, and this focus is what led her to specialize her practice in all aspects of gut health. Grace shares the following about gut health: Gut health is important for many reasons, but one reason is that 80% of the immune system is in the gut. Operating without proper gut health is like operating with only half of your brain!

  • Sustainable Seafood: Health Benefits and Environmental Impacts with Randy Hartnell - FAM #052

    09/11/2015 Duração: 56min

    Welcome!  My guest today is former Alaska commercial fisherman and wild seafood advocate, Randy Hartnell, discusses the industrialization of our food supply and its deadly impact on our heath and well-being. His deep knowledge follows years of collaborating with and learning from leading holistic physicians, nutritional health researchers, and oceanographic experts. Learn how wild, sustainably harvested seafood can heal for chronic illness and environmental degradation. In this episode you will learn: The difference between labels of wild caught and sustainably farmed How preparation affects quality and why "flash" freezing is important Nutritional differences between wild an sustainable farmed Health benefits of wild caught salmon The healthy fats your body needs Misinformation of consumers with labeling Quality standards that Vital Choice enforces Randy has been so kind to give a special one time 10% discount to you!  You can go to and use Coupon Code FAMVC2015, good for one-time before 12

  • Healing Naturally for Life and Business

    02/11/2015 Duração: 46min

    Welcome!  My guest today is Ryan Lee, who is someone I’ve followed and respected for several years.  He is known online as someone who helps people build lifestyle entrepreneurship.  His background is in recreational therapy, fitness, exercise physiology, and personal training.  He started his internet business in 1999 and soon began teaching fitness trainers how to build their brand.  Ryan has since branched out into other areas as well.  He works from home and prioritizes spending time with his wife and four kids.  Ryan is here primarily to discuss how he healed himself of health challenges by bucking the traditional system of medicine.  Join us to learn more! Ryan discusses the following: Ryan knows how difficult it is to maintain a balance between work and other areas of life.  He prioritizes family time and creates an environment for success.  He recommends two books that have been instrumental in his life. Ryan’s symptoms included pain in his fingers and toes and extreme fatigue.  He saw a rheumatologi

  • Chronic Stress, Brain Imbalance, and Adrenal Fatigue - FAM #050

    26/10/2015 Duração: 53min

    Welcome!  Today’s guest is Dr. Sam Shay, who is an expert in adrenal fatigue.  He is here to share his expertise and practical tips about adrenal health.  Dr. Shay was born into a medical family in MA and is a third-generation doctor.  Western medicine, however, wasn’t working for his personal health struggles, so he pursued a more natural route to healing himself.   Sam’s health issues began at age 6, with the ugly divorce of his parents.  He experienced terrible insomnia, sugar addiction, video game addiction, and digestive problems.  He discovered the answer and has been passionate ever since about sharing his findings with others. Sam describes the characteristics of the typical patient he sees in his clinic and his treatment philosophy: Female, aged 35-50 Experiencing chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, depression, blood sugar issues, obesity around the belly, endometriosis, hormonal issues, and autoimmune issues In traditional medicine, these patients are treated with one protocol or another with

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