Dr. Carol Francis

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 200:07:00
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***Make Life Happen***Effectively tackle the issues and opportunities of your life by listening to professionals, authors, success stories and psychologists on a broad range of topics. What ever life is bringing to you now, we discuss in depth. Are you marrying, raising children, divorcing, seeking romance, groping for money? Perhaps you are stuck and feeling depressed, anxious, angry. Feeling overweight, needing to stop smoking or beginning to exercise. Or perhaps angles toward success is your drive: learning to attract money, lovers, or happiness. Interested in brain health, emotional highs, connection and love? Wondering about mind-body connections, spiritual practices and your personal human tribulations or paths? These topics about Making Your Life Happen will inspire and inform. Enjoy!! Contact me at any point for topics, questions, interviewee you wish to hear--drcarolfrancis.com--or 310-543-1824 or makelifehappennow@gmail.com--Love to hear from listeners. Carpe Diem!!


  • Akiane: Magical Paintings, Child Prodigy, Spiritual Wonders

    20/07/2012 Duração: 59min

    Dr. Carol Francis interviews Child Prodigy Artist Akiane Kramarik a modern artist interviewed by more journalists than most because her history, artwork and message exceeds the extra-ordinary.  Akiane Kramarik, age 18 as of this July 17, 2012 interview with Dr. Carol Francis, shares the wisdom of her years.  Since age 4, she has learned from her visions, transcendent experiences, and creative art expressions.  She has benefited from the uniqueness of a family who received her talents and messages with wonder and opportunity. She endures the controversies of those imposing dogmas or jealous criticism with a gracious understanding that each has a path to pursue and to understand.  She also wishes that viewer of her large canvas creations could feel the messages embedded in each acrylic stroke of her brush or every morsel of her dusty chalks.   Her interviews with Oprah, Paster Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral, Diane Sawyer, CNN etc, ranging from age 9 to the present, portray the graciousness of her spirit an

  • Artist Akiane Kramarik Paints Mysteries of Divine Presence

    17/07/2012 Duração: 01h01min

    This is an uneditted version of an interview which happened spontaneously with Akiane Kramarik and Dr. Carol Francis.  The editted version is available in several forms--on BlogTalkRadio.com/dr-carol-francis  or at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dr-carol-francis/2012/07/20/akiane-magical-paintings-child-prodigy-spiritual-wonders or on YouTube with beautiful paintings from Akiane at YouTube.com/drcarolfrancis,    Thanks for joining us.  This is an amazing interview and the editted version only omits those portions of the program not relevant to knowing more about Akiane.     Cheers  

  • Author Duane Law Food & Medication; Dr. Stockwell & Hypnosis

    16/07/2012 Duração: 02h11min

      Psychologist, Hypnotherapist and Life Coach Dr. Carol Francis brings to you 2 amazing professionals who will enable you to WIN at Life's business and personal dreams and overcome depression and anxiety with the power of FOODS.   Dr. Shelly Stockwell is about to release her next bestseller:  "WIN: Coaching Guide For Yourself and Others."  This is a must read.  Dr. Shelly Stockwell is internationally known for her books and amazing Hypnotherapeutic Tools and founder of International Hypnosis Federation.   Discover more at http://www.hypnosisfederation.com Duane Law, Author of "Before Meds/After Meds:  Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Anxiety & Depression" will transform your power to use food and nutrition as a freedom from depression and anxiety during this radio show interview with Dr. Carol Francis. Duane Law explains "Powerful, cheap, safe and effective mood-lifting nutrients are as close as the shelves of the nearest health food store. Pharmaceuticals like and Ativan mimic the action of 

  • Power Tools to Create Health, Wealth, Meaningfulness, Succes

    09/07/2012 Duração: 02h39min

        Psychologist Dr. Carol Francis interviews 17 dynamic authors today who offer practical and inspirational tools to increase your wealth, improve health, create opportunities and develop your ability to take advantage of all the improvements which will change your life significantly and efficiently. This amazing collection of best selling authors are professional publishers, lawyers, medical doctors, psychologists, successful business owners, financial advisors, fitness trainers, scientists, philosophers, and people full of vigor, inspirational experiences and amazing stories of over-coming traumas and disasters and becoming successful and fulfilled in life.  For a comprehensive list of authors, go to this link on Facebook:  CLICK HERE. You can read more about the authors and their books and topics at RelationshipSatisfactionNow.com. Authors include Patrick O'Donnell, Marilyn Gordon, Edie Summers, Yolanda Baker, Kimberly Willis, Jonathan Chase, Kimberly Willis, Chris Darroch Biggs, Dr. Rober Pennington,

  • Mind of a Leader Dr. Carol Francis with CEO Bill Boyajian,

    02/07/2012 Duração: 01h06min

    CEO Bill Boyajian interviewed by  Psychologist Dr. Carol Francis. Small business owners, growing companies with tiers of managers, entrepenuers, or project leaders need to understand Human Engineering principles in order to maximizes the productivity of their company, growth, and functionality of their team. How do company leaders become productive and effective?  What business practices sculpt an effective leader so a team can be a winning group?  What are the essential and proven traits of a leader?  How do those traits differ from a manager or an ineffective leader?   With over 40 years of leadership experience and an amazing reputation heralded by his former employees and staff, CEO Bill Boyajian has pragmatically answered these and other questions in his recently released book, "Developing The Mind Of A Leader." Bill Boyajian delineates the 6 C's of a leader's personality and character.  He tackles how to lead a team crippled with complications into functionality.  He explains how to hire the 10's and

  • Weight Loss Food Cravings and Hypnosis - Dr. Carol Francis

    28/06/2012 Duração: 32min

    Dr. Carol Francis treats us all to the first two sections of her second printing of "IF YOU CAN"T STOP EATING, MAYBE YOU'RE HUNGRY:  RESET YOUR CRAVINGS."   Dr. Carol Francis' book liberates everyone from looking at food as the enemy to weight loss or being skinny or even being healthy.  Instead, food is for enjoyment, social fun, tastiness and health.   Dr. Carol Francis, who is a hypnotherapist who has appeared on television, made CD's and practiced hypnosis for over 30 years, also takes you through a hypnotic session that is quick and best listened to with headphones as it is set for both parts of your brain's two hemispheres and auditory processing channels with all the right suggestions and emotional perks to help us all lose weight by eating GREAT FOOD!   Order Dr. Carol Francis' book, "IF YOU CAN"T STOP EATING, MAYBE YOU'RE HUNGRY:  RESET YOUR CRAVINGS." through Amazon.com, ibooks.com or lulu.com for your e-book reader, computer or paperback.  Or contact her at 310-543-1824 and at drcarolfancis.com o

  • Character Counts? Romney, School Bullies, Sandusky, Nissan

    25/06/2012 Duração: 54min

      Society is better served by honest and kind leaders. Obviously, within this last decade honesty and kindness are not wildly promoted in business models of "success."  Join Psychologist Dr. Carol Francis today. Author Ken Owen discusses this dilemma in his book "Branding Your Character." Ken Owen discusses this regression of our world wide loss of character.  In addition, during this program companies & public individuals are challenged for character flaws.  Romney's Bain Capital's moved jobs out of the US but practiced non-disclosure of those facts.  Obama may have assisted  Banks avoid paying back the citiizens of United States monies flandered, mis-appropriated and foreclosure frauds tolerated.  Also, Power Nissan (Hindry Blvd) lied to corporate headquarters, created falsified service notes, dangerously failed mechanical service then covered-up.  Sandusky raped children he coached.  Young children bully adult volunteers and teachers.  American Home Shield sends repair men who have no intentions of r

  • When a Child Dies - Parents' Pain and Recovery

    19/06/2012 Duração: 35min

    Dr. Carol Francis, Psychologist, explores parents' pain when a child dies on Dr. Carol Francis Talk Radio archived at BlogTalkRadio.com/dr-carol-francis.com .   Losing a child to an accident, illness, natural disaster, suicide or war is devastating.  Parents become riddled with grief and a deep unbelieveable sadness.  When a child dies, huge portions of a loving-parent's will to live dies too.  Deep, serious clinical depression accompanies such bereavement. Guilt and the "if only I had's" plague the daily tortured parental thoughts.  Being responsible for the daily care for young children conditions conscientious parents to remain feeling responsible for a child's life.  When a child dies, those feelings of responsibility continue as nagging self-doubts.   Nightmares and horrific imaginings about a child's painful death or tortures or evils suffered fill in the parent's gap of knowledge as well.   Years and years pass and still the sting of missing your child's anniversary events haunts parents.  "She woul

  • Mary O'Maley -Psychic Capacities, Spiritual Realms, Healings

    07/05/2012 Duração: 01h04min

    Mary O'Maley for over 30 years has been reluctantly providing individuals "psychic readings"  about their loved-ones, well-being, career paths, emotional needs and spiritual and physical well-being and healings.  This pithy hour interview with Mary O'Maley reveals more about this path and the insights gained from an intensive weekend she shared in Murrieta, CA.   Dr. Carol Francis can be reached at 310-543-1824 or through drcarolfrancis.com.  Mary O'Maley can be reached through HypnoHalls.com. Listen to the show for more contact information.  Psychological health and biological improvement coupled with spiritual expansion holds potential for many and yet what is that path like?  How does one listen, sense, process, validate the messages or insights gained from the ethereal or formless realities that many tap into with their "psychic" powers, mediumship/mediation or ESP?  How is remote viewing, astral projection, channeling, psychic readings a part of the expanded definition of what it means to be human?  How

  • Dr. Elisabeth Crim on Treatment for Body, Mind, & Emotions

    30/04/2012 Duração: 01h03min

    Dr. Elisabeth Crim is a deeply trained, experienced, dynamic, compassionate Psychologist in the Los Angeles South Bay Area.  Her work with trauma victims, children, families, couples and adult individuals embraces the personal perspectives and subjective experiences that each person brings into their world.  She assists individuals to live with vigor, peacefulness, and an integrated personal walk.  In addition, Dr. Elisabeth Crim is the CEO of Moonstone Center where she extends her mind-body work, trauma release, yoga practices and teachings and Intersubjective approaches toward healing-experiences for professionals, families, couples and individuals.   During this hour, you will be soothed, enlightened, guided and expanded to function with a more whole, calm, honest and settled experience of who you are and who you are evolving into as you progress.   Dr. Elisabeth Crim can be reached at  3424 W. Carson Street, Suite 580, Torrance, CA 90503 and 310-371-2800 and at MoonstoneCenter.com;  Dr. Carol Francis c

  • Sexual Abuse Exposed, Interview w/ Author Teresa Joyce

    16/04/2012 Duração: 01h00s

    Teresa Joyce, in her 50's and after her grandson was born, decides to expose the painful memories of her sexual abuse by her step-father when she was a child.  Why?  To help. To help those who have suffered sexual abuse and those who need to stop hurting others with sexual invasion of human dignity.  Teresa Joyce, from the United Kingdom, leds us to expose and dispose of the dreaded silence about sexual abuse within families so that more can be liberated to live the rest of their lives whole and loved.  Teresa Joyce' book "There's A Fine Line" has offered many the insight, self-love and freedom to move on from the curse of Sexual Abuse.  

  • Braco's Healing Gaze-Interviews With Those Who Attend Gazing

    13/04/2012 Duração: 01h15min

    Braco is a gazer.  This simply means that through his gaze, healings, insights, peacefulness, help and other positive results seem to imminate from his gazing out upon a silent group of people who are gazing back.  This does not make much sense to our active and proactive medical models and interactive societal approach to living.  Skeptics, criticizers and scoofers are quick to disbelieve the veracity of such experiences.  However, some of those skeptics have been healed from medical complications such as failing cardiovascular systems.  How do we explain what is occuring?  It is essential to be discerning--too many charlatans abound.  It is also essential to be inquisitive--too many opportunities that we do not yet understand may prove to be helpful for ourselves and others.   Dr. Carol Francis decided to interview as many at the Los Angeles Braco gazing as she could within 2.5 hours and over 30 people shared what they felt, experienced and gained from these moments.  Interesting, meaning healings occurred

  • Interview with Braco Gazing Attendees

    18/03/2012 Duração: 02h18min

    To be entered at a later time

  • Dr. Nancie Barwick Healed of Muscular Dystrophy -Dr. Francis

    12/03/2012 Duração: 30min

      Dr. Carol Francis presents an interview with Dr. Nancie Barwick who was severely disabled by muscular dystrophy. Dr. Nancie became unable to continue work in human services. She was told to not exercise. Even moving seemed to jeopardize her life. She gained huge amounts of weight and was confined to a wheel chair.  Then, suddenly and amazingly in 2003, Dr. Nancie Barwick experienced a complete recovery using a healing method discovered and developed by medical intuitive Patty Conklin. This method is called Cellular Cleansing. Dr. Carol Francis witnessed this mriaculous change in Dr. Nancie Barwick's body and health and wishes to bring listeners this opprtunity to consider yet again the power of mind-body healings. Dr. Carol Francis can be reached for comment or further inquiry at drcarolfrancis.com or 310-543-1824. Dr. Nancie Barwick is now a Clinical Hypnotherapist and is also certified to offer this method of healing, the Conklin Method of Cellular Cleansing and Healing Within Workshops. She can be rea

  • Katy Sullivan-Athlete Born Without Legs

    11/03/2012 Duração: 30min

    Katy Sullivan was born without legs.  Katy learned to walk on her knees.  Now prosthetics, she is a national competing runner in the 100 Meter run, at 17 seconds.Katy Sullivan in addition is an actress, singer, motivational speaker with her amazing paire of legs: metal legs from the top of the knees down.   "I am a bi-lateral-above-knee amputee" begins Katy Sullivan as she introduces her story on the Dr. Carol Francis Talk Radio Show:  Make Life Happen.  Her complete interview conducted at the IHF conference can be heard on BlogTalkRadio.com/dr-carol-francis.  On March 3, 2012, Katy Sullivan was the keynote luncheon speaker at International Hypnosis Federation's Conference called "Its All About You."  She is a radiant individual with a story about making the best of being born without legs below her knees. During this radio interview, Katy Sullivan reveals that many doctors, teachers and well-meaning individuals tried to discourage Katy from becoming an athlete among other feats. Katy Sullivan on this radio

  • Hypnosis, Past Life Regressions, Akashic Files, Wisdom

    07/03/2012 Duração: 54min

    Dr. Carol Francis interviews 3 unique individuals during this program.  First Thorance Tweten, Certified Hypnotherapist practices in Los Angeles, CA.  During this heartfelt interview, Thorance Tweten provides a hypnotherapeutic moment, discusses his work with women on self-trust, confidence and empowerment and explains "Soul Regression".  He can be reached at 424-229-9292 or taoofhypnosis.com.  Researcher Heather Rivera, R.N., Ph.D., J.D. is a researcher in the controversial field of Past Life Regression.  She is reachable at 714-580-8803 or www.pastlifesurvey.org.  Dr. Rivera's Ph.D. is in parapsychology.  She has applied statistical empirical research design to data about Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist.  Interested individuals can participate in the research study at the site above.  Barbara Schiffman is a contributing author to 2012, Creating Your Own Shift.  She read Akashic Records for clients and teachers others how to read their own Akashic Records.  She can be reached at akashicla@gmail.com 818-4

  • Hypnosis, Healing Arts, Meditation, Reiki, Mediumship, Angel

    04/03/2012 Duração: 02h28min

    So glad you tuned into hear these amazing individuals.  The sound quality of these interviews has been compromised but each interview will be sent to you over the next two week with the healers, teachers and soulful lessons presented to you one by one.  Tune-in again.  Thanks.  Any questions, call Dr. Carol Francis  310-543-1824.     Part II of interviews from presenters at the IHF Conference on March 5, 2012. International Hypnosis Federation presents "Its All About You" Conference with over 80 presenters who teach various forms of healing arts or alternative health care techniques. Hypnosis is also willing to explore the less precise and more experimental perspectives on life, spirituality, alternate imaginative processes. Dr. Carol Francis explores all of these aspects of this conference by interviewing individuals from all over the world and in various dimensions of healing arts.  More will be described about each interviewee when this show is archived.  In addition, the authors' books will be pictured o

  • Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, NLP, Meditation, Reiki,

    03/03/2012 Duração: 02h26min

    So glad you chose to join this program.  The audio on this interview series has been compromised and a quality sound replacement will be submitted for each of the amazing interviewees.  Please see other more recent radio programs with 2-3 interviewees from IHF included per program.  The interviews are fabulous.  Tune in within the next week to hear these teachers and healers.    International Hypnosis Federation presents "Its All About You" Conference with over 80 presenters who teach various forms healing arts or alternative health care techniques.  Topics include:  past life regression, shamanism, NLP, Meditation, Yoga, Reiki, Healing Touch, Trance Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Card Reading.  Hypnosis covers the range of empirical tests and authenticated in the realms of habit remedies, addictions, depression, PTSD, anxiety, phobias, being stuck, anger management and child anxiety and oppositional disorder.  Hypnosis also explores the less precise and more experimental perspectives on life, spirituality, mi

  • Power of Hypnosis with Dr. Shelley Stockwell

    26/01/2012 Duração: 01h19min

    Internationally famous hypnotherapist, Dr. Shelley Stockwell, joins Psychologist Dr. Carol Francis discussing the profound power individuals have through the art of hypnosis.  Dr. Shelley Stockwell, author of over 14 books (available on Amazon.com) challenges everyone to embrace their powers to change habits, capture health and beautiful weight, and catapult their lives into success.  Dr. Shelley Stockwell is also the founder of International Hypnosis Federation.  This March 1-4, International Hypnosis Federation is sponsoring their dynamic conference that has over 50 hypnotherapist teacher techniques that change lives in line with Body-Mind research.  This conference is fun, dynamic, interesting and life changing.  Do not hesitate to check it out at by reading their on-line newspaper at www.hypnosisfederation.com.  

  • Child Abuse and High Conflict Hurts Future Marriages

    18/01/2012 Duração: 30min

    Impact of Child Abuse and High Conflict or stress seen as a child impacts individuals ability to be intimate, attentive, loving and giving in romantic relationships as well.   During this show, you will be exposed to wonderful research that is reviewed on the Dr. Carol Francis's website:  RelationshipSuccessNow.com. Insights will help you relieve the damage and move forward in your loving relationships.  Set yourself free from the shadows of your childhood abuse, exposure to conflict and stress.   Dr. Carol Francis can be reached at drcarolfrancis.com or 310-543-1824.  

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