Gluten Free Rn



Gluten Free RN, Nadine Grzeskowiak RN BSN CEN, talks about every aspect of a gluten free lifestyle, diet, Paleo Lifestyle and all related issues.


  • Recommended Labs and Follow-up for Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance EP014

    10/03/2017 Duração: 34min

    Freeze your poop and mail it to Texas! In all seriousness, a stool analysis can offer vital information about your body’s absorption of fat and nutrients, and today the Gluten Free RN explains the significance of knowing your fecal fat score and other baseline labs that can offer clues about how gluten has adversely affected your health. Nadine outlines recommended labs for celiac disease and gluten intolerance, discussing how each test can inform the way you tweak your diet or add necessary supplements to your health care routine. She also reviews the importance of follow-up labs to track how you are healing and help you get better, faster! What’s Discussed:  The importance of standardization in celiac testing and follow-up labs Things to consider re: the results of a celiac panel 70% produce a false negative A positive test guarantees intestinal damage Lab to lab variability can be problematic Must include total IgA and IgG Interpretation can be problematic Ask for a hard copy of your results  Why a “glu

  • Getting Started on a Gluten-Free Diet EP013

    03/03/2017 Duração: 27min

    On this episode of the ‘Gluten Free RN,’ Nadine helps you get on the road to recovery with a gluten-free, casein-free diet. She walks you through what to expect and offers tactics that will support your success.  Nadine breaks down the steps you should take to make your home a gluten-free space and ensure your comfort and health when you are on the go. She also talks you through how to carefully select food that is not just gluten-free, but also nutrient dense.  Nadine explains the significance building a support system that includes a knowledgeable healthcare team and peers who’ve adopted a gluten-free lifestyle. Listen and learn how to get better, faster as you get started on a gluten-free diet!  What’s Discussed:  Why it is necessary to eliminate both gluten and casein Microvilli that break down sucrose and lactase are first destroyed, last to grow back The gluten and casein proteins are molecularly very similar The body reads casein as a threat and triggers the immune system  The particulars of taking

  • Neurological Disorders Associated with Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity EP012

    24/02/2017 Duração: 27min

    Nadine covers the neurological symptoms associated with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is primarily a neurological disorder, but the neurological symptoms are often misdiagnosed.  Nadine shares her own story as well as client anecdotes regarding the neurological issues faced by celiac patients and those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity. She outlines the common symptoms and discusses how to either slow their progression or eliminate them entirely. Nadine explains the way gluten affects your neurological system and how a Paleo lifestyle can help you heal. Listen and understand how to get your brain back!  What’s Discussed: How an immobile patient misdiagnosed with MS was able to walk again Inspired by Dr. Terry Wahls book, The Wahls Protocol, she adopted a Paleo diet Food can be medicine or poison Misdiagnoses given to people who actually suffered from gluten ataxia Parkinson’s ALS MS Psychosomatic disorder Why experts advocate for including an AGA in celiac testing It

  • Celiac Disease and How Gluten Affects Your Skin EP011

    17/02/2017 Duração: 29min

    On this episode of the ‘Gluten Free RN,’ Nadine explains how gluten affects your skin. If you have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, you may also suffer from dermatitis herpetiformis, a painful rash that is often misdiagnosed. Nadine shares her struggle with DH and offers advice about eliminating gluten from both your diet and personal care regime in order to heal your skin. The only treatment for this issue is a 100% gluten-free diet. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so listen and learn how to keep it looking and feeling good! What’s Discussed:  The definition of Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) Blistering, vesicular rash that is typically round Itchy, very painful and distracting Caused by IgA deposits under the skin May appear on hands, legs, back, armpits, buttocks, elbows, knees, scalp, torso and even eyes Not contagious The only treatment is a 100% gluten-free diet  Nadine’s struggle with DH Blisters, itchy and painful hands as a child Irritated by latex gloves as a nurse, hands devel

  • Celiac Disease and its Associated Autoimmune Disorders EP010

    10/02/2017 Duração: 29min

    This time on the ‘Gluten Free RN’ podcast, Nadine examines the many autoimmune disorders that are associated with celiac disease. Once you have acquired one autoimmune disease, your chances of developing another increase exponentially – Nadine had seven! Nadine shares how she was able to heal the inflammation in her intestines that caused those autoimmune disorders and go from a positive ANA panel to a negative one in just a year on a Paleo diet. Listen and understand which autoimmune diseases are linked to gluten intolerance and how to dodge those bullets by going gluten-free! What’s Discussed:  The chances of developing additional autoimmune disorders Once you have one autoimmune disease, your chances of developing another are 30% -50% greater Nadine’s ‘collection’ of autoimmune disorders Raynaud’s phenomenon is a circulation issue that gave her purple/white hands and feet Sjogren’s syndrome dried out her mucus membranes She suffered from arthritis and joint pain Alopecia caused her hair to thin and fall

  • Regain and Maintain Your Health with a Paleo Diet EP009

    03/02/2017 Duração: 36min

    This episode of the ‘Gluten Free RN’ podcast outlines the benefits of adopting a Paleo diet in order to regain and then maintain your health. Patients with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can get better, faster by choosing the Paleo option.  Nadine shares how changing her eating habits had an incredibly positive impact on her health as she went from feeling better on a gluten-free diet to feeling fantastic on her own variation of a Paleo diet.  Nadine gets specific about the foods you can and cannot eat and the incredible health benefits of going Paleo. Listen in and learn how to get back the health you deserve by focusing on good food!  What’s Discussed:  The foods to avoid on a Paleo diet The foods you can eat on a Paleo diet Nadine’s story The concept of food as medicine All disease starts in the gut Where to locate organic fruits and vegetables and meat with no antibiotics/no hormones The health benefits of a Paleo diet Clears up lingering gluten issues Helps achieve sustainable weight loss Affor

  • Intestinal Health and Antibiotic Resistant Threats EP008

    27/01/2017 Duração: 25min

    This time on the ‘Gluten Free RN’ podcast, Nadine explores the connection between gluten intolerance and antibiotic-resistant threats. Because damaged intestines compromise the immune system, undiagnosed celiac patients are more likely to develop infections that necessitate antibiotics.  Nadine summarizes the 2013 CDC report, Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, explaining the three microorganisms identified in the report with a Threat Level of Urgent. Listen and learn how to protect yourself and your family from the public health threat posed by these bacteria!  What’s Discussed:  The prevalence of undiagnosed celiac disease and gluten intolerance 30-50% of the population carry the HLA-DQ2 and/or DQ8 genes The importance of healthy intestinal tissue 70-90% of the immune system is in your intestines The soldier analogy Healthy villi are like rested soldiers with loaded weapons on a clear day who can easily take out antigens that don’t belong Damaged villi are like soldiers on a bender wit

  • Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance in the Elderly Population EP007

    20/01/2017 Duração: 27min

    In this episode of ‘Gluten Free RN,’ Nadine discusses potential signs of celiac disease and gluten intolerance in those 65 and older. Many go undiagnosed because their symptoms are dismissed as a normal part of aging. Nadine explains how nutritional deficiencies triggered by gluten intolerance can cause the elderly to acquire a list of diagnoses and medications that might not be necessary and do not address the underlying cause of degeneration. This episode outlines how health setbacks common in the older population (osteoporosis, GI issues, dementia and degenerative disease) may be symptoms of celiac disease that could be improved or even eliminated with a gluten-free diet. Listen and learn how to improve the quality of life for those 65 and up! What’s Discussed: The prevalence of celiac disease in the older population 30% of people diagnosed with celiac disease are over the age of 60 The elderly population has a prevalence of celiac disease 1-2% greater than the general population The recommended diet for

  • Signs and Symptoms of Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance in Children EP006

    13/01/2017 Duração: 32min

    In this episode of ‘Gluten Free RN,’ Nadine discusses common signs and symptoms of gluten intolerance in children as well as the importance of identifying celiac disease early to allow for the growth and development of body and brain. Nadine employs anecdotes about her own clients at the Gluten Free RN office to illustrate the myriad of ways that gluten can affect the health and development of undiagnosed kids. This episode explains the GI problems, developmental delays, autoimmune disorders and neurological issues that children with gluten intolerance face as long as they remain undiagnosed. Click and listen to recognize the warning signs! What’s Discussed:  The common dismissal of celiac symptoms in children The profound impact of gluten intolerance on fetal development and maternal health It typically takes 9-15 years for a person to be diagnosed correctly Signs and symptoms of celiac disease and gluten intolerance in children Failure to thrive Low birthweight Short stature, stunted growth and delayed

  • Symptoms of Undiagnosed Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance EP005

    06/01/2017 Duração: 30min

    This time on ‘Gluten Free RN,’ Nadine continues to cover the basics of celiac disease and gluten intolerance, reviewing the consequences of intestinal damage and gluten in the bloodstream and discussing what you can and cannot eat as part of a gluten-free diet. A registered nurse certified in emergency care and a celiac patient herself, Nadine is well-versed in the health complications and symptoms you might experience with undiagnosed celiac disease or gluten intolerance, including neurological disorders, dermatologic difficulties and even mental health issues. Join the Gluten Free RN on this podcast to learn the signs of undiagnosed celiac disease and gluten intolerance so that we can all be healthy and vital for years to come! What’s Discussed:  The definition of celiac disease and its chronic nature Diagnosis requires HLA-DQ2 and/or DQ8 genes and documented villous atrophy The importance of healthy intestinal tissue 70-90% of the immune system is in your intestines Grains to avoid that contain gluten

  • Intro to Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance - EP004

    30/12/2016 Duração: 33min

    This episode of ‘Gluten Free RN’ covers the basics of celiac disease and gluten intolerance – what those terms mean and what they might mean for you. Nadine explains which genes suggest a predisposition to gluten intolerance and what circumstances lead to a diagnosis of celiac disease proper.  Nadine talks you through what happens in your digestive tract that leads to gluten proteins attacking your organs and preventing your body from absorbing the nutrients it needs. She also outlines the foods and products you need to avoid to achieve ‘gluten-zero,’ as well as the foods you can enjoy as part of a gluten-free diet.  Listen in and learn where gluten is hiding and how to modify your diet to reverse the adverse effects of gluten! What’s Discussed:  The definition of celiac disease and its chronic nature 30-50% of the population carries the genes How a trigger event (i.e.: a cold, pregnancy, stress, an injury) initiates the autoimmune disorder Options for getting tested for the genetic predisposition The cl

  • Gluten and Your Urinary Health - EP003

    19/12/2016 Duração: 26min

    In this episode of ‘Gluten Free RN,’ Nadine discusses the urinary system and urinary issues associated with the ingestion of gluten, gluten intolerance and/or celiac disease. If you are experiencing health problems related to the urinary system, it is possible that eliminating gluten and dairy will eliminate the problem.  Nadine utilizes anecdotes from her own experience and those of her friend and colleague Wendy Cohan, author of The Better Bladder Book, to illustrate the connection between diet and urinary health.  This episode explains how your urinary system works and outlines the difficulties you may be experiencing. Click and listen to learn how changing your diet could alleviate your pain!   What’s Discussed:  The symptoms of interstitial cystitis (IC) The connection between gluten and IC After adopting a gluten-free diet, colleague Wendy Cohan no longer has IC Other urinary issues that may be caused by the ingestion of gluten Kidney and brain stones Repeat urinary tract infections Bed wetting The he

  • The Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet for Pets - EP002

    19/12/2016 Duração: 31min

    This week on ‘Gluten Free RN,’ Nadine explores gluten intolerance in pets. She looks at the health problems pets have experienced in increasing numbers in the last several decades and contends that a Paleo Diet is more appropriate for your furry friends than a diet that includes grains. Nadine also explains the risk of cross-contamination and the importance of removing all products containing gluten (including pet food) from your home if you have a sensitivity to it. Listen and learn the ways in which a gluten-free diet is more appropriate to your pet’s biology and get pet food brand recommendations from Nadine! What’s Discussed:  How Nadine discovered the benefits of a gluten-free diet for pet health As her gastrointestinal issues improved, so did Slugs’ Why grains are not appropriate for dogs and cats Historically, dogs and cats are omnivores by instinct A Paleo Diet including meat and plant matter will improve your pet’s health The diseases pets have developed over the last several decades Many of these

  • Food is Medicine - EP001

    12/12/2016 Duração: 37min

    In the premier episode of ‘Gluten Free RN’ Nadine tells us a bit about her journey in regaining her health and why it’s so important to understand that food is medicine to our bodies. If we think about food as medicine, we will make better food choices which will lead to much better health in both the short and long term.  Nadine also discusses the increasing rate of Celiac disease diagnosis and some factors that may be influencing this.  Listen in to learn why it’s so important to make good food choices and how making the right ones will help you maintain or even regain your health!   What’s Discussed:  Nadine’s background  Nurse for 25 years, 10 years as the Gluten Free RN At the time, Nadine didn’t know that gluten intolerance and Celiac disease were often big factors in her patients' health problems  Why Nadine considers herself to be a “Connectologist”  Nadine connects some dots that may not have been previously connected  Why Gluten sensitivity and/or Celiac disease is often common denominator in heal

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