Big Bad Wolf Bedtime Story



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  • Banned Russian Athletes Could Compete in Pyeonchang Games

    01/02/2018 Duração: 48min

    Russian athletes could compete at the Winter Olympics in South Korea after lifetime bans handed to them by the IOC were overturned by the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Also in the programme: UN special rapporteur to Myanmar says reports of mass graves in Rakhine state "bear the hallmarks of genocide"; and efforts to reform mental health care in Croatia. (Picture: Russian athlete Alexander Tretiakov won gold at the Sochi Winter Olympics but was later banned by the IOC. Credit: Getty Images)

  • Top Kosovo Serb Politician Shot Dead

    16/01/2018 Duração: 48min

    A prominent Kosovo Serb politician, Oliver Ivanovic, has been shot dead outside his party offices in the Serb-run north of Mitrovica in Kosovo. Also in the programme: Bangladesh and Myanmar have agreed a two-year plan for the return of Rohingya Muslim refugees; and an Australian father's instinct which helped to find his trapped son. Picture: Oliver Ivanovic casting his ballot during local elections in 2013. Credit: Getty Images

  • Putin Foe Barred from Election

    25/12/2017 Duração: 50min

    Opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, has been barred from standing against Vladimir Putin. Also on the programme: the Pope's Christmas message focuses on finding peace in the Holy Land, and this year's Newshour Christmas Quiz pits the best minds in international news against each other. (Photo: Alexei Navalny Credit: AFP)

  • Could US Return to Paris Deal on Climate Change?

    12/12/2017 Duração: 48min

    Bankers, businessmen and world leaders meet to discuss the financing of the climate change deal commitments made two years ago. French President, Emmanuel Macron has hinted that the US could return to the Paris Agreement. Also on the programme: the US soldier who defected to North Korea dies; and the secret behind the extinction of the Tasmanian tiger. (Photo: Around 50 senior ministers and prime ministers are attending the climate summit in Paris Credit:AFP/Getty Images)

  • Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI

    01/12/2017 Duração: 48min

    US President Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia. Also in the programme: Zimbabwe's new information minister and the latest on the football World Cup draw. (Photo: Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

  • N Korea Says New Missile Can Hit Entire US

    29/11/2017 Duração: 48min

    Another intercontinental ballistic missile test from North Korea: What options are there now to stop the country from becoming a full nuclear power? Also on the programme: President Trump has used his Twitter account to share several anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group; and a new study says people who remain single into old age are 40 per cent more likely to develop dementia. Photo: Pyongyang residents watch news on the successful launch of a ballistic missile. Credit: Getty Images)

  • Mnangagwa Sworn in as Zimbabwean President

    24/11/2017 Duração: 48min

    Zimbabwe's new president has used his inaugural speech to lay out his plans to rebuild the economy. He promised to create jobs, cut down on corruption, and welcome foreign investment. We hear from the jubilant crowds inside Harare's main stadium and the opposition stronghold criticising the new president for a brutal crackdown in the 1990s. And we discuss the international community's role in turning Zimbabwe's economy around. Also in the programme: Dozens killed in an attack on a mosque in Egypt; and the changing role of women in Saudi society. (Image: Emmerson Mnangagwa during his inauguration ceremony in Harare. Credit: EPA/STR)

  • Lebanon - the Battleground of the Middle East?

    09/11/2017 Duração: 48min

    As Saudi and Kuwaiti nationals are ordered to leave Lebanon, we examine the country's place among current conflicts in the Middle East; also, a former US ambassador to Beijing on President Trump's trip to China; and the island traded for Manhattan (Photo:aerial view of Beirut, Lebanon in 2013. Credit: Getty)

  • Iraqi Forces Enter Central Kirkuk

    16/10/2017 Duração: 49min

    Iraqi forces take over key buildings in Kirkuk three weeks after an independence referendum. Also on the programme: the fate of the American soldier who wandered away from his unit, was captured by the Taleban, and later swapped for foreign fighters by President Obama, pleads guilty to desertion; and the investigative journalist on the island of Malta, killed when her car blew up earlier today. (Photo: Iraqi children step on a Kurdish flag as forces advance towards the centre of Kirkuk. Credit: Getty)

  • Trump Decertifies Iran Nuclear Deal

    13/10/2017 Duração: 49min

    The US President says he is no longer prepared to sign a document saying Iran is complying with the nuclear deal it struck with the world's big powers. Donald Trump says Iran is not abiding with the spirit of the agreement. Also in the programme: Kenyan opposition candidate Raila Odinga explains why he is boycotting a re-run of the country's presidential elections; and why Russian schoolchildren do not learn about their revolutionary history. (Photo: President Trump announces he is decertifying the Iran nuclear deal. Credit: Reuters)

  • Hamas and Fatah reach Gaza deal

    12/10/2017 Duração: 48min

    The rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah have reached a deal over governing the Gaza strip after a decade-long rift. Also in the programme, the former EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton warns the US against imposing new conditions on the Iran nuclear deal. And new legislation in the Australian state of New South Wales aims to preserve and revive indigenous languages. (Photo: The Palestinian flag. Credit: AFP)

  • President Ghani: Nato Troops Can Leave Within Four Years

    05/10/2017 Duração: 48min

    We have an exclusive interview with president Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan about future of Nato troops and peace talks with the Taliban. Also on the programme: the British author Kazuo Ishiguro has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature and a report from northern Iraq where there has been further progress in the fight against the so called ISIS group. (Photo: Ashraf Ghani. Credit: Getty Images)

  • US to end 'Dreamer' migrants scheme

    05/09/2017 Duração: 48min

    DACA, a scheme introduced by President Obama to assist undocumented people who came to the US as children to become fully fledged US citizens, is to be scrapped by the Trump administration. We hear from a recipient of the scheme. Also on the programme, following the victory of President Assad's forces in the siege of Deir al-Zour how long can the forces of the so-called Islamic State now last in Syria? And we ask: what is actually driving Kim Jong-un of North Korea? (Picture: Immigration activists rally in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program during a protest in Grand Army Plaza in Manhattan. Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

  • US Urges 'Strongest Possible Measures' Against North Korea

    04/09/2017 Duração: 48min

    Kim Jong-un is "begging for war," the American ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has told the UN Security Council. The United States is pushing for further sanctions in response to North Korea's most powerful nuclear test. So what role should China play in the search for a diplomatic solution? Also in the programme: Colombia's second largest rebel group agrees its first ever bilateral ceasefire with the government; and the camera that can see through the human body. (Photo: United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley (R) speaks with Britain's Ambassador to the United Nations, Matthew Rycroft. Credit: Kena Betancur/AFP/Getty Images)

  • Israel Removes Security Measures at Jerusalem Holy Site

    27/07/2017 Duração: 48min

    Muslim leaders have lifted a boycott of Islam's third holiest site in East Jerusalem after the last remnants of Israel's recently installed security apparatus were taken away. Also in the programme: the leader of Japan's main opposition party announces her resignation after only a year in the job, and is it really necessary to complete a course of antibiotics? Photo: Palestinian Muslim protesters pray outside the al-Aqsa mosque. Credit: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images.

  • Berlin-Ankara Rift Deepens

    20/07/2017 Duração: 48min

    In a deepening rift, Turkey has told Germany that their relations cannot be based on blackmail and threats. The Turkish foreign ministry accused the German foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, of having a one-sided and distorted approach to their relations. Mr Gabriel earlier announced measures against Turkey in an escalating row over recent arrests of German nationals by the Turkish authorities. And later in the programme: OJ Simpson - the disgraced former American footballer and actor - gets parole. And an assessment of US President Donald Trump's first six months in office. (Photo: Visitors at a Turkish stand at the International Tourism Trade Fair in Berlin. Credit: STEFFI LOOS/AFP/Getty Images)

  • New Report on German Choir School Abuse

    18/07/2017 Duração: 49min

    A report into a world-famous Catholic choir school in Southern Germany has found that more than 500 pupils were subject to physical or sexual abuse over a period of nearly 50 years. We hear from Alexander Probst who was a pupil at the choir school and was one of the first people to speak publicly about the abuse there. Also on the programme: Is Obamacare here to stay? or go? And the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex is no longer the fast runner it was thought to be. (Photo: Picture of the logo of the Regensburger Domspatzen boy's choir at a building of the choir's secondary school in Regensburg, southern Germany. Credit: ARMIN WEIGEL/AFP/Getty Images)

  • Trump Goes to Paris

    13/07/2017 Duração: 48min

    US President is in France for a 2-day visit but do he and Macron have anything in common? Also in the programme: the ethics of the case of baby Charlie Gard and the gamblers who practise "edge-sorting" (Picture: US President Donald Trump waves as he disembarks form Air Force One with First Lady Melania Trump. Credit: AFP/Getty Images)

  • Turkey Protest March

    09/07/2017 Duração: 49min

    Huge crowds have joined a 450 kilometre anti-government march from Ankara to Istanbul. It has been organised by the opposition CHP party and was prompted by the imprisonment of one of their MPs. Also in the programme: A ceasefire in south-western Syria, and Russia's Bolshoi theatre cancels a ballet about Rudolf Nureyev. (Photo: Turkish protest march, July 8, Credit: Getty Images)

  • Top US Court Partially Unblocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban

    26/06/2017 Duração: 48min

    US President Donald Trump has called a Supreme Court ruling allowing his travel ban to be partly reinstated a "victory for our national security". The Justices said they would consider in October whether the president's policy should be upheld or struck down. Also in the programme: leading members of the Jewish community are angry over the stalled plans for a mixed-gender prayer area at the Western Wall, and Salvador Dali is to be exhumed for a paternity test. Picture: People protest President Trump's original travel ban. Credit: Zach Gibson/Getty Images

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