Dds Unscripted



Team members of Dynamic Defense Solutions discuss their opinions, experiences, and findings related to firearms, equipment, and gear. Jacob Stephen and Kaden are dedicated to providing interesting and educational information pertaining to the modern firearms industry.


  • "Modern Minuteman Layout Part 1" (MPR / Multi-Purpose Rifle)

    21/09/2022 Duração: 02h51min

    The "modern day minuteman" needs a "modern day musket" and today with the current technology that means much more than a rifle. Between rifle varients, optics, lights, lasers, and more there is a lot to unpack and look at when it comes to a modern fighting platform. In this first part to a multi-part series on modern minuteman equipment essentials, Jacob and Stephen break down the MPR (Multi-Purpose Rifle).  

  • "Movement Formations"

    14/09/2022 Duração: 01h34min

    Being able to move effectively as a cohesive unit without compromising the unit position, strategy, and integrity is vital for overal success and survival. In this episode, Stephen and Jacob break down movement formations and some movement basics. These fundamentals will help with overall manuvering success for aspiring teams as well as established units.  Educational Resources: METT-TC Formations  

  • "Practical Medical Preparedness"

    17/08/2022 Duração: 02h04min

    Being physically and mentally willing and able to respond to medical emergencies is an essential aspect of being a modern day "minuteman". Having a "responder mindset" is key to deciding if you should make the sacrifice to come to someones aid, but what are some practical measures you can take to better be prepared? In this episode, founders of Dynamic Defense Solutions Jacob and Stephen sit down with Joshua Rosenquist who is a Paramedic / Firefighter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to discuss ways you has a prepared individual can be ready to help yourself and others in need. Educational Rescources: CPR / AED Video Pre-Hospital / First Responder Skills (DDS Playlist) Training: Trauma Response Training (Discount Code: MINUTEMAN)

  • "Observation Post"

    13/07/2022 Duração: 01h40min

    Observation posts are vital to situational awarness and are an important aspect of unit/group overall capabilities and effectivness. As a modern day Minuteman understanding the how and why behind the observation post is crtitical to not only overall intelligence but early warning capabilities. Jacob and Stephen break down and explain the basics of observation posts and detail the various planning specifics necessary for success.  

  • "After Actions Review" (Zeke Johnston)

    29/06/2022 Duração: 02h16min

    After Actions Reviews are used to recall, process, and de-brief a situation that happened, why it happened, and if it could've been handled better/differently. This process can enable better understanding overall, can help those who experienced the situation, and can help others who may find themselves in similar situations in the furture. On the "Minutemen Initiative" we use the After Actions Review to allow somone to share a life experience that others could learn from. In this "After Actions Review" episode we get the opportunity to hear Zeke Johnston of Patriot Bladesmithing and Ironworks recall and break down a life-altering experience where he was forced to defend himself and his family from violent and threatening individuals. There is a lot of value in listening to the experiences of others and the wisdom they gained from it.   

  • "Political Hearts & Minds"

    22/06/2022 Duração: 02h33min

    In the wake of recent school shootings the division and polarization on what to do with guns has only expanded and become worse. Jacob and Stephen sit down with Michael Modrell of Soldotna Ammo Supply to discuss the importance of civil discourse and enaging in productive conversations within your community.  Instead of furthering the divide by bullying, name calling, and complaining within your own echo chamber we belive it is important to talk with people who have different views and ideas. The willingness to actually discuss issues and problems with fellow Americans has been lost and we need to all work to get it back.

  • "Lessons Learned from Afghanistan"

    15/06/2022 Duração: 01h56min

    As modern day "Minutemen" there is a lot to be learned for recent conflicts and the experiences of those who were in them. Our country enaged in 20 plus year conflict in Afghanistan making it the longest confilct in US history. There were many negative and terrbile outcomes due to the Global War on Terror, but there were also many positive and helpful outcomes. Gear and technology improvement, medical technologies and technique advances, logistical impovements, modern tactics and warfare methods, and a saturation of personal combat experiences.  Dynamic Defense Solutions Co-Founder Stephen sits down with Dynamic Defense Solutions CEO Jacob, and Pridwen Tactics Co-Owner Andrew to discuss their time in Afghansitan together, what they learned, and how it can be applied to individual preparedness.

  • "EDC Part 2" (Training)

    08/06/2022 Duração: 01h43min

    An important part of Everyday Carry is training regularly and intentionally. Carrying a gun is a major responsibility and with that comes the necessity to be as proficient as possible. Co-founders of Dynamic Defense Solutions Stephen and Jacob sit down with Andrew Register of Pridwen Tactics to discuss the importance of intentional training and review some tips on how to train efficiently.  This is part 2 of a multipart series on EDC (Everyday Carry) check out part 1 here: "EDC Part 1" (Handgun) Training Aids and Info: Training Targets  Pridwen Tactics Blog DDS Blog

  • "School Shootings & Proactive Solutions"

    03/06/2022 Duração: 02h08min

    In the wake of recent mass-murders in schools we find ourselves in a world that is confused, divided, and unsure about what the best solutions may be. The reality is that we are in a world where these acts of violence are becoming more common. It is time to start being more proactive as a society in protecting our children and other innocent people.  Co-founders of Dynamic Defense Solutions Jacob and Stephen sit down with Andrew of Pridwen Tactics to discuss proactive and realistic solutions to not only prepare for and respond to these terrible events but hopefully prevent them as well. 

  • EDC Part 1 (Handgun)

    25/05/2022 Duração: 02h16min

    EDC (Everyday Carry) is a concept most are familiar with, its the practice of carrying essentials on your person daily. Many people start paying closer attention to their EDC after making the decision to carry a handgun. In this episode, Stephen and Jacob discuss the basics of daily carrying a handgun and break down some important considerations involved in the decision to do so. Read more on this topic in a blog post we wrote for Adapt or Die. Other resources: USCCA Carry Reciprocity Map Gear: Holsters Belts Weapon Upgrades  Medical

  • "Patrolling Part 2" (Basics)

    18/05/2022 Duração: 01h48min

    Continuing the topic of patrolling Jacob and Stephen break down some specifcs within patrolling. Gear considerations, patrol bases, movment and other tactics are outlined and discussed in this second part of a multipart series on patrolling basics and tactics.  

  • "Patrolling Basics" (Part 1)

    11/05/2022 Duração: 02h20min

    Patrolling is a pivotal part of maintaining area security and control. It is also a proactive way to defend your community and deny access from enemy elements or dangerous groups. Understanding patrolling basics and fundamentals is a key part of preperation and unit / team effectiveness. In this episode, Stephen and Jacob break down the 5 principles of patrolling and outline some basics that can help to better understand patrolling fundamentals. This episode is part 1 of a multipart series on Patrolling basics and Patrolling tactics. 

  • "Responder Mindset"

    04/05/2022 Duração: 01h45min

    Being willing and able to respond with medical aid is a pivotal part of readiness and personal responsibility. DDS founders, Jacob and Stephen sit down with DDS Training Coordinator and Instructor, Josh to discuss the mindset behind first aid and being a responder as well as some basic tips and skills you can use This epsiode is meant to be a launching pad for future medical and first aid realted episodes. Educational Resources:  DDS YouTube (Pre-Hospital Skills) CoTCCC YouTube PrepMedic YouTube SkinnyMedic YouTube Quality Medical Products: DDS Medical Gear Training: DDS Trauma Response Training North American Rescue   

  • "What Makes a Good Knife"

    27/04/2022 Duração: 03h14min

    Having a high quality knife can be an invaluable asset. In this episode Jacob and Stephen sit down with Zeke Johnston of Patriot Bladesmithing and Ironworks to discuss what makes a good knife and what to consider when investing in one.  Get in touch with Zeke: Contact YouTube Instagram FaceBook

  • "Introduction to Radio"

    20/04/2022 Duração: 02h53min

    In todays world, between civil unrest, pandemics, and conflicts, individual preparedness and indpendence from infrastructure and logistical networks has become more apparent and necessary. One of the best ways to work towards that independence is learning radios.  In todays episode Jacob and Stephen sit down with Andrew who is the DDS Team radio tech to introduce radios and some radio basics. This episode is meant to be a starting point for learning basic radio information, and is the first of many episodes covering the topic of radios.

  • "Political Warfare"

    13/04/2022 Duração: 02h14min

    We here and Dynamic Defense Solutions believe that being involved in politics is not only a personal responsibility as a citizen, but an obligation as an individual.  Jacob and Stephen break down some political current events and rights that are under fire as well as insist on the importance of being involved in local and federal politics.  Below are links to trustworthy organizations we encourage you to visit:  Firearms Policy Coalition Gun Owners of America  Sources for understanding how the Legislative system works: Branches of Government Legislative Process Find your Legislators  TrexArms Video (referenced in episode): "How to Pass Pro-2A Legislation"

  • "Reconnaissance Basics" (Part 2)

    06/04/2022 Duração: 02h14min

    Continuing on the discussion of reconnaissance basics, Stephen and Jacob break down gear and packing list considerations focussed around reconnoitering. In this second epsiode of a multi-part series covering recconaissance, the DDS Team provides a general overview and talks about how this specific mission can apply to the prepared citizen and the modern day "minuteman". To listen to Part 1 see the links below. Spotify:   Apple Podcasts: Podast Webpage:

  • "Reconnaissance Basics" (Part 1)

    30/03/2022 Duração: 02h18min

    In this episode, Stephen and Jacob introduce the reconnaissance mission and break down its summary. Stephen spent several years working in a scout reconnaisance platoon while serving in the US Army and brings vast experience and knowledge to this discussion.  In this first epsiode of a multi-part series covering recconaissance, the DDS Team provide a general overview and talk about how this specific mission can apply to the prepared citizen and the modern day "minuteman".

  • "Reinforcing Responsibility"

    23/03/2022 Duração: 02h33min

    The founders of Dynamic Defense Solutions Jacob and Stephen sit down to discuss what they belive are the core focuses of becoming a modern day "minuteman". Reinforcing your own responsibilty through the intential practice of coordination, fighting, protecting, communicating, response, navigation, survival, and faith is a great stepping stone and foundation to build from. These are also the core topics and fields that DDS bases its educational content and training support on in an effort to reinforce responsibility.  

  • "From Unscripted to Initiative"

    16/03/2022 Duração: 01h59min

    After a long hiatis from the company podcast, founders of Dynamic Defense Solutions Jacob and Stephen sit down for a fresh start to the newly branded company podcast.  Formally known as "DDS Unscripted" the new direction and purpose of the new podcast is discused and explained in this first episode of the "Minutemen Initiative".  Jacob and Stephen line out the new trajectory and influence of the newly branded podcast and also reintroduce themselves. Excited for the new purpose and direction, Jacob and Stephen launch into a new and refreshed rea of the Dynamic Defense Solutions podcast.

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