Fg Students (hs)



Audio messages from the high school student ministry of Fellowship Greenville in Greenville, SC


  • Relationship Goals: Wk. 4

    02/02/2021 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky continues our series “Relationship Goals” where we’ll talk about friendships, dating, and marriage. Matt talks about dating again this week and talks through 4 categories: How do I find “the One?” , Over Prayed / Never Prayed, How far is too far?, and singleness. Matt uses scriptures from Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and 1 Corinthians to bring us back to what God’s word says regarding these topics.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Relationship Goals: Wk.3

    25/01/2021 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky continues our series “Relationship Goals” where we’ll talk about friendships, dating, and marriage. Matt talks about dating this week and how culture blinds us to the good that God has made within relationships. Matt talks through categories of dating that culture creates for us, and how we can change those to categories to ones that are more God honoring. Matt goes through certain verses in Songs of Solomon that relate to chemistry, communication, compatibility, and boundaries.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Relationship Goals: Wk.2

    20/01/2021 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky continues our series “Relationship Goals” where we’ll talk about friendships, dating, and marriage. Matt talks about friendships this week, and what it means to be a godly friend. He talks about seeking belonging and problems with only connecting online, and also talks through 4 aspects of a godly friendship: being constant, aware, honest, and gives counsel.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Relationship Goals: Wk.1

    13/01/2021 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky opens up our new series “Relationship Goals” where we’ll talk about friendships, dating, and marriage. Matt talks about not comparing our relationships to others, but deciding to let the Word of God be the standard for our relationships. We look at Genesis 2 and how God gives Adam a purpose and identity before introducing him to Eve. Matt talks about how if God is not enough for us, no one else will be. Others are put in our life to complement us, not complete us.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • My Story Fall 2020: Jess Weinberg

    16/12/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Jess Weinberg shares her story about God bringing her healing and a restored soul. She talks about anxiety, depression, struggling with self harm, and how God helped her navigate those darker times by bringing other people into her life and bringing her to His word. She talks about Matthew 9:1-8 and the story of the paralytic man and his friends bringing him to Jesus. Jess talks about how God kept showing up in her life and providing everything she needed.Speaker: Jess Weinberg

  • Standalone Sermons: United Night Dec. 6

    14/12/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky talks about the best gift ever, the gift of Jesus, at Christmas United Night! He talks about John 3:16, and how Jesus came to save us. Because of Jesus coming, we don’t have to earn His love. He will never leave us and He is still with us through the Spirit!Speaker: Matt Densky

  • My Story Fall 2020: Sophie Pott

    24/11/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Sophie Pott shares her story about anxiety in an interview style with Matt Densky. Sophie talks about growing up in a Christian home and becoming aware of her need for Jesus in high school. She connects anxiety with her journey in freedom from the addiction of pornography and how she talked with her parents and dug into God’s word in that time. Sophie talks through being trapped in shame and verses that she’s clung to in the midst of anxiety, giving us hope and encouragement!Speaker: Sophie Pott

  • My Story Fall 2020: Christina Holladay

    18/11/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Christina Holladay shares about how God has used different circumstances to reveal purpose for her life. She talks about her trip to the Dominican Republic and God speaking to her about healing a boy’s legs! Christina also talked about God showing up and how she knew He existed and had given her life purpose. Matt comes in at the end of Christina’s story to talk through some questions for Christina to answer & continue explaining God’s work in her life.Speaker: Christina Holladay

  • My Story Fall 2020: Drew Reynolds

    05/11/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Drew Reynolds opened up our new series, “My Story,” by telling his own story about what God has done in his life. He talked about cleanliness and how that is the major theme of his story! Drew talks about how he dealt with anger and impure thoughts, and how he was living a double life as he was dead and unclean on the inside, but putting on a nice Christian act on the outside. Drew encourages us to search our hearts and ask Jesus to cleanse us.Speaker: Drew Reynolds

  • Splinters of Doubt: Wk. 6

    29/10/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Jim Thompson finishes up our series, “Splinters of Doubt,” and talks about the problem of evil in our world. He talks about 6 unhelpful answers to give people when asking about why bad things happen in our world, and then gives 3 responses we SHOULD have when talking about the problem of evil. Jim encourages us to think about how we don’t have an answer that solves the problem of evil, but we do have a relationship… a relationship with Jesus who defeated evil and brings us peace.Speaker: Jim Thompson

  • Splinters of Doubt: Wk. 5

    20/10/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky continues our series, “Splinters of Doubt,” and talks about the current of culture and how we can easily be swept away by things of our culture if we aren’t firmly planted in our faith. We look at Daniel 1:1-8 and how the culture and the king wanted to change Daniel and his friends. Matt talked about how we can maintain our faith in Jesus and still be in the world, but not of the world. He talked about how we can follow Daniel’s lead in being anchored in the Word of God, anchored in God’s presence, and anchored to God’s people.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Splinters of Doubt: Wk. 4

    14/10/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky continues our series, “Splinters of Doubt,” and talks about conditional faith and disappointments when Jesus isn’t who we expected. Matt challenges us to think about if our faith in Jesus depends on our conditions we’ve placed on him. We look at Luke 24:13-35 when the two men are on the road to Emmaus and have a conditional faith for who they thought Jesus should have been. They were sad and disappointed, and Matt reminds us that we will never truly see Jesus if we’re only looking through the lens of our conditions.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Splinters of Doubt: Wk. 3

    07/10/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky continues our series, “Splinters of Doubt,” and talks about personal pain and doubts that can stem from that. We look at Matthew 11:1-6 where John the Baptist is in prison, and the personal pain he experiences that brings doubt about Jesus. He struggles to believe God is still who he thought he was, and we can go down this path in our minds, too, throughout painful circumstances. Matt reminds us that Jesus loves the doubter, He invites questions, and He provides answers.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Standalone Sermons: United Night - Encouragement from Ephesians:

    30/09/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Dallas Greenaway teaches a message on encouragement from Ephesians for our United Night with middle school and high school. He walks us through Ephesians 1:3-14 and the encouragement we receive as Christ followers from this passage. Dallas gives us three takeaways from this passage: that “thank you” can sometimes be the best prayer we can pray, daily spending time with God and walking worthy of the gifts that you’ve been given.Speaker: Dallas Greenaway

  • Splinters of Doubt: Wk 2

    23/09/2020 Duração: 45min

    This week, Matt Densky continues our new series, “Splinters of Doubt,” and talks about self doubting. We look at Matthew 3:13- 4:11 and how Jesus is tempted - physically, emotionally and spiritually, just like we are. Matt talks about how doubting ourselves can lead to doubting God, a dangerous slope to go down. But we can remember who God says we are and who God says He is.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Epic 2020: Session 1

    22/09/2020 Duração: 45min

    In session 1 of EPIC, Matt Densky talks about the Origin of Power - the power of the Holy Spirit. We look at Acts 2:1-5 and verse 8, and how we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us. Jesus gives us power through his spirit in us to accomplish the works of God and proclaim the words of God.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Epic 2020: Session 2

    22/09/2020 Duração: 45min

    In session 2 of EPIC, Dallas Greenaway talks about the Origin of the Heroes. We look at Acts 4:1-8 and how the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to believe in Jesus and then gives us the strength to live the life He’s called us to live. Dallas encourages us to make space for the Holy Spirit to work, just like the heroes in Acts did. Speaker: Dallas Greenaway

  • Epic 2020: Session 3

    22/09/2020 Duração: 45min

    In session 3 of EPIC, Matt Densky talks about the Origin of the Villain. We look at Acts 7-8 and the story of Saul. Matt talks about how God’s plan has always prevailed, even when people have tried to stop what God was doing. He also talks about how control and comfort can become idols that distract us from what the Lord is doing - the same way control became an idol for Saul as he tried to stop people from talking about Jesus. Matt challenges us to set these idols aside and pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is doing in us.Speaker: Matt Densky

  • Epic 2020: Session 4

    22/09/2020 Duração: 45min

    In session 4 of EPIC, Dallas Greenaway talks about the Origin of the Mission. We look at Acts 9:1-6 and how God is in the business of saving even the hardest of hearts, even Saul’s. God has a plan for Saul, taking him from the villain of the story to growing the Kingdom. Dallas talks about how God uses places, people, and passions in our lives to send us on mission and grow the Kingdom through our lives!Speaker: Dallas Greenaway

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