More With Moreira: The Business Podcast



Maybe youre a Property Manager, still wondering what the hell youre doing in the game, this thankless existence, there has to be more right? Maybe you own the business, what started as a great venture, has sucked the life from you, and what started as promising, has turned into resentment. Maybe youre a contractor or supplier, providing services to the block management sector, like everyone else, you want more leads, more clients and more money? Or work in another sector. Sound about right? I figured if your reading this, well youre an action taker and someone who realises there is more, and youre looking for the answer. Well, welcome to my podcast! My mission (damn thats so corporate rite) goal (sounds boring) you know what I mean, is to help. Thats right, no big guarantees, but one lesson I learnt amongst many over the years, is to invest in myself. Reading books, watching videos, listening to podcasts, attending workshops and so on. I am always learning and want to help you do that TOO! I want to share my experiences and for some of you, that will help you in your journey, you will be able to relate, maybe I have done something that you're trying to do, or at the very least you might find it interesting.  The point is that were in it together on this journey, and finding ways to help each other is a simple WIN WIN. Whatever your goals in this game, never stop learning, never stop absorbing content, and never stop listening! ENJOY!


  • Why Your Friends & Family Won't Support You

    11/05/2019 Duração: 20min

    ‘We’ve all experienced and felt it, the massive high of starting our own business or getting an exciting job and we want to share that, but others, they just don’t seem that supportive’ In this episode, Desmond explores the reasons your family and close friends may not be supportive when you embark on a new venture. He offers practical steps that you can implement to proactively engage the support of your inner circle and move forward successfully.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Why are people are not supportive? You usually have an expectation that those close to you will be supportive but there are lots of reasons why family and close friends may not be. You may have over time started multiple businesses and others may find it challenging to keep up with you. If you are providing a service or product it may be that they do not have the money to purchase your goods or the resources to pay for and experience the services you are offering. If they don’t need or want your product it’s difficult for them to purchase just

  • Employee Attitude!

    30/04/2019 Duração: 20min

    As An Employee, Can We Do More? In this episode, Desmond discusses the role of employer and employee, asking a fascinating hypothetical question that may resonate with you: Is it fair to expect your employment contract to be honoured to the letter, when sometimes, as employees, we often work to our minimum capabilities? Desmond asks the tough question: if we are not living up to the employment contract we signed, then do we deserve to be paid? KEY TAKEAWAYS Sometimes employees do not go above and beyond, due to the fact they are not happy in their current role, or they lack motivation. Sometimes personal reasons prevent us from giving our all. All employees seem to desire more money and a prestigious and fulfilling career path, but so few are willing to alter their attitude towards their employment, seeing it a hurdle they must overcome each day. In most workplaces, there is a pool of employees who do not stand out, and who are willing to work only to a basic standard. Therefore, opportunities to stand out

  • Des Talks to Baiju Solanki

    27/04/2019 Duração: 46min

    ‘At the start of my journey, I thought it was a million steps, when I got to half a million I realised it was a billion steps to get to where I need to be’ Desmond is talking to Baiju Solanki author of ‘Change Your Game’ number one bestselling book on Amazon. Baiju is an award-winning entrepreneur, psychologist, speaker, coach and trainer. He works with business entrepreneurs and start-ups to increase performance and productivity through positive winning mindsets. If you want to know more about what it takes to find your true potential and get out of your own way then listen in now.   KEY TAKEAWAYS My remit is to help people develop their entrepreneurial thinking so they can have the life they desire and there are many vehicles that can be used to help achieve this. There is no typical day, but I wake up with the intention of changing one person’s life per day. This could be through a conversation, a tweet or professional interaction. I‘m all about helping people create the life they desire so they do wh

  • Brand YOU!

    23/04/2019 Duração: 15min

    ‘It’s powerful being you and will make the world a better place’ Have you mirrored  behaviours, or do you spend your time at work trying to please others? We all have a brand but many of us are not aware of its importance in being authentic and liberating the real you. Desmond explains how powerful it can be when you let others see the real you, listen in and find out how to be powerful and effective as you.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Personal branding is important for you as an individual in your career,  where ever you might go and whatever you might do. What is your brand? What do you stand for? What values do you have? Brand You is about understanding who you are. We all have a brand but are we aware of how we come across and how we different from those around us. How do you want people to see you? If someone said 3 nice things about you what would you want them to be? The stronger and more powerful your brand is the better it is for your career and the life you may lead. If we could all just be ourselves we wo

  • Education, Education, EDUCATION!

    20/04/2019 Duração: 17min

    “You’ve got three options; You can study, you can work or you can get out… So that was the kind of choices at 16” In this episode elaborates on his experience of school and further education. Desmond delves into the relevancy to how it all worked out for him and where he sees the importance of education. He describes the ultimatum posed to him by his dad and the choices he made before& after. Where Desmond started, what he has done to get to where he is now and the questions he asked himself during this process; Do I really want to do this? Where’s it going? Do I enjoy what I am doing? Listen in to how the training and coaching  Desmond and inspired him to improve, grow & learn. Desmond encourages you to get educated, get training and get the life you want NOW. “It doesn’t just happen… I want to encourage you, if you’ve never thought about training, education and your own personal development; have a think about it … It’s the difference between having a life and having a great one” Get in touch with your

  • Why Selling 1 to 1 is DEAD

    16/04/2019 Duração: 14min

    “I just think; If there’s a way that you could sell to more people at the same time, Wouldn’t that make sense? ”   In this episode Desmond talks about how 1 to 1 selling is dead. He discusses how the traditional concept of selling to everyone you meet is no longer relevant. Is selling to a larger audience in a single sitting better?  The reality is, the time spent per client is not efficient or cost-effective when you do it 1 to 1. Listen in as your host, Desmond, dives in and discusses where it works; where it doesn’t and what you could do instead!   ABOUT THE HOST  I don’t know how this works, but you’re here now listening (hopefully) about my exciting life, so I’m going to try and make this worth your while. I never got inspired at school, I was too busy trying to impress my peers, chasing girls, and being a fool to get inspired. I rejected school. But let me tell you something for free! That was a mistake! I spent the next 15 years in jobs I hated, with no direction, lacked purpose, and motivation f

  • Making Incremental Improvements & Marginal Gains

    06/04/2019 Duração: 11min

    “If you made 1% improvements across all things… it would have a big impact on the outcome” Welcome to More With Moreira. In this episode, you host Desmond Moreira talks Marginal Gains and anecdotal evidence of its effects. Recently, Desmond attended an I.R.P.M. event where the host, Kevin Fairless, gave a talk on the Pursuit of Happiness. Desmond discusses how this is not your usual Property talk& as a result caught his attention. Listen in on how your host Desmond took this lesson away with him and how this has inspired him to make a list of changes he could make in his own life & business. BEST MOMENTS “If you made 1% improvements across all things… it would have a big impact on the outcome” “The net impact is far greater than 1%” “For lots of us in BM, we find ourselves busy all the time. There is no quiet day… There is always plenty of things to do.” “The list is always there &it is always very long” “It is hard for us to dedicate the time… when you do, you get the reward” “if you’re not aware of the c

  • Accellerate Your Personal Brand

    02/04/2019 Duração: 16min

    It does not matter who you are, whether you are a business, an employee, or a student, what you should know is that personal brand is something you should accelerate if you want to make more money. So, in this episode of the More with Moreira Podcast, Desmond talks about having a personal brand and positioning yourself in your field. It makes a big difference in furthering your career if people can sense authority, expertise, and reliability from you. Today, let Desmond’s BLOCKS, the 5 Steps to accelerate your personal brand, help you level up in your career or business. Listen in now to know more! KEY TAKEAWAYS Desmond thanks his mentors that considerably changed his attitude towards business. He wouldn’t be able to push for his passions if it weren’t for his personal coaches. He also learned how to inspire and manage his staff. Coaches also challenge you to go out of your comfort zone and not to lose focus. BLOCK - 5 Steps to Accelerate your personal brand: Building your own network and personal connecti

  • Interviewing Your Clients

    31/03/2019 Duração: 12min

    In this episode Desmond tackles one of the things that ‘in this industry we just don’t talk about’  -Block Manager Interviews with potential clients.  He provides an honest and candid view on the interview process and shares invaluable advice about how Block Managers can get the most out of the process. Listen in now to find out more.    KEY TAKEAWAYS  As a Block Manager, there will always be an interview process with a potential new client.  You are trying to demonstrate your value and what you will be able to bring as fundamental change or improvement.  As a Block Manager, you are being interviewed by someone who is not necessarily qualified to qualify you.  A board of directors will have considerable experience and expertise, but it doesn’t necessarily put them in a good position to appoint a Block Manager.  They are not always in the best position to qualify the person for the position.  In other industries you will usually be pitching to people who have a level of experience, expertise and understand

  • Private or State School

    27/03/2019 Duração: 12min

    Do you think it’s better to be in a private or public school?  Or is it about the level of engagement you have with your child, what they do as they grow up and the time you spend with them?  Desmond reflects on the deep-rooted views and opinions that individuals have around this choice and their children. Listen in now to find out what Desmond thinks.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  There are so many people who advocate one way or another and hold very strong views about this.  There are lots of different factors such as geographical location and finances but at the heart of this is what’s best for your child.  I don’t believe one is worse than the other, it just comes down to your choice and affordability  People express a deep-rooted view that it’s not right to send your child to a private school but for those who can’t afford private school, there isn’t a  choice.  If you’ve got the money then it’s your choice how you spend it.  You can have a view if you are in a position to make the choice but its strange that p

  • Confused Customer

    24/03/2019 Duração: 03min

    In this episode of More With Moreira, your host Desmond has a short rant about customers who want to change management agents… but don’t know what they want!? Desmond questions these customers why they want to change management agents, only to find whilst trying (and sometimes failing) to get to the root of the ‘problem’; They don’t know!   BEST MOMENTS “Make sure you know and then get what you want from them.” “You’re Not gonna get more for less” “You get what you pay for.”   “Do you want a good agent? Or do you want someone that’s going to rip your arse out? Make your mind up.”   ABOUT THE HOST   I don’t know how this works, but you’re here now listening (hopefully) about my exciting life, so I’m going to try and make this worth your while. I never got inspired at school, I was too busy trying to impress my peers, chasing girls, and being a fool to get inspired. I rejected school. But let me tell you something for free! That was a mistake! I spent the next 15 years in jobs I hated, with no direct

  • Should Block Managers be QUALIFIED?

    20/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    In this podcast, Desmond explores how block management is working and discusses whether all block managers being qualified, as now being recommended, will make a positive difference.    If you are a block manager this episode provides a fascinating insight into all aspects of block management, listen in now to find out more       KEY TAKEAWAYS  It's always good if people are qualified.  Even if everyone is qualified, if the company you work for gives you 2000 units and 50 clients you are not going to be able to deliver a reasonable level of service.  It’s a problem that no one talks about. The outgoing company will often be negative about the property manager. In reality, the property manager is often competent and will have a good understanding of what’s going on but have been in a position where the problem is ratios.  It's not possible to bring in legislation to say that you must have a certain amount of staff to serve a certain number of units and if you did you would have to impose higher management f

  • Service Charges

    17/03/2019 Duração: 11min

    If you’re always surprised when you see your bill every month because of the additional service charges, then this episode is for you!  Today in the More With Moreira Podcast, Desmond discusses everything you need to know about the service charges you see on your bill. Clearly, you have forgotten, or maybe haven’t read, what is on your lease contract if you’re not aware it. If you’re having doubts, review and understand the lease contract regarding your service charges. Discover why you should also know how service charges are portioned among tenants, why are you paying it, and what’s included in it.  KEY TAKEAWAYS  Service Charges are a payment towards general repairs and maintenance. Its amount depends on where you live – what type it is and the ongoing renovation.  Lease contracts should always be read and understood by the tenant. It contains your obligations of a tenant or a homeowner and the obligations of the landlord.   Lease contracts include legal jargons. Ask guidance if needed.  Most of the time

  • Changing Agents

    13/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    If you’re leasing your properties, one thing you should avoid is bad reviews from your tenants due to bad management.  That is why you should make extra effort to look for a reliable managing agent for your property. So, in this episode of the More With Moreira Podcast, Desmond helps you with the process when choosing your new managing agent. The first step, tendering, is the most important. Learn what should you include in your checklist when you’re finally deciding on one. It will make a huge difference if you stick with a reliable professional managing agent.  KEY TAKEAWAYS  Most of the time, clients can’t specify the reasons they want to switch agents. Desmond asks two important questions if there’s someone inquiring. These are:  What are the three things you’re looking for in a managing agent?  What are the three things you’re not happy with in respect to your current agent?  The first step is to tender. Tendering is a process to select the right company. It’s an important step that you should be cauti

  • What Scandal?!

    10/03/2019 Duração: 08min

    From what we're listening and reading from different media when it comes with property updates, what are actual facts? And what is just blown out of proportion?   In this episode of the More With Moreira Podcast, Desmond, your host,  encourages you to know how to differentiate a mere problem from a scandal. He reminds us to always be vigilant and fact-check everything you see on the web, on the television, etc. Check all existing arguments based on facts before we start reacting/responding. For example, in property, it’s just plain normal that increases in ground rents happen. Learn how should we be responsible and accepting with this kind of changes today when you tune in.   KEY TAKEAWAYS  Increasing ground rents – and even doubling – is bound to happen in 10, 20, 50 or in any year. It should be understood by anyone who signs a contract. Prices of a lease will change, especially in a stable economy.   Some banks and lenders might reject mortgage applications. This will make it harder for you to pay for the

  • Networking is Not WORKING!

    06/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    IS NETWORKING NOT WORKING?  In this episode…….. explores networking and the reasons it both works and doesn’t work depending on how you approach it and what you aim to gain from it.  If you want to understand more about how to make networking a successful and positive experience for yourself then listen in now.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  Is networking not working?  There are lots of reasons for networking and everyone has their own reasons for attending networking events.   At networking events, there is a random mix of people in attendance and not all will be your target market or people you could partner with.  As a result, you can often have lots of random conversations.  These conversations can often feel contrived, and this is one of the reasons people can be put off these events and wonder why they attended in the first place.     There are too many attempts to sell at networking events and it makes it feel uncomfortable.  Some people are very set in their approach and at networking events will always

  • Who am I? & Why it Matters!

    26/02/2019 Duração: 14min

    Your personal brand is the only asset that you can take with you. It’s essential if you want to have a successful, enhanced career in business or employment. In this first episode of a new podcast, Desmond Moreira talks through the top reasons why you should be investing in your personal brand. From growing your name to creating opportunities for your career, your personal brand is worth your time. If you haven’t started thinking about and investing in your personal brand yet, listen to this podcast to find out and why?   Key Takeaways This podcast is all about how I can share my journey in the block market sector to try and help you. Hopefully, this podcast will be helpful to you. We all hate being in a video, or even listening to themselves on a recording. People think that I love being in front of the camera, but that’s not true. I see it as a means to an end in helping my business grow.   It can help with your personal brand. If you’re looking for a new job or running a new business you need to focus

  • Can You PITCH?

    26/02/2019 Duração: 19min

    Pitching is something that is not often taught or at least taught well. But it’s essential to business. It’s as much of a core skill in business as anything else. In this episode, Des talks through his tried and tested method for producing a great pitch. Whether you are pitching over the phone, in an email or in the boardroom, this structure will help you be remembered and stand out. Listen more to hear the five-step system to ensure that your pitches are perfect.   Key Takeaways Pitching is something we can all practice and get better at. Most of the time people talk about how people make money, how to grow business but they don’t mention how to do a good pitch. If you don’t focus on the pitch then you are going to get into trouble when you have to do it on the phone, or in a boardroom in real life.   People often start with long pitches,  especially on Linkedin. If you do it badly then people will be turned off, they will not trust you or buy your product. No one gets taught how to pitch, no one does a

  • Collaboration Counts

    26/02/2019 Duração: 18min

    Collaboration enables you to inspire, learn and solve problems. There is often a fear from businesses in your sector that collaboration will lead to losing customers but collaboration can enhance your business for the better. In this episode Des goes through the five key positives for collaborating with others. Whether it’s learning from each other, saving money through shared resources or inspiring others to action everyone should be collaborating internal and external to their sector. If you are not collaborating with the right people learn how why should be doing that today?   Key Takeaways Why is collaboration undervalued? I’m going to a talk through five things that you should consider with collaboration. There maybe others but these really resonate with me. Collaboration is where businesses work together to create even more value for each other. This can be from person to person or business to business.   Collaboration often inspires us to think differently. To come up with ideas, or think creativel

  • Trolls or Reviews?

    26/02/2019 Duração: 13min

    Trolls are not reviews. In these short debates Des gives a short hit on a specific subject within his sector. How do you deal with reviews? Are you having to deal with trolls in your business? Do you agree? Listen in to the latest episode of more with Moreira on why Trolls are dangerous for your business and why balanced reviews are all the more important to gain.   Key Takeaways Trolls are not reviews. You get reviews online through google, or your facebook page, anywhere people get to review. A review is someone who gives you an opinion of the service of product they had experienced. They describe that in the review which you might be happy with that or not happy with.   A troll however is someone or just hates you. Trolls have no intention of giving you feedback, or to help other people. Trolls just want to give you a bad reputation. I don’t have any reviews online, because they are a waste of time sometimes. You need to put into context what people are saying. How helpful is it people just say all ne

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