Break The Norms



Break the Norms is a podcast about big questions, tantra, and meditation. Rooted by a modern perspective, join seventh-generation spiritual adviser Chandresh Bhardwaj contemplate everything you know about God and truth, life and death, love and sex. Dare to embrace your inner rebel and discover what it really means to be alive.


  • 178. The Yoni Goddess: Your Creative Reservoir

    26/07/2023 Duração: 28min

    Join us in this episode of Leela Gurukul as we delve into the mysteries of Goddess Kamakhya, the revered deity known for her association with yoni healing and the sacred feminine. Explore her significance in tantric practices and modern spirituality as we uncover the profound wisdom and transformative potential she holds. Discover the timeless teachings of Goddess Kamakhya that invite us to embrace the sacred feminine within ourselves and tap into the boundless creative energy of the universe. Helpful Links: Leela Membership: CB's Instagram: Leela's Instagram: Leela website: CB's Instagram Tantra Mastery Channel: CB's Telegram Channel:

  • 177. Play of Life: A Tantra Perspective

    12/07/2023 Duração: 36min

    In this episode, we delve into the concept of Leela, the play of consciousness, and its profound significance in our lives. We uncover the reasons behind the persistence of suffering, fear, and anxiety, while exploring the scattered and fragile nature of our relationship with the divine feminine. Discover practical tips for deepening this sacred bond and accessing the transformative power of the Leela energy. Join us on this captivating journey as we shed light on the unconscious ways we obstruct our own divinity and learn to create from a space of passion, intuition, and flow. Tune in and unlock your creative potential. Helpful Links: Conscious Meditation June 2023 Program: CB's Instagram: Leela's Instagram: Leela website: CB's Instagram Tantra Mastery Channel: CB's Telegram Channel: 

  • 176. The Feminine: A Meditation and Musing

    27/06/2023 Duração: 08min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. I wrote this musing to heal, to honor, to witness the sacred feminine in you.  You may use it as a guided meditation or simply play it as and when you need the healing, care, and guidance of the Devi consciousness. Visit to send your questions and to know more about Chandresh's work.   The feminine - a muse, a mystery, a divine force, a divine mess, a paradox, a goddess.  Who is she indeed?  The question continues to travel through ages, navigating through the culture, time and tradition.  People, across various philosophies and cultures, have yearned to understand, to learn, to resonate with her essence, yet she often remains a mystery, often covered by misconception and misrepresentation. The feminine, for many centuries, and even in these modern, progressive times, finds herself suppressed, bounded by the shackles of social norms and expectations.  of

  • 175. Getting to Know the True Essence of Tantra

    13/06/2023 Duração: 51min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. Due to the popularity in Neo-Tantra, many people now associate tantra with sex or may have preconceived notions such as it being immoral, inaccessible, or a religion. In this episode, Chandresh is raising more awareness about those misconceptions about tantra and more, and shares ways that you can use tantra to unleash the artist and storyteller within you. When you tap into tantra, you can expect many benefits such as an increased spiritual consciousness, divine feminine flow and creativity, intuition, and more. Listen to the full episode to un-code what tantra really is and how you can channel tantra to become the best version of yourself. Helpful Links: Conscious Meditation June 2023 Program: CB’s Instagram: Leela’s Instagram: Leela w

  • 174. Mastering Meditation: Exploring Tantra, Mantras, and Effective Practices

    06/06/2023 Duração: 40min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this podcast episode, we delve into the profound realm of meditation, exploring various aspects and techniques to help you master the art of finding inner peace and tranquility. Keywords such as meditation, tantra, and mantra take center stage as we navigate through the differences between tantra meditation and other forms, shedding light on their unique qualities and benefits. We also delve into the transformative power of incorporating mantras into your meditation practice, unraveling the ways in which these sacred sounds can enhance focus and facilitate self-discovery. Throughout the episode, we address common challenges, providing techniques to overcome distractions, restlessness, and physical discomfort. So join us as we embark on a journey into mindfulness, exploring the right way to meditate and uncovering the profound effects it can have on our well-being Vis

  • 173. Chakras Unveiled: Exploring Significance, Ranking, and Common Questions

    30/05/2023 Duração: 41min

    It requires self-exploration, introspection, and an open mind. Take the time to understand each chakra's qualities, assess your own energetic imbalances, and develop a holistic approach to chakra healing. Remember, the ranking of chakras is not set in stone, and everyone's journey is unique. Trust your intuition and follow your inner guidance as you navigate the realm of chakras. If you're interested in diving deeper into this topic, refer to the sources and references mentioned in the show notes for additional reading and exploration. Thank you for joining us on this enlightening episode about chakras. Stay tuned for more fascinating discussions and insights on our journey towards personal growth and spiritual awakening. Helpful Links: Conscious Meditation June 2023 Program: CB's Instagram: Leela's Instagram: Leela website: CB's Instagram Tantra Ma

  • Conscious Meditation Program - Everything you want to Know

    24/05/2023 Duração: 25min

    In this episode, we delve deeper into the structure and principles of our unique meditation program. We kick off with a brief introduction to tantra meditation, tracing its roots and why it remains relevant today. We then focus on the core aspects of the Conscious Meditation Program, explaining its unique approach to karmic contracts, self-healing, mantra, and more.  Whether you're new to meditation or looking for fresh insights, this comprehensive introduction to the program will help you understand Conscious Meditation program in its depth. Tune in to learn more about unlocking your potential through the Conscious Meditation Program. Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. Link to join the program: Visit to send your questions and to know more about Chandresh's work.

  • 172. Why We Suppress Emotions and How Tantra Can Help

    17/05/2023 Duração: 52min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this episode, Chandresh delves deep into exploring the root cause of emotional suppression. Emotional suppression occurs when we fail to acknowledge or process our emotions as they arise, and actively - consciously or unconsciously - try our best not to feel them by distracting or numbing ourselves. Emotional suppression has a lasting impact on our joy, our ability to enjoy relationships, our career, and our overall life. Chandresh discusses the signs and symptoms that might be telling you that you are experiencing emotional suppression right now. He talks about the “why” or the origin of emotional suppression and how to heal it from its roots. At the end of the episode, Chandresh shares the tantric perspective, and insights and solutions on how to break free from the chain of emotional suppression and finally start moving towards a life where you can live your creat

  • 171. Don't Confuse the Universe: A Guide to Spiritual Clarity

    03/05/2023 Duração: 39min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. Link to Conscious Meditation Program: In the most recent episode of Leela Gurukul, Chandresh gave some valuable insights on avoiding confusing the universe and leading with clarity. He discussed the concept of the universe in tantra and how it relates to our desires. Chandresh also examined the mental barriers that often prevent us from connecting with a higher source. The episode goes deeper into aspects of karmic contracts, energy levels, and intention power. He offered some practical tips and a guide map for achieving spiritual clarity through the lens of tantra. This is a deep-dive episode on manifestation and inner healing. We hope you enjoy it! Visit to send your questions and to know more about Chandresh's work.

  • 170. Ask me anything - AMA on anger, psychic work, self-doubt, and more

    19/04/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this episode, Chandresh is answering your questions. These questions have been sent through instagram and email. If you are interested in sending questions for the next AMA episode, you may send them to   Link to Instagram channel, Tantra Mastery: Conscious Meditation launch will be soon on The following questions are answered in this episode: Meditation and its highs and lows is there a reason we experience such times of intense spiritual growth followed by a void? I’m curious to know what tantra’s perspective is on psychic abilities and if there is any specific information/teachings about developing your psychic abilities or anything like that? On your podcast, you spoke once about anger as a somewhat explosive or provocative state that can be balanced with compassion. What about the m

  • 169. Reset your karmic contracts to live with Freedom

    05/04/2023 Duração: 34min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. Karmic contracts are situations with certain humans, places, an event, or even an organization that you have signed up for either consciously or unconsciously. In this episode, Chandresh answers the following questions about the karmic contracts: What are karmic contracts? What are the damages if we do not understand the karmic contract? What are the signs or symptoms we can notice that the karmic contract is ready to be changed? How can we fix or change our karmic contracts? Do we have free will choice or is everything determined by karmic contracts? How do we heal or clear karmic contracts with family members? What about in work, homes, or romantic partnerships? Is everything in life determined by karmic contracts? How do we know the lesson from a karmic contract has been learned? What determines the future karmic contracts we will enter? Is there a way to change thi

  • 168. Find Your Playground

    22/03/2023 Duração: 40min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this episode, we share one of CB’s old talks with a new perspective. As a creative experiment, CB explores the old episode “Where are Your Monkeys” from a new perspective called “Find Your Playground”. In this episode, we invite the listeners to not only find your monkeys, but to also know your playground. Sometimes we find the playground first and the monkeys show up there. Other times the monkeys arrive first and they lead us to the playground. You never know which one will come first, but that is where the fun and joy are. We invite you to listen to the new perspective followed by the old one. If you like this rerun please let us know on instagram @cbmeditates. Visit to send your questions and to know more about Chandresh's work.

  • 167. Exploring Courage with Allie Michelle

    08/03/2023 Duração: 49min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. Chandresh sat down with Allie Michelle, author of the bestselling book The Words Left Unspoken. Together, they discussed what it takes to lead with creative courage. Is the concept of reputation an illusion? What does your creative process look like? How do you handle the business side of life with the artistic side of life?  What advice would you give to the new and upcoming artist? and what advice they should ignore. Allie Michelle is a 3x bestselling author and viral spoken word artist that has a community of over half a million strong across all social media platforms. Her three poetry collections consistently hit #1 in poetry within the first week of release. Allie is the co-founder of the holistic women's wellness community. We Are Warriors, which has over 13k+ members. She is a certified yoga, breathwork, meditation, reiki, and craniosacral therapist. Her goal i

  • 166. Sexual Healing: Exploring Intimacy Through Tantra

    21/02/2023 Duração: 54min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. This episode explores the tantric ways of deepening intimacy and cultivating sexual healing with oneself and your partner. On a deeper level, this episode answers the following questions from one of our listeners: “Two specific questions I’m particularly interested in - does Tantra have a guideline upon how frequent or infrequent sexual activity should be? I know it varies, but I guess is there a benchmark for healthy vs unhealthy? Or does Tantra align with Ayurveda which refers to the seasons and the Doshas to help guide a healthy level of sexual activity? Secondly, you spoke in one of your podcasts about how in Tantra, sexual activity should be done with an element of detachment… would you mind briefly explaining this point to me?” FREE Masterclass on Tantra and the Sacred Feminine: Goddess Rising Program: ht

  • 165. The Journey of Spiritual Growth in a Dysfunctional Family

    08/02/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this episode, Chandresh shares the tantra perspective of overcoming challenges of dysfunctional family dynamics within your spiritual growth and practice. The following questions are covered: What roles do the family dynamics play in influencing an individual's belief systems and how they practice spiritual beliefs? What advice do you have for someone who has a different spiritual belief or practice from their family? Why do spiritual differences so often cause problems within family dynamics, and what can someone do to help ease these tensions if they choose to walk a different path from their family? There’s a strong belief online that someone has to cut out their family or remove themselves from the family dynamics in order to go through spiritual awakenings. Is this true or is there a better way to heal within the family dynamic? Is your advice for handling and

  • Goddess Rising Program In-Depth Introduction

    06/02/2023 Duração: 36min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this episode, Chandresh discusses the newest Leela Gurukul program, Goddess Rising. This episode is for those who are interested and curious in knowing a more in-depth understanding of the upcoming Goddess Rising Program. CB discusses all of the questions seekers have been sending him including the outline and what to expect within Goddess Rising, along with what guided him to launch this series. For those interested in joining, please check out to learn more. The first cohort begins February 24th and we hope to see you there! Visit to send your questions and to know more about Chandresh's work.

  • 164. Awakening to Sensuality and Tantra with Henika Patel

    25/01/2023 Duração: 47min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this episode, Chandresh is sharing the tantra perspective of awakening to sensuality with Henika Patel. The following questions are covered: What makes a woman fully loved and seen? What do we need to learn about intimacy? What are we missing? How does the role of the biological mother show up in this work? Do you have early memories of tantra and goddesses becoming a more sacred part of you? The role of Yoni Shakti in healing work. How does one normalize their relationship with a woman's breasts? How to maintain tantra work while still living and loving the family dynamic? Henika is the founder of the School of Sensual Arts, a global platform leading the sensual revolution. The ethos invites you to connect deeply, to express freely, love intimately and lean into your desires so that you can lead life by the heart! As a British Indian, she offers a unique blend of

  • 163. Sacred Hours: The mindful art of unleashing hidden playfulness

    11/01/2023 Duração: 34min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this episode, Chandresh discusses something he calls sacred hours. Sacred hours is a concept that has become increasingly popular among Chandresh’s 1:1 clients and the Leela Gurukul students. It is changing the way students are showing up in their creativity, personal fulfillment, and professional growth. In this episode, Chandresh explores the meaning and structure of sacred hours and how they can benefit you. In addition, Chandresh explores a template listeners can apply and use to create their own signature style of sacred hours, while also discussing how to overcome challenges and distractions that may show up along the way. Our hope is this episode helps listeners to cultivate their own unique style of sacred hours so this practice can go beyond the “new year, new me” narrative, and become a new way of life.  Visit to send your questions and to k

  • 162. The Bizarre Life of a Seeker

    28/12/2022 Duração: 21min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. As we are ending the year of 2022, Chandresh shares his insight of the unconventional, rebellious, and bizarre journey of a seeker. This episode is dedicated to the teachers and mystics who have inspired the journey of seekers for centuries, even in modern times. We hope this episode speaks to the seeker in you and gives you some comfort, courage, and clarity in continuing this path of truth and rawness. Visit to send your questions and to know more about Chandresh's work.

  • 161. Reincarnation - A Tantra Perspective

    14/12/2022 Duração: 42min

    Conscious texting is now available on the telegram text channel. Here is the link to join the free channel globally. In this episode, Chandresh shares the tantra perspective on reincarnation. The following questions are covered: Why do we need to discuss reincarnation? What is the purpose of reincarnation from a tantra perspective? Do all beings reincarnate? Are there some that don’t? Those who don’t reincarnate, is it by choice, will or just a random coincidence? If reincarnation is real, why do we not remember our past lives? What is the role of your sankalpa and sadhana in the journey of reincarnation? What role does ancestral healing play in reincarnation, the family you are born through, and the lessons you learn in each life by belonging to that family unit? What role do Shiva and Kali play in death + reincarnation? Some people tend to live a highly negative or toxic life when they are alive. Be it drug addiction, criminal activity, or negative situations where they happened to

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