Consider It



Consider It is a ministry of Redemption Bible Church of New Braunfels where we consider questions regarding life, theology, & the Church. To submit questions, text REDEMPTION & your question to 474747


  • H-E-Double Hockey Sticks


    In this podcast, Blair & Michael discuss the nature of hell and what the Bible teaches about the separation from God.

  • "Like the Snail that Dissolves into Slime"


    In this podcast, Blair & Michael discuss how to pray in times of injustice and evil according to the prayers and commands in the Bible.

  • Biblically Faithful Education Options


    In this podcast, Blair and Michael discuss the many options parents face when it comes to educating our children.

  • What is Calvinism?


    In this episode, Blair and Michael wade into the theological waters of God's sovereignty and man's responsibility.

  • Does God admit to making mistakes?


    In this podcast, Blair and Michael take a question on Genesis 6 and 1 Samuel 15 where it says that God regrets making humans and Saul king.

  • Life after Roe v. Wade


    In this podcast, Blair and Michael discuss the recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, a few scenarios where an abortion is often justified, and how to make sense of Numbers 5.

  • Bear One Another’s Burdens


    Christians are called to walk with one another through the highs and lows of life. How then can we remain healthy ourselves when we are helping our friends through their struggles?

  • Were David and Jonathan gay?


    In this episode, Blair and Michael take a look at 1 Samuel 18 and 20 and make sense of their friendship, giving us two important hermeneutical principles that lead us to a proper understanding.

  • Equal and Distinct


    The Bible has much to say about men and women and marriage. In this episode Blair and Michael consider the biblical view and how it has been distorted.

  • How do we make sense of these shootings?


    Gun violence again dominates the headlines. Where is God in all this? How can Christians respond biblically to the tragedy? How do I talk with my kids about gun violence?

  • Biblical Decision Making


    How can Christians make decisions that honor the Lord and follow His paths of wisdom?

  • Job's friends


    Job’s friends are rebuked for giving bad advice in the midst of his suffering. Are we to disregard them or is there still purpose in their words for today’s Christian? Tune in to this week's podcast as we consider it.

  • What songs should we sing?


    In this podcast, John Rhodes joins Consider It to discuss a question on what songs by what ministries are okay for us to sing.

  • What is Lent?


    On this podcast, Blair and Michael discuss the tradition of Lent and why some Christians observe it, and others don’t.

  • Should a Christian watch horror movies?


    The demonic makes its way into movies and shows all the time. Does the Bible have anything to say about what we watch or listen to?

  • Bible Grab Bag


    On this podcast, Blair and Michael tackle four Bible questions and attempt to help us see the context and employ proper hermeneutics when studying our Bibles.

  • Accountability + Authority


    Christians and Christian leaders will have to give an account on the last day. Will it be the same or different for everybody?

  • Are all sins equal before God?


    In this podcast, we take a look at the Scriptures about sin and if there are degrees of greater and lesser sins.

  • Should I join a small group?


    We get it. Life is busy. But is committing to a small group worth it?

  • Can I lose my salvation?


    Hebrews 6 seems to be in contradiction to John 10, Romans 8, and other passages when it comes to losing our salvation so who exactly is this passage addressing?

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