Everyday Joy With Candace Mau



LIVE MON 12 PM ET/11 am CT/10 MT/9 PT At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch ourselves smiling when were around them, but dont know how to do what they do. Consciously or unconsciously we are always seeking that space.   What if its easier to find than you think? There are tools, questions, and fun just waiting for you everyday! Candace Mau will enthusiastically wonder, share stories and light up your day. Giving you tools to navigate to Joy more effortlessly. Helping you see and walk the path for yourself.   https://candacemau.com/  candacemau@gmail.com


  • The Joy of Self Care ~ Candace Mau


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Fall is a time of harvest and recalibration as the seasons change. A perfect opportunity to gear up for the coming winter and take care of some of the over looked items from the summer season. If you're anything like me, that may mean yourself. Self care is an easy thing to overlook and perhaps to most important to remember. I find myself wanting to hibernate and realizing that the first step is self care. What is your self care routine? ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch ourselves smiling when we’re around them, but don’t know how to do what they do. Consciously or unconsciously we are always seeking that space.   What if it’s easier to find than you think? There are tools, questions, and fun just waiting for you everyday! Candace Mau will enthusiastically wonder, share stories and light up

  • The Joy of Empowerment ~ Guest Cydney Joe


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show This conversation goes to the depths of female empowerment. Cydney is a coach, facilitator and advocate for self love and empowering people to be their best selves. Enjoy this deep dive into Cydney's passion to help empower the world. Cydney Joe   "Well there are two things you should know about me first. #1 I am a Leo (no wonder I am in the retreat business right?).  However, I am super introverted. #2 I am a huge animal lover.  Like seriously, I have two pet pigs, one dog, and two cats + more coming soon.  I have plans to own and run my own animal sanctuary one day. Now, outside of those two traits, I have a whole lot of magic I want to share with the world.  Just like you probably do too!”  cydney.joe15@yahoo.com  https://www.cydneyjoecoaching.com/work-with-me Cydney on IG - https://www.instagram.com/cydney​.webster/ Cydney on FB - https://m.facebook.com/cydney.we​bster.3 ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people

  • Brotherly Love ~ Isaac Mau


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show A conversation centered on growing up Mormon, 6 siblings, lots of chaos and fun. A sibling conversation that centers on what is means to find yourself. ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch ourselves smiling when we’re around them, but don’t know how to do what they do. Consciously or unconsciously we are always seeking that space.   What if it’s easier to find than you think? There are tools, questions, and fun just waiting for you everyday! Candace Mau will enthusiastically wonder, share stories and light up your day. Giving you tools to navigate to Joy more effortlessly. Helping you see and walk the path for yourself.   https://candacemau.com/  candacemau@gmail.com To get more of Everyday Joy with Candace Mau, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.

  • Embodied Joy ~ Guest Brooke Prothero


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Brooke Prothero is a powerful body worker and a gifted massage therapist. She has been working with clients for nearly 20 years and sees the physical evidence of what various energies do to our bodies. Brooke can easily tap into the energy of the body she is working on to facilitate more ease for that person. She is joy in action and helps people align within themselves for better access to just that. With her intuitive gifts and desire to share her knowledge of chakras, this conversation will be worth listening in. Perhaps more ease is in store for you too. Brooke Prothero is a talented massage therapist and intuitive craniosacral therapist. She has been practicing since 2000. Over the years she has become extremely intuitive and skilled in how to help the body release tension and stress. She loves to find the source of tension and work it out. Through Intuitive Craniosacral work, she targets stress release from the emotional side. It is an powerful energy work that w

  • The Joy of Imperfection ~ Guest Belinda Stanger


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show How many of us have struggled with trying to be perfect in one realm or another? It can impact every area of our life and unpacking those effects take time. Belinda Stanger shares her path to finding joy through imperfection. Being human is worth celebrating, we are all going through something. Listen in to see if there is some of your own perfectionism that might be worth letting go. Belinda Stanger is a financial planner, devoted to her family and loves to connect with people. She lives with her five children and husband Paul in northern Utah.    STANGER.BELINDA@primerica.com    http://www.primerica.com/belindastanger ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch ourselves smiling when we’re around them, but don’t know how to do what they do. Consciously or unconsciously we are always seeking that sp

  • The Joy of Transformation ~ Guest & Guide Erin Stauffer


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show The guest and guide today: Erin Stauffer, will guide us through her transformation and dramatic life changes on how she found her footing in both her gifts and aptitudes. Intuition can seem like the other side of the spectrum to accounting. Erin's path might not always have been easy but she brings a level of grace to her path to more of herself. How does it get any better than that? Erin Stauffer is intuitive empath AND a CPA, I know crazy right? She's as kind as she is well rounded and a beautiful paradox. She loves coffee, chai tea, dear friends, traveling, cinnamon rolls, her family dearly and Burning Man. She lives with her partner Tyler in Ogden, Utah.  stauffer.erin@gmail.com ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch ourselves smiling when we’re around them, but don’t know how to do what the

  • When You Can Do Anything, What Do You Do? ~ Guest Alex Stoy


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show A favorite conversation of late is about possibilities and what else is possible. A common question in my life. Luckily I'm friends with similar souls who have put such an adage to the test. Alex Stoy has circled the globe a couple times over, connected with big dreamers, created something from nothing and pushed his body to the limit. Let's explore what choices present and the process of possibilities in a dynamic conversation. Growing up in Northeastern Pennsylvania, Alex Stoy began wandering at an early age, finding an interest and love for the outdoors, both scientifically and athletically. In the summer of '99, Alex started exploring northern Utah by foot and bike. He earned a B.S. in Horticulture and a M.S. in Plant Science from Utah State University, studying plants from throughout Utah’s diverse ecosystems. This quickly led to the next 16 years of ultra-marathon racing, endurance mountain biking, adventuring and exploring the western hemisphere, looking for rem

  • Creating Joy, a Deliberate Choice ~ Guest Manette Fisher


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Listen in to explore what it means to make the choice to create. A seemingly easy and hard choice all at once, paradox wrapped up in joy. Manette Fisher is pure light and so much fun to explore why and how she chooses creative paths in her life. Manette Fisher is a writer, a dreamer, globe wanderer, Harry Potter fan, runner, hiker, outdoor enthusiast, bucket list checker off-er, heart finder and fabulous friend. She lives with her husband Travis, dog Neville Wigglebottom and cat Stella in Albuquerque, New Mexico.    manette.n@gmail.com  http://www.littlelovelystars.com ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch ourselves smiling when we’re around them, but don’t know how to do what they do. Consciously or unconsciously we are always seeking that space.   What if it’s easier to find than you think? T

  • The Joy of Yoga Retreats ~ Guest Tina Stoy


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show It often takes getting away to gain perspective and retreats are a welcome respite. Fortunately guest Tina Stoy is sharing her wisdom and journey at her upcoming retreat in Boulder. Good news: you're invited too! We'll be exploring why retreats are so successful and our own experiences at classes and retreats. The trepidation, the success and why we continue to attend and teach. Listen in to learn by a Yoga retreat might be just what you need in your life. Tina Stoy grew up in a small town in Southern Vermont fostering a love for the mountains, skiing and the outdoors as a whole. Moving west in 2007, she currently lives with her husband in Park City, Utah. With a passion for traveling the world, their philosophy is to acquire experiences over things. Therefore, their motto is to Get Out And Live Spontaneously (GOALS). Yoga came into Tina’s life in 2001, while training as an alpine ski racer. Over the years yoga continuously drew her back to the mat. In 2008, Tina was f

  • Beautiful Boudoir & Empowering Women ~ Guest Nicole Hurst


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Boudoir empowers women to see their own beauty in a whole new way. Our guest Nicole Hurst tells her story of seeing women explore that side of themselves and walk away with greater understanding and awareness of their power. This is a true gift, one that she embodies and explores through photography. That beauty is impossible to deny and a conversation that just might inspire you to get some sexy photos taken. Nicole Hurst is an easy going, Utah born, chai loving, English bulldog snuggling, fall enthusiast. She fell madly, deeply, and hopelessly in love with Boudoir when she did a session for my good friend's 30th birthday in 2014 and hasn't turned back since. Age, shape, size, color, height doesn't define who you are. You are the only you... which makes you wildly unique, amazing and beautiful in your own right. Whether you are doing a session to capture this beautiful era in your life or you are doing it as a gift for your significant other (#1 Gift For Him), Nicole

  • Searching for Joy in Loss ~ Guest Lark Galley


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show This conversation centers on the vulnerability of speaking out after the unimaginable happens. Lark Galley lost a child recently and is choosing to help others. She is using her tools and everything she teaches her clients to help find her footing after suffering a terrible loss. Lark Galley is an enthusiastic believer in the power of goals! She has spoken at several venues including 3 Key Elements, the Single Mothers' Conference, and UVU. Her topics include self improvement, goal achievement, body language, and sales and business training. Although born in Utah, Lark's family moved all around the US where she attended a different school every year. She returned to the state where she graduated Magna Cum Lauda from the University of Utah with a BA in Political Science and an International Relations Certificate. A few years later, while working for the State of Utah International Economic Development Department, she graduated from the U of U with her Masters in Economic

  • A Tall Answer in a Tiny House ~ Guest Claire Safeer


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Claire may be one of the sweetest souls on the planet. The paradox of her life is not lost on her and may be her main ingredient. Claire's history and deliberate choices make this gal one amazing human. She is not scared to solve impossible problems while leveraging a good life. She still finds time to travel, see the world, have fun, cook, create and spend time with those she loves. All while living in a tiny house on the road. Want to know her secret? Listen in. Tall girl in a tiny house. Claire Safeer does freelance illustrations out of her travel trailer, where she & her family live traveling the US! Her husband Connor and sweet pup make the ride that much sweeter.  claire.debonaire@gmail.com   https://www.etsy.com/shop/ClaireDebonaire?ref=seller-platform-mcnav ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit u

  • The Joy of BIRTHDAYS! My favorite thing ~ Candace Mau


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Birthday's are worth celebrating and mine happens to be today! My favorite day of the whole year. I may even celebrate the entire month. Join me as I continue that on the show! Perhaps an exploration of why we celebrate and what joy is wrapped up in the day of our birth. Add in some magic, creation, a bit of sparkle, a cake and a wish, there you have it: the perfect gift. Happy birthday to me indeed. Plus there will be a recap of the Sugar & Salt themed birthday party. See invitation below. Creating the perfect summer night, a dream, when celebrating a birthday too. Add in a bit of Sugar & Salt, the cosmos & you. Divine I dare say. Now don't delay. Prepare for an evening of stargazing. Illuminating the reason you must wear white. How can tacos, drinks & dancing not be amazing? A bus ride makes it even better, am I right? No reason to fuss. There will be a bus. Enjoy hors d'oeuvres & a drink, we'll be there in a wink. Destination: Flats of Salt. An adventure is the defa

  • A Creative Approach to Joy ~ Guest Lydia Gravis


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show The creative approach we take to our lives and the world expresses differently for each individual. Lydia Gravis has been a source of inspiration for Candace Mau for many years. Decidedly pursuing the creative path early on and bravely choosing to create, it's hard not to be in awe of the life she's curated. No wonder she curates such incredible shows in the gallery and is an accomplished artist herself. Lydia has an eye for beautiful things coupled with the courage it takes to create them this conversation is sure to evoke some wonder. Lydia Gravis, lives and works in Ogden, Utah. She earned her B.A. in painting and drawing from Warren Wilson College in Asheville, N.C. in 2003 and her MFA in visual art from the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University in 2013. She's worked as Gallery Director of the Mary Elizabeth Dee Shaw Gallery within the Department of Visual Art and Design at Weber State University since 2014. She lives in a beautiful historic home with her 2

  • Joyfully Exploring the Many Paths in Life ~ Guest Derna DeMaggio


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show The phrase 'wearing many hats' come to mind when describing this week's guest. Derna DeMaggio's life has been one of vastly different paths and we're excited to explore such a dynamic individuals choice to have such an adventurous life. What motivates people to have multiple chapters? What leads one to move across the country? Try something totally new? This discussion will help illuminate the questions we ask ourselves to change our life and try a new path. Dr. Derna DeMaggio graduated from the Dartmouth Medical School in 1984. She worked on the east coast as a highly respect OBGYN. Derna retired in 2017 and currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. She spends her time on a flower farm, traveling, hiking, skiing, reading and just about everything else. Derna is always helping someone and up for anything.  ddemaggio@gmail.com ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in findin

  • The Joy of the Beginning and End, a Discussion ~ Guest Dr. Nathan Riley


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Nathan and Candace met on the outskirts of the playa in 2018. Nathan's natural curiosity and caring nature was obvious immediately. Their discussion centers on how joy is derived in the beginning and end of many things. Specifically Dr. Riley's medical profession. The paradox is not lost on them and this chat is worth listening to. Nathan Riley MD: Obstetrics & Palliative Medicine. Nathan has the privilege of working in two very different fields: birth and death. Palliativists specialize in the alleviation of physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering, and he brings this skill set into women's health to provide patient-centered care through shared-medical decision-making. ​ When not at work, Nathan reflects on his experience in medicine through a blog, particularly how medical training and the practice of his discipline influence the way he treats others. ​ ​He completed his medical training after innumerable years of school a few days ago. Nathan was burned out to d

  • The Joy of Helping People into a Home ~ Guest Steve Butterweck


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show A conversation between a Real Estate Agent and a Lender that proves that loving what you do translates to an entire life. Steve Butterweck and Candace Mau work together in the Real Estate world daily. They discuss the joy in helping people find their home. Steve Butterweck's goal is to help you succeed at one of the most important decisions you can make in your life. Meeting the goal of home ownership is not just a sense of accomplishment, but can also be a great investment. He is committed to making this experience for you both positive and memorable. He lives in Roy, UT with the love of his life Pam. Steve loves spending time with his family, in the great outdoors, perhaps even photographing it.   https://www.swbcmortgage.com/StephenButterweck ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch ourselves s

  • The Joy of Fatherhood ~ Guest Casey Mau


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show A lovely conversation centering on fatherhood. The good, the challenging, the humor and the glue of family. The guest Casey Mau is also the brother of the host Candace Mau. The sibling banter only adds to the dynamic conversation following paternal connection. Casey Mau is a computer programer, father of three, motorcycle lover, husband to Lori, Portuguese speaker and traveler. mauza11@gmail.com  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mauza/ ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch ourselves smiling when we’re around them, but don’t know how to do what they do. Consciously or unconsciously we are always seeking that space.   What if it’s easier to find than you think? There are tools, questions, and fun just waiting for you everyday! Candace Mau will enthusiastically wonder, share stories and light up your d

  • The Joy of Body Work & Life Coaching ~ Guest Sara Rose


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show An exploration of the dynamics of the human body and a holistic life. A conversation exploring experience and how a gifted body worker studied varies modalities that led her to coaching people to deeper consciousness. Sara Rose is a joyful guest on Everyday Joy. Sara Rose is an exceptional coach and gifted massage therapist. Sara's experience with intuitive massage utilizing modalities such as Thai Yoga, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Shiatsu, Reiki, Cranial and other energy alchemy give her a dynamic approach to everything. After 16 years of dedicated practice she still loves it! Add that into her toolbox as she serves her clients holistically as an amazing coach. Sara lives with her family in Salt Lake City Utah.  https://www.facebook.com/Sararosemassage/ ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit up, catch o

  • Finding Joy in the Skin You’re In ~ Guest Annie Prebble


    Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Annie is the joyful personification of loving the skin you're in all while facilitating doing just that. A gifted esthetician, marvelous conversationalist and remarkable human to explore proper self care and how to find the joy doing that each day. Annie Prebble lives in Salt Lake with her wife and adorable fur family. As a licensed Master Esthetician, her number one priority is to educate and help her clients with whatever skincare goals they may have. From Tinting and Waxing, to Facials, Microdermabrasions, and Chemical Peels- Annie loves it all! She believes in using products with active and healing ingredients to really benefit the client and truly help them achieve healthy skin.  anniesesthetics.slc@gmail.com  https://www.facebook.com/pg/anniesesthetics/posts/ ~ More About Everyday Joy ~  At our core, our most basic essence, there is Joy. A place people know very well but may not feel confident in finding often. We notice when other people have true joy, are lit u

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