We're . . . Just Alright



We're . . . Just Alright started in 2016 with the goal of looking to see if there was deeper meaning to video games. We were looking to explore the stories that game designers tell through their medium. We realized that doing a podcast is a hell of a lot of work so we only managed a few episodes and then we let our hosting expire. I've now found a way to host the episodes differently and may be adding to them in the future.


  • Alex

    12/09/2019 Duração: 01h33min

    Alex is a 24-year-old from Rochester, New York. He goes into detail about his childhood, family, love, depression, and some things that help him cope. As always you can contact me by sending an email to werejustalright@gmail.com if you’d like to be on the show or just have something to say. You can support the show by […]

  • Andrew

    20/08/2019 Duração: 52min

    Turns out Andrew and I have a bunch of things in common, one of them being our interest in board games so we do a deeper dive into that. We also speak about productivity, loss, mental health, and other things. It was a joy to connect with Andrew, I hope you find a nugget of […]

  • Praneet

    25/07/2019 Duração: 56min

    We learn a little about Praneet in this episode. I had a great time listening to his story which takes place mostly over the past three years. Hopefully, you’ll gain some new understanding of what it’s like to be in his shoes as I did. The book Praneet mentions (and which was inaudible) is called […]

  • Kareem

    17/07/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    Kareem is a 24-year-old currently living in Ontario. We talk about what it’s like moving from another country to Canada, internet privacy, depression, and more about myself than I expected. I was glad to have the opportunity to speak with Kareem and I hope you’ll enjoy listening in. If you’d like to be on the […]

  • Nicole

    11/07/2019 Duração: 01h26min

    Nicole, another Texan, honours us with her story in this episode. She has a big heart and an infectious positivity despite trials that many will identify with. If you’d like to be on the show please email me at werejustalright@gmail.com. Anonymity in the publication is allowed! If you’d like to support the show head over […]

  • Juan


    We’re…Just Alright is making a change and Juan was gracious enough to be the first guest. I’ll be bringing you the stories of people as they see fit to share and Juan did a great job of talking me through some of his mistakes, sorrows, and triumphs.

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