Demetria Reads



A quick pick-me-up to accompany your day, Demetria gives audio therapy for the soul. Narrating articles, blogs, pieces of text and everything else, Demetria adds her own flavor to make you laugh, smile or relax while listening. Short, introspective and entertaining pieces that are just perfect for your commute, jogging or biding your time in the checkout line. Stretch out your soul in a hammock or pop a squat on the reading rug and engage in listening nirvana. Like the music? Giving a huge shoutout to Otis MacDonald for his track "Behind Closed Doors".


  • I Am Learning To Unlearn What Society Has Taught Me by Mai Pham

    28/05/2019 Duração: 06min

    The mind is the battlefield and when it comes to unlearning, our thinking and mindsets can become horrific dictators to our lives. However, before one can choose to change their thinking, they must become aware of their thinking patterns.  Mai Pham shares how she learned to question what she was taught by her family and society that no longer served her best interests.   As you listen, reflect on the thinking patterns you hold to and if they are serving you well.  And if not, are you willing to let them go?

  • Are You Done Yet? Women On How Long Sex Should Last by Bridget Phetasy

    16/05/2019 Duração: 09min

    Like everything else, women hold the monopoly on even time limits for sex.  And according to this author, men would be wise to heed.  When she starts thinking about checking on her roast in the oven....dude, you're done.  Enjoy!

  • Why I'm Selling All My Shit by Rishabh Dev

    14/05/2019 Duração: 05min

    Could you live without everything you felt you needed?  Your apartment, car, credit cards, clothes...could you just walk away from all the upkeep and appearance of things and live a simpler lifestyle?  This author gives us a quick look into how he's shedded all he didn't need in order to live the life that matters. 

  • The Truth About Farting In Front Of Loved Ones by Benjamin Davis

    09/05/2019 Duração: 08min

    Does your significant other allow you to break wind in front of them? Or do you hold it in from fear of what they might think?  In a world where image outranks reality, I'm sure there's many of us who would clench rather than release.  Benjamin Davis gives us a funny and unashamed peek on how he had no choice but to tackle this painful hurdle with his girlfriend.  

  • Losing The Argument Against Life by Jonas Ellison

    07/05/2019 Duração: 04min

    No one can teach you how to live.  Life is an experiment, a melting pot of recommendations, fighting against ingrained patterns and leaping by faith, even if you don't believe in a higher power. Wouldn't it be wonderful to receive yearly reviews from Life?  To sit down with Life and go over the choices we've made and be guided away from pits and towards higher planes?  But Life doesn't provide such feedback, it simply demands that we trust that it knows and that we let go.....of ourselves.  Even let go of what we thought life would be and what we planned.  Can you let go?  Can you trust life to know better than you and submit to its guidance?   Jonas Ellison encourages us to die to ourselves, our ego and let Life win.

  • "I Went Out With A Guy And He Sent Me An Invoice" by Rachel Khona

    02/05/2019 Duração: 11min

    On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate first dates?  Well, if you didn't hate first dates, you will now.  Listen to the funny and shocking tale of this author's unforgettable experience with a first date gone horribly wrong.  It could happen to you...

  • Stop Apologizing For Being Yourself by Darius Foroux

    30/04/2019 Duração: 08min

    We may not admit it but a crucial part of our wardrobe is the mask we wear everyday that hides our true selves.  This mask is more familiar to our friends, family and colleagues than our true face.  Why is it so hard to be ourselves?  Why are we content to hide that which is authentic and full of clarity?  Is it that we are strangers with our true selves? Have we assimilated so well that we believe the mask is real?  And when we do find glimmers of our true selves, why do we apologize for it? Today's featured author, Darius Foroux challenges us to discover what is unashamedly true about being ourselves and embrace it wholeheartedly.  

  • Amazon Alexa, My Girlfriend and I are in a Love Triangle by Benjamin Davis

    25/04/2019 Duração: 07min

    Favoritism. Humans do it but what about the artificial intelligence we bring into our homes and lives?  Does Alexa, Siri or even the voice of your car's GPS seem to show a predilection for you despite the angst of others around you?  This is the dilemma of the three voices sharing a household in this humorous article where one voice is favored and the other is undermined.  

  • To Music, With Love by Jennifer Sartore Hulst

    23/04/2019 Duração: 06min

    Music has a universal language that connects us beyond the barriers of language, culture and even personal differences.  Music is a power that can move us suddenly from one emotion to another without warning.  And music is never more powerful than in our pre-teen and teenage years when we are in the chaos of figuring out who we are and carving out our lives.  In this love letter, the author gives tribute to the role music has played in her life.  Her words reminds us that without music, life wouldn't have been as impactful or even as memorable.  If you had to write a love letter to the role music has played in your life, what would you say?  

  • A Loose Woman by Kay Bolden

    18/04/2019 Duração: 06min

    The relationship between mothers and daughters is classically one of love and hate. It 's also a tug-of-war of individuality, identity and dependency.  Both parties are guilty of the pushed upon sculpting of the other.  A daughter trying to make her mother understand what age is blind to, a mother trying to make her daughter see what youth keeps her in ignorance of.  And for many, by the time both sides can finally "see", time has passed and opportunity lost.  Enjoy this quick invitation of the author to experience the complex, rich and rewarding quagmire that was the relationship with her mother.

  • The Shameful Life of Childhood Dolls by Roxanne Batty

    16/04/2019 Duração: 06min

    Have you replaced your childhood toys with an adult version that makes it socially acceptable to indulge in the fantasies of your mind?  The author gives us a peak into the arena of human behavior and the human playground that is the mind.  The question must be pondered - why does the author characterize the life of her dolls or doll experience as "shameful"?  Why is it an addiction?  Do we have those addictions that we secretly play out in socially acceptable venues?  This is the conundrum this short and seemingly light story offers us.  

  • The Giving Tree Is Done Being A Push Over by Kyrie Gray

    11/04/2019 Duração: 05min

    Are you the giver or the taker in your relationship? This smartly crafted story by Kyrie Gray reveals how easy we take others for granted and forget that in everything balance is required to ensure success.  After listening, do you have more empathy for Tree or side with Rebecca?

  • Reflecting On My Failure To Build A Billion Dollar Company by Sahil Lavingia

    09/04/2019 Duração: 22min

    Many times what really matters gets lost in the hustle to dominate the start-up game and bring in the trophy of massive profits.  But it's only on the entrepreneurial  journey do we have those rare opportunities to discover what matters most and why we had ideas to begin with and the impact we dreamed of making.. Sahil's story is a profound one that every entrepreneur and start-up can relate to. A story of discovery, resilience and value.

  • Gillette Brand purPositioning: What's behind toxic masculinity? by Serdar Paktin

    02/04/2019 Duração: 15min

    In a society where multimedia sings the praises of strong women, responsible non-profits and embracing diversity, it can feel a little daunting for the rest of the population..meaning men.  Serdar Paktin takes on Gillette's effort to rally men to be better, an effort that didn't quite meet its mark.  But the author sheds light on what Gillette and other companies should and can still do to make the impact that brands them positively to the world.  Serdar's words are worth listening to, for companies and entrepreneurs alike.

  • "You Are Not Equal. I'm Sorry" by Dina Leygerman

    28/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    I don't think we realize how unequal women in America still are.  In the hustle and bustle of technology, conveniences and the American flag, it's easy to forget that the scales still aren't balanced, not even a smidge.  Dina reminds us with her words how much there is still to fight for when it comes to women and the rights we deserve.  We can't become complacent with the freedoms we currently enjoy but must remember there are still battles that have yet to be won and victories future generations may only benefit from.  This is a must listen for all as we must fight for the daughters yet to be born.

  • How To Be Good At Sex

    26/03/2019 Duração: 08min

    Want to be good at sex? Kris Gage tells it like it is, unapologetically.  Her candor and no frills tone made this article a must-read and then a must-narrate for me!  Kris gives to us hard on what should and shouldn't be between the sheets.  Narrating was such a blast that I recorded more than a few times to polish the gauntlet of sarcasm to sultry.  Listen, resonate, laugh and maybe even learn a thing or two.  

  • Lunch at Woolworth's Five and Dime by Miles White

    21/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Some of the best stories are hidden in the past.  Despite the discomfort of the harsh realities of racism, such stories always leave its listeners with  a gem allowing them to embrace remembering.  This story is based in the Jim Crow South and the tale illuminates human dynamics when color lines are crossed and civil disobedience occurs.  A great short story with rich characters woven together in a way that it'll leave you wishing the author continued the story.


    19/03/2019 Duração: 03min

    Siblings...nuff said!  So many of us can relate to the" competitive, getting over the other, why do they get to do it, it's mine" quagmire that is the sibling relationship.  The little one in this story gets his way and I wonder if after listening, can any of you relate? Would you have done the same?  What mischievous things did you do towards your siblings to get your way?  Don't worry, I won't judge you, I want to laugh with you because we're all guilty!  Thanks to Stephen M. Tomic, an author on for writing this fun and interesting tale of sibling antics.

  • A Love Letter To Entrepreneurship by Justin Cox

    12/03/2019 Duração: 04min

    Whether you're an entrepreneur or are thinking about the benefits of launching out on your own - this article will resonate with you!  Justin Cox truly embodied through his writing the love of taking the chance on one's passion and what it feels like to be on the winning side.  I couldn't help but give this love letter a sultry tone that beckons and woo's especially when Justin is giving me words like "titillating" and "lustful"!  A fun read and I hope you'll be convinced of the forbidden joys of joining the entrepreneur club!  See you on the other side!

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