You're Welcome with Hilary Rushford

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 152:22:32
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As a stylist who explores what makes women feel beautiful, entrepreneur and Instagram favorite @HilaryRushford brings her witty, winsome, and wise voice to honest conversations on how to have an extraordinary life (without being exhausted): More joy and less overwhelm in your style, business, and life. You’re welcome (wink), in advance.


  • Ep 15: Healing Anxiety, Perfectionism + People Pleasing Oh My

    17/07/2019 Duração: 40min

    What if you could feel more confident, less ruffled by circumstances or what others do? I learned some great tools in a special therapy session, that I found myself sharing with girlfriends for months. They all found it so helpful, and I know you will too. The bad news, I’m pretty sure we all have this. The good news, I was taught specific steps to heal it! A recap of the 6 steps in the episode: 1. Find a memory 2. Imagine someone you love that age. 3. Ask their thoughts/feelings. 4. Look at the present for how those same thoughts/feelings show up. 5. Become the needed parent. 6. Talk to someone who also experienced it, if helpful. Would love to hear your thoughts on Instagram at @HilaryRushford and future topic suggestions at! PS Here’s the link to the foot hammock my fellow shorties + infinity pillow. You’re welcome!

  • Ep 14: The Curious Case of Comparison + Envy

    09/07/2019 Duração: 40min

    Ever dealt with FOMO? Felt behind? Having a perfectly fine day when one Instagram post of someone else’s win is a punch in the gut? Wonder why she gets the successful business AND the pregnancy, when your heart is aching for both? Friend, we all have. We all do. Today I’m sharing 6 things you can do to “not today Satan!” it and be the magically evolved human you really want to be when comparison, jealousy and envy strike. Gratitude Unfollow Make believe it’s something bad See wins as promise 50/50 good/bad What does this tell you? This episode was from a listener Q, and you can submit your own at and come say hello on Instagram @HilaryRushford!

  • Ep 13: What If Mondays Were Easy?

    03/07/2019 Duração: 10min

    Ever get the Sunday Sads in anticipation of the Monday hustle? Why not choose something else? Who said Mondays need to be so aggressive? Januarys need to be when you try be your most productive all year? Why not choose to ease into your week, month, year to create more space and joy?  Be more gentle with yourself. You are the CEO of your life. You can choose rest. Where are you going hard and what would it feel like to be more graceful? Or where are you too soft and can get hyper focused to alleviate yourself some of that stress? Tell me what you are choosing to be gentle with over on Instagram @hilaryrushford.

  • Ep 12: 4 Hacks to Confidently Make Decisions Quickly

    03/07/2019 Duração: 23min

    We want to be invited and do all the things.. aaand sit on the couch to binge Netflix in silence. Sound familiar? Samesies. We want to be able to choose the right things to avoid overfilling our calendars with things that don’t really bring us joy; to avoid FOMO because we’re confident we did indeed make the right choice for us. I’m sharing 4 hacks to make decisions quickly.  Discern what truly brings you joy in that moment - not just what will make your Instagram feed look cooler.  Know that a “hell yes” will haunt you and anything less can be let go. Buy back your freedom! Slow down and ask the right questions so you can confidently and peacefully create that space for yourself.   Come leave me a voice memo on and tell me what you want to talk about next week! And share on Instagram @hilaryrushford which decision this helped you make!

  • Ep 11: Your Last + Next 5 Years: Decisions, Desires + Dating Actors

    26/06/2019 Duração: 30min

    Who were you 5 years ago? 5 years ago, my husband didn’t even live in New York, the church where we met hadn’t even been created, my anxiety was wild, and I was exhausted with my business burning the candle from both ends.  Who will you be 5 years from now? You may know what you want, but have you peeled back the layers to really explore what it would take to get you there? So much can happen in that time and I choose to believe that your life will be so much better than you can imagine. Choose the people and priorities that will get you to that magical life you dream of, and be okay letting go of the rest. There’s way less that matters than we think. And way better awaiting us in five years than we believe.If one of your next 5 year goals is to scale your business to the next level, learn more about my brand new Elegant Excellence Mastermind, doors closing soon, at

  • Ep 10: The Myth of the Perfect Girlboss

    19/06/2019 Duração: 29min

    This episode is for people who have zero desire to be in business, a friend who’s an entrepreneur, or you are/want to be one yourself. Can I be honest? Entrepreneurship is so hard! Yes, I love it. But I feel the need to share 7 myths about the perfect Girl Boss, or gent boss. Aka the image we see on social media, dream we’re fed and told everyone is or should be chasing. And if you are called to business, I’m here for you and want to share EVERYTHING I can to help you make it easier, less terrifying, more profitable, faster, than it was for me. Head to and sign up for one of the two free workshops I’m teaching this week:- Goal Setting + Vision Casting for 2019 - How to Gracefully Overcome the 6 Most Common Challenges in BusinessAnd learn more about my brand new Elegant Excellence Mastermind, accepting applications now for a very limited time also at

  • Ep 9: Truth Serum: 3 Lies About Style + Beauty

    12/06/2019 Duração: 30min

    After thousands of clients and years teaching women how to understand their own style recipe, I’ve discovered there are So. Many. Lies we tell ourselves and how we feel towards that woman in the mirror! In this episode, learn the truth and how you can rewire them to discover your true heart and self. You do not need to lose weight, or buy more, to feel more beautiful. Nor is it about fluffy words of positive affirmation. Learn the science and psychology of style, you whip smart woman you. AND get on the wait list for the next time my FREE STYLE WORKSHOP is offered! More freedom, joy, peace, and beauty is waiting for you, love. xo @HilaryRushford

  • Ep 8: 6 Steps to a Lifestyle of Elegant Excellence

    05/06/2019 Duração: 52min

    Elegant Excellence is a lifestyle of being extraordinary, without being exhausted. More joy, less overwhelm. It’s that sweet spot between hustle and procrastination. It’s how I’ve been living my life for around 4ish years now and what has repeatedly made friends say, “You’re so different than you were six months ago…” as I’ve become less anxious, less busy, and more anchored in what matters most (while growing my business to be even more successful at the same time). In this episode I’m breaking down for the first time this 3 x 3 path to embracing Elegant Excellence in your own life: Decide to grow Accept growth as a lifestyle Know growth starts in the mind   Choose less Choose what matters most Actually choose it Making the decision to live this way has blessed my life so much, and if you choose to join me, I know it will yours. PS I also unveiled a brand new offering in this week’s episode -- my first in three years! Want to learn more? Go to and join the Wait List for early acce

  • Ep 7: Embracing Change Gracefully: Jobs, Relationships, + Moving

    29/05/2019 Duração: 50min

    Are you ready to be the CEO of your life? To accept change with more peace and courage? Many of us resist change because often we feel these choices are not our own. You get laid off work. Your relationship is failing. Your best friend is moving out of state. It’s powerful to remember that even when you don’t make a choice, or get to fully make it, we have so much control over our head, heart and soul to CHOOSE for it to be a yes, a blessing, a gift. Get a heads up if you can. If not, acknowledge swift change can feel jaring. Focus on your PRIORITIES. Then celebrate choosing priority #1, not focusing on having given up priority #2. ENVISION your choice and BE that person now, not waiting till you have something external then thinking that will change how you feel internally. Prepare your MIND that freak outs will happen, which doesn’t mean it’s wrong, so you can react to them less and not second guess your choice. Look for EVIDENCE this is good, right, meant to be. The brain doesn’t want you to change, it’s

  • Ep 6: Smizing While Single (Listen If You're Married)

    22/05/2019 Duração: 24min

    I‘ve never shared about being single and dating. But now that I’m newly married, I have A LOT to say! If you’re married, LISTEN to this episode to grow in empathy and be a better friend to your single friends. And if you’re single, m’dear this episode is absolutely for you. Delivering 6 truths about singleness. Some comical. And some life-changing drop-the-mic you-need-this-today. Have your own advice on dating? See “Podcast” on my pinned IG Stories @HilaryRushford for a cute quick way to share! (Tag me so I can see!) What should we talk about next? Leave me a message at

  • Ep 5: My Own Path to Making Closer Friendships

    15/05/2019 Duração: 34min

    Do you want more or deeper friendships? According to my Instagram posts on this topic, the answer is YES! Which means, great news, everyone else wants to be your friend too! When I had this desire in my own life, I decided to stop wishing for friends to “ask me out” and decided to make the first move. Today I’m sharing the specific steps I took. (Also if you’ve experienced loss of friendships, I shared vulnerably about this in Episode 1.) A sweet madlibs to shout-out the beautiful folks who ARE in your life, is available under “Podcast” pinned stories @HilaryRushford. While you’re there leave me a comment below my latest post, whatever it is, to share your takeaways from the episode! What do you want to talk about next? Submit your ideas via

  • Ep 4: How to Make More Happen, While Crying + Drinking Less

    08/05/2019 Duração: 33min

    Are you too hard on yourself, or not hard enough? Should you be getting more done in a day… or are you being unrealistic about what you could accomplish? Welcome to my eternal question to myself! Today I’m sharing 5 things that help me get more done, while feeling less frustrated or disappointed in myself. And I’ve popped them into a cheat sheet for you for quick reference after the episode, which you can find on @HilaryRushford under my pinned “Podcast” IG Stories. Screenshot it and share! Make it your lock screen to help you take action this week! Have a Q or topic you’d like me to cover on the podcast? Come leave your ideas at!

  • Ep 3: Your #1 Issue (Ok Prob Not You, The Person Annoying You Most)

    01/05/2019 Duração: 23min

    I have - get ready for it - the answers to all your problems. Yes, I’m talking to you, m’dear. That guy who won’t text you back? Friend who’s making you feel left out? Boss who gives you the worst anxiety? The answer to all their problems too. I reveal my “3 stages of ish” to get you to clarity, security, and change. PLUS an incredibly useful one-page worksheet at Tuck in your journal or pin to your fridge to track your growth over the months to come, see progress, and celebrate your wins. This step was truly game changing in my own path to more peace and less overwhelm. What do you think? Does the “3 stages of ish” help? Would LOVE to hear your takeaways @HilaryRushford. Leave me a note below my latest post, whenever you listen, as I read them all.

  • Ep 2: Inside Anxiety: Mine, Yours + Your Friends'

    25/04/2019 Duração: 48min

    Let’s talk an-xiety, -xiety, we're talkin' anxiety, when your body does not rock (please hum to the tune of Let’s Get Physical). Hello, I’m Hilary, I have anxiety. It used to be oh so much worse. It’s now most often way way better. I’m sharing my journey of healing to answer some of your most common Q’s on overcoming anxiety, and facing fear.Learn what’s helped through some of my most crippling moments, for yourself, a friend, or a loved one. And download an inspiration checklist and record for your own journey at (No really, y’all this journal sheet can be SO helpful if you use it!!! Print it. Take notes. Tell me where you are 6 months from now. You’re doing awesome.)What are your thoughts? Follow-up Q’s? I’m sure I’ll do a part 2 based on these so come leave a note in the comment of my latest Instagram post, whatever it is, as I read all those comments: @HilaryRushford.

  • Ep 1: My Darkest Moments in My Body, Money, Love, Friendship, Depression + More

    24/04/2019 Duração: 33min

    Kicking off the podcast on a light note… I vulnerably share 5 of the darkest moments of my life, in hopes you can relate, and thus feel more welcome here. And being at presently the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been… it’s only authentic to share the true stories that brought me here.From body image and weight, to money and career, heartbreak and weddings, entrepreneurship and depression, friendships and loss. There’s a purpose in our pain, in our waiting, and in our closed doors. There’s hope, new stories, and you’ve come to the right place for help, m’dear.

  • Ep 0: Hello, (I'm) Hilary

    24/04/2019 Duração: 14min

    More joy, less overwhelm. The end. And also the beginning. Hello, friend, welcome to my very first episode! Here’s what my teammate wrote for me and it’s pretty adorable:“Meet Hilary, a personal stylist, entrepreneur, and Instagram favorite @HilaryRushford. Most importantly? That next door neighbor whose house you love stopping by for candid conversations on style, business, and life. Pour a cup or glass and come on in her virtual living room. We have so much to talk about!” I endorse this message! Want to leave me a voice or text message I can play on this show with a Q or topic to discuss? Visit And please come say hello so I don’t feel lonely and like I have no friends on this podcast. with grace & gumption, Hilary

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