Walking With Jordi

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 24:06:06
  • Mais informações



Welcome to the daily audio transcription of my life. I'm a started off as a visual communicator and I've tapped into my other communication talents recently. This podcast allows me to communicate an even more in depth perspective on my beliefs about marketing, branding, and photography. I believe in people and creating meaningful relationships by adding value to each person you meet in the best way that you can. By documenting these thoughts, feelings, and reflections of my personal and business development, I believe that I can do just that. Thank you.


  • My Moment of Clarity

    27/08/2019 Duração: 09min

    I believe that I'm at a point where I understand who I am, not who I'm trying to be. In acknowledging the things that I am blessed with such as communication skills, empathy, gratitude, and sharp perspective on the hardships of life relative to my own, these things have shaped me into who I am. The struggles that each of us have define us in unique ways. And it's because of this that I believe that you should tell that story. Not some caricature of who you want to be. You, your truth, your flaws, your gifts, your shortcomings, is the story. That's what makes you you.

  • Focus on Your strengths

    27/08/2019 Duração: 05min

    Focus on your strengths. We all have insecurities amongst other shortcomings. Please don't dwell on them!

  • The Business of Attention

    27/08/2019 Duração: 06min

    Hey Podcast, this episode is a call to action to go run some ads! It's never been a better time to be alive than now! The opportunity is in such abundance and I fear many of us aren't taking advantage of it. Please please please! Go learn how to advertise on these platforms! It will change the course of your business!

  • You have to Give more to Receive more

    23/08/2019 Duração: 06min

    It's in our nature to be quiet selfish and self serving, and that's ok. But there's a point where we all desire more accolades, respect, love but where does this come from? I believe that it comes from giving selflessly. Now, this isn't easy by any means. It takes knowing yourself, being comfortable in your shortcomings, and accepting the fact that we're all on a common journey with our own individual paths. In doing this podcast, I want to make my contribution to creatives, and other listeners alike by giving the insights that I've gained from my journey and the new things that I continue to learn. That is where the success lies. Try it!

  • Letting go off Control for Business Growth

    23/08/2019 Duração: 06min

    As creatives, out freedom comes in the form of getting to make what we desire. But I believe there comes a time in business where you need more speed. And speed comes in many forms. You can better your skills, you can outsource, and/or hire. Outsourcing has been one of the significant improvements in my business. This has allowed me to increase customer satisfaction while increasing overall gross profit because I'm able to take on more shoots due to me buying back my time.

  • My Current Business Aspirations

    22/08/2019 Duração: 04min

    Hey Podcast, in always thrilled to come here and deliver some of my thoughts in a raw, unfiltered way. Among my personal aspirations, is to build a successful customer facing photography business where I'm able to provide high quality services for an affordable price. I don't care about being published or working with celebrities. I care about making the experience of photography a fun and accessible one. And that's why I operate my business like I do. How do you operate your business and what are your ambitions?

  • Crawl, Walk, then Run

    22/08/2019 Duração: 01min

    We need to be patient. Diligence is important when growing and the compliment to this is patient. We will always desire fast results because it's wired in us. But whenever you feel your dreams are far off, remember that a baby has to crawl, then walk before it can run.

  • Collaborating is 1-1 then Many Marketing

    20/08/2019 Duração: 02min

    Collaboration is key for any business. I believe that when executed right it can create great relationships, meaningful content and then that person becomes apart of your network because you brought value through the execution of your work.

  • The Answers You're Looking for Are Already Inside You

    18/08/2019 Duração: 11min

    Hey Podcast, it's been a few days since I've recorded an episode but today I'm here to spill some thoughts that I think would be helpful for anyone that's getting heavy into marketing or on the journey of understanding themselves like myself. We have to take deeper looks internally, ask critical questions of ourselves, deploy a little more empathy, and accept the shortcomings of all our lives. I believe that as we bring this conversation of happiness and internal success to the forefront, we'll be able to have more open conversations and extract more judgement out of the system. It'll take time though, but it begins with you and you can start today.

  • Perspective Matters

    15/08/2019 Duração: 05min

    Hey Podcast, today I'm filled with emotions as I hit a fork in my path. I'm reflecting on how I feel, and that is all. Thanks for sticking by on my journey thus far.

  • Do it for Yourself

    13/08/2019 Duração: 06min

    As I come more of age, I'm truly beginning to understand that no one's framework for your life matters. Your life is yours to life and no one else's. Please understand this, I beg you. It'll be the greatest unlock for your future. Operating on your own terms while still being respectful of other's opinions is the framework that I'm now learning to operate in and it's truly liberating. Your life if yours, remember that.

  • The Reason We love certain Brands

    11/08/2019 Duração: 02min

    Hey Podcast, today I was thinking about this question "why are we compelled to do certain things?" And in today's episode I ponder those thoughts. Fundamentally, I believe it's because these brands have sustained a memorable emotional attachment in our hearts. We don't buy the products, we buy what the brand stands for and embodies. We buy ideas.

  • We Have More time than We Were Taught to Believe

    10/08/2019 Duração: 05min

    I believe we need to stop pressuring ourselves. For anyone in their early 20s like myself, we need to reframe our ideas on time and understand ourselves. I think we need to get back to a state where we are leaning into our passions. It's our passions that fuel us and keep us going when things get difficult. Anything not in support of that is an eventual burnout.

  • Happiness is true Enlightenment

    08/08/2019 Duração: 05min

    Hey Podcast, I was really pondering this thought of Enlightenment five minutes before recording and I'm lead to believe that it's happiness. Internal happiness. Doing what you believe and love. Giving freely from your soul without expecting anything in return and understanding that you're not entitled to anything. Your happiness is your responsibility and when you lean into that, the world becomes a frightenly better place.

  • Branding 102

    08/08/2019 Duração: 08min

    Today, I continue the branding series by talking about creating relevance through content. I believe that content that is relevant to your end consumer creates an environment where they can learn and develop trust. It's not going to guarantee sales, but it creates a better environment for sales to take place which is what any business large or small needs! Hope this brings you some value!

  • Branding 101

    07/08/2019 Duração: 12min

    Hey Podcast, I think this topic is important for all of us including myself. It's a matter of communicating your vision and idea of your company through actions, good or bad treatment, product placement, and the emotional connection that you're going to build with your customer. That's the game and that's why we need to understand why we do the things that we're doing.

  • An Open letter to my 22 year Olds

    05/08/2019 Duração: 06min

    Hey Podcast, this an open letter to my 22 year Olds like myself! We're just starting life. We've been given a framework where we got good grades to move to the next level when life just doesent work like that. I truly believe that we are in a remarkable time and I really want to implore that we all save our money, we stay true to our passions, and we be honest with ourselves. Our lives is ours to live and my father drilled that in my head. Not for him but for me. And I want to impart that onto you all as well. Thank you for your attention.

  • Marketing is Contextual to your Goals

    04/08/2019 Duração: 07min

    Hey Podcast, today I want to add some clarity to my thoughts on marketing. It's a very contextual art for both you and your target audience. There are general ideas like running ads to a specific target audience for them to perform an action, but at the same time, the flavor is contextual. I believe the best thing that we can all do is to understand what our personal and business goal is, understand what the customers needs are, and then work towards that. That I belive is essential otherwise you're going to fall in the trap of "you need to post at X time" etc when it's different for all of us.

  • A Simplified Perspective On Marketing

    02/08/2019 Duração: 09min

    Hey Podcast,  on today's episode, I speak about acts of kindness in business and the importance of it to our success. Why don't we treat people in business like we do in real life? Marketing isn't always sales driven. When it's human driven there's more results that are ROI positive. People are not transactional elements and it's time that we really acknowledge this fact.

  • I'm no Expert. I'm Just Learning & Sharing as I go

    02/08/2019 Duração: 10min

    I am not an expert in anything. I just have a passion for documenting and sharing the things that have gotten me to where I am. I'm still figuring it out, I get discouraged but I will never stop. Recording is just too much fun and I'm tracking myself in real time!

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