Hashtag Questions With Brandon & Trey

Episode 65 - The Awkward Exchanges of Brandon & Trey



Rejected episode titles: Charmful Trey, Trey's Callbacks, and Trey's Drinking Game. This Week's #Questions @MrJust2Nice - How do you fight for someone you love without looking crazy? #justaquestion @sakura_keelie05 - If you’re getting worried about a friend. When is the appropriate time to bring it up? #askingforme @wrytersview - So this year is my 20 year high school reunion, & old classmates are already hounding me about going. What's the best way to fake your own death? #AskingForAFriend @TheKarlieM - Anyone else reward themselves with a treat when they get home after having to adult all day? #askingforafriend #AdultingAndStuff @MiliVGonzalez - How do you make a 5 year old stop talking about dinosaurs? #AskingForAFriend @CrystalCurlee2 - Why do we love the people who treat us wrong and not the ones who treat us right? #justaquestion #notmysituation To see the full list of questionable tweets related to this week's episode, visit our episode moment on Twitter. Dig what you hear? Cl