Hashtag Questions With Brandon & Trey

Episode 47 - We Have the Beef



Cross-stall convos, pee fetishes, new beef, and more! This Week's #Questions @SanSanizzle - So if you start a conversation outside the stalls do you continue it inside the bathroom stalls too? @NemoTheDinosaur - Is it too early for Christmas candles? @perpetualsoren1 - if you get married can you register for a pet alpaca? @cameandsaw - I think my wife wants to pee on me, what kind of porn is she watching when I’m at work? Any who does anyone have a set of rubber sheets I can borrow? @jackieeelliott - do exes that aren’t psycho even exist @superhighfivepc - Can a podcast start a feud with another podcast like rappers do? To see the full list of questionable tweets related to this week's episode, visit our episode moment on Twitter. Dig what you hear? Click these buttons: Follow us on Twitter Get your face on some questions Drop us a review on Apple Podcasts Drop us a review on Stitcher Help us out by taking our quick survey at http://survey.questionmcquestionface.com.Support this podcast at — https