The Top With Richie Phillips

“The Top”: featuring Impressionist STEVE VAN ZANDT



You've always heard your mother say it's important to make a good impression.  I guess this guy listened very well,  because he's incredible at it! I'm talking about comic impressionist  Steve Van Zandt from the Albany, NY area (no, NOT the guy from the Sopranos, although spelled the same way.  I bet he could nail that impression as well!) I had a blast talking and reminiscing with Steve.  Whether you are from the area or not, you will love this episode.  We have a few local references, but nothing that will throw you off!  Steve's website, btw is  He's got a phenomenal new business idea brewing that we all should keep tabs on.  It's a KILLER concept.  He mentions it toward the end of the podcast.  Other things we cover include: His method of learning a voice The impression he never gets tired of doing, What it would be like if Jimmy Stewart was a track announcer at Saratoga (whoops - local reference-- you see, that's a place in our area that has horses and people bet on them to see how