Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0332 | Understand Your Communication Style



Have you ever been talking to someone, and you felt like they just weren't understanding what you were saying?Or maybe you're are in a relationship with someone, whether it's a romantic relationship, friendship, or professional relationship and you can't believe the other person NEVER asks your thoughts. Or the flip side. You feel like you have to PRY thoughts out of them.One more. Have you ever been in an important conversation with someone and ended up talking over each other? Almost as thought you're in a dance where BOTH OF YOU is trying to lead?Turns out that understanding your communication style and the style of other important people in your life can help you communicate more effectively and effortlessly. That's what we're talking about today.Today we're diving into a model that is over 3 decades old, but I still find it so useful. It's the Social Styles of Communication model. In this model, there are 2 different continuums that divide people into 4 different commu