

Today, we're myth-busting the topics of resilience, thriving through adversity, and post-traumatic growth. We've all heard about these topics, but unfortunately, the belief that we walk away with is that true "resilience" means we can skip through the truly challenging times that life throws at us.It's simply not true.Resilience does NOT mean you somehow don't experience the stress, anxiety, or negative emotions that are perfectly natural consequences of a difficult or challenging time. In fact, during truly challenging times, we worry more if you aren't experiencing those effects.Rather, resilience, thriving through adversity, and post-traumatic growth have more to do with what happens as a result of a challenging situation. That's the focus of today's episode. Today we talk about how to support yourself through challenging times, but mostly, we talk about what to do afterward. What we make the situation mean. How we grow from it. What we learn. Who we BECOME.This is a pow