Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0038 | Anna Bregier | How Can You Help? Start Small!



We've all been there. You see so many people around you who are in need, but you don't know how to help. The challenge feels so large that you think, what impact could my small actions possibly have?  We've all been there. You're faced with a challenge that feels so risky. Your heart is telling you to give it a try, but your rational mind is telling you to hold back. Failure is a real possibility.  This week, you're going to hear about these 2 topics from a woman who has devoted her career to giving back.  Anna Bregier is the Director of Marketing at Cookie Cart. This non-profit seeks to educate inner city kids about career and job skills, through the vehicle of a fully functioning bakery.  Anna shares with us her story, as well as the stories of 2 other inspiring women: Sister Jean, the founder of Cookie Cart, and Anna's mom. Sign up at www.aprilseifert.com to get instant access to April's Life Blueprinting tool! Gain clarity on the areas of your life that are most in need of impr