Dr. David O. Ogaga Teaching Library

Bible Language  in Numbers 2



Bible Language  in Numbers.   When you read the Bible  and come across numbers like 1,2,3 ,12, 144,000 etc do they make meaning to you ? Have you wondered why God employ  numbers?   Isn't it strange  that 1+1=1?   For two shall  be one flesh.  Therein lies the power of 1.   Since the Bible is a Book of history and Prophecy. The Numbers used maybe ether literal or symbolic.   This is revealed in the context in which a number is used. Certain numbers appear often in an illustrative, figurative or symbolic sense. And in such cases an understanding of the significance is vital to the text.   Now its importance for us to understand that bible Numbers is not really the same with Numerology in which occult mysticism is attached to figures, their combinations and numerical values.this finds it root in the Babylonian  world. Hence I chose the phrase Bible language  in Numbers.   So in this series  of Bible study I intend  to explore  the meanings of most frequently  used numbers in the Bible and how you interpret  the