Moneytalk With Melanie

Department of Homeland Security Whistleblower and Author of the book “See Something, Say Nothing, Philip Haney.



May 26, 2017Department of Homeland Security Whistleblower and Author of the book “See Something, Say Nothing, Philip Haney. Plus: FIVE MINUTES OF PERSONAL FINANCE: 10 Apps That Will Help You Save Money Without Even Realizing It.Philip Haney studied Arabic culture and language while working as a scientist in the Middle East before becoming a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security in 2002 as a Customs & Border Protection agriculture officer. After advancing to an armed CBP officer where he served several tours of duty at the National Targeting Center near Washington, DC, where he quickly was promoted to its Advanced Targeting Team, an unprecedented accomplishment for an agent on temporary duty assignment. Officer Haney won numerous awards and commendations from his superiors for meticulously compiling information and producing actionable reports that led to the identification of hundreds of terrorists. He has specialized in Islamic theology and the strategy and tactics of the global Islamic