Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 152: Jillian Pransky



On the impact of rest in our mind and body. The science behind supporting the nervous system. Virtual restorative yoga teacher training.  Jillian Pransky, author of Deep Listening, is an international presenter and a certified yoga therapist. Jillian is creator of Mindful Of Rest: An Online Retreat, The Art of Conscious Rest: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training, as well as Yoga Journal’s Restorative 101. She teaches regularly at prominent wellness centers throughout the country such as Kripalu, Omega, Esalen, 1440, Blue Spirit. A student of Pema Chödrön’s work since 1998, Jillian infuses her yoga classes with mindfulness practices, compassion, and ease. For over 25 years, she's been teaching people all over the world the principles of deep listening through restorative and slow flow yoga and mindfulness practices. Her message is simple but potent: slowing down, turning inward, and deeply listening to our body and heart is perhaps the most meaningful form of self-care work we can do. When we are more compassion