Sticker Stories Podcast

Ethan Levy Started Dork Dancing To Bring Awareness To The Power Of Movement And Mental Health



Ethan Levy is the founder and host of Dork Dancing. Ethan, diagnosed as bipolar, has been hospitalized twice for his episodes of mania. These experiences were life-changing, altering his perspective on life entirely. During the early days of the COVID-19 lockdown, Ethan reflected on his values, purpose, and story. He decided to fight for a cause, advocating for mental health through dance. Ethan is going out to the streets making a statement and helping others let loose. Ethan is on a mission to help others move well and break free from psychological barriers. Dance holds tremendous power and Dork Dancing is helping more people tap into that power by letting loose. As a community, Dork Dancing is growing together while raising awareness for mental health. Dork Dancing is something that's visible, that's positive, and that can spread. Dork Dancing means dancing like dorks to do something good for mental health. Dork Dancing is also project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center, and StickerGiant is a sp