Parallax by Ankur Kalra

EP 84: Mastering the Art of Patient Care with Dr Michelle Kittleson



“Medical school cannot, and should not, feel easy—but it should feel worthwhile” – these are the opening words of Dr Kittleson’s book, Mastering the Art of Patient Care. Dr Kittleson’s book is not only a great resource for patient care, but a heartful companion to early career faculty as well. Dr Kalra’s guest on Parallax this week is Dr Michelle Kittleson, Professor of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai, Director of Education in Heart Failure and Transplantation and Director of Heart Failure Research at the Smidt Heart Institute. Coming from generations of doctors, Dr Kittleson describes herself first and foremost a dedicated clinician. With her new book, Dr Kittleson offers her mentorship and shares her advice on how to make patient care fulfilling for both clinicians and patients. In this rich and insightful discussion, Dr Kittleson talks about the origins of famous #kittlesonrules, a collection of tips for doctors shared on Twitter, and her thoughts on mentorship. We learn more about Mastering the Art of Patient