Podcast Talent Coach

The Magic Of Rapport – PTC 425



So many podcasters struggle to make money with their podcast. It is the primary challenge when coaches come to me for help. The thing they are missing is rapport. Building rapport is the biggest piece of the sales process. And most podcasters miss it with their podcast. On this episode, I want to help you refine your process, so you can make money with your podcast. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. STRATEGY You know how most podcasters don't make money with their show? They waste a lot of time on their podcast when it doesn't do anything to grow the business? I am a content coach. I help you build powerful, sales relationships with your podcast. If you ever want to try it, the process is really simple. First, we have a 30-minute conversation where we get clear on your podcast goals, what you hope to accomplish and how the podcast works into that plan. Next, we figure out where you are today, determine what you've tried in the past, and build the strategy to get you to your goals. And if you like what