Drury Outdoors 100% Wild Podcast

Taxidermy Talk w/ Mark & Terry Drury’s Taxidermist EP – 305



What’s the difference between good and bad taxidermy? What does it cost to get replica antlers cast? What’s the weirdest animal you’ve ever mounted? Jon Dittmer of Spring Creek Taxidery is Mark & Terry Drury’s taxidermist of choice, and he jumps in this week with Matt & Tim! Join the fun and hear about an exploding moose! Find Jon at Spring Creek Taxidermy! Want your turn in the spotlight? Submit your audition video, here! Leave us a Question of the Day by clicking here and you could win a DeerCast hat! Watch every episode of the podcast on DeerCast and subscribe to the audio version of the show on the platform of your choice: Apple Google Stitcher Spotify