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Real Time Payments in the United States with Tim Mills



Why doesn’t the US have real time payments? Many nations around the world, including the UK, have these solutions, but not the US. To dive into this question, we spoke with Tim Mills, the Vice President of Real Time Payments Business Development at The Clearing House. The Clearing House has been around since the middle of the 19th century.  They were established to create more efficiency surrounding interbank clearing and the settlement of payments.  160 years ago, clearing checks between financial institutions was a lot easier said than done. In the past century and a half, The Clearing House has moved to such areas as ACH payments and high value payments. They have moved to acting as an advocate around payment related issues for the financial industry.   And now in the 21st century, they are playing a leading role to modernize the payments landscape. Tim has a 20 year background in payments including time in Bangladesh and Trinidad.  He has been with The Clearing House since 2004 working to make real time p