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How API and Financial Institutions Are a Perfect Match with Nathan Richardson



Banking is becoming more mobile. You want to be able to manage your portfolio and trade stocks on the go, but security is at the forefront of everybody’s mind.  How do you ensure that your favorite apps are securely storing and managing your data? Nathan Richardson is the CEO at TradeIt, an API infrastructure that links retail investors and app developers with any online financial broker.  Nathan first dove into the API space when he headed up Yahoo Finance in the early 2000’s. Nathan and his team developed a financial data ticker as a widget that they distributed to partners. Years later, Nathan started TradeIt when he saw that many financial institutions in the US were behind in implementing API technology.  He knew he could build a platform that could help brokers offer secure solutions to customers. He found that financial institutions that adopted API strategies and learned to innovate tended to be the most successful. These same institutions are engaging their customers better -they are meeting them in