Bcg Henderson Institute

A World Without Work with Daniel Susskind



Daniel Susskind is a Fellow in Economics at Balliol College, Oxford, and the author of A World Without Work (2020) and The Future of the Professions (2015). Previously he worked in the British Government as a policy adviser in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, as a policy analyst in the Policy Unit in 10 Downing Street, and as a senior policy adviser in the Cabinet Office.In A World Without Work Susskind argues that technology will lead to structural technological unemployment sooner than many economists believe. This will pose a societal distribution challenge as labor markets will be a less effective way of distributing society’s income. The book makes concrete policy proposals to confront inequality and other challenges resulting from technology’s impact. In a conversation with Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, BCG Chief Economist, Susskind discusses the drivers of technological unemployment, monopoly power, universal basic income, the future role of the state, as well as the personal implications for future gen