Milan Obsession

Bonucci Madness



They said it would never happen. But “they” are mostly Juventus legends who are clearly not up to date on modern football, or Juve fans who have had their hearts ripped out, stepped on, and shipped to Casa Milan. And “it” was Leonardo Bonucci agreeing to come to Milan. And be our new captain. And possibly impregnate our women. (Okay, I may have made that last part up. There is a lot of hysteria around this transfer. Forgive me.) With five new players coming in since the last podcast and more possibly being signed as I type this, Milan’s mercato has become a frenzy of spending, celebrating, and sheer excitement for the future. Please join us as we celebrate Bonucci Madness. With Milan buying players faster than Berlusconi can get out of a lawsuit, I needed someone knowledgeable and sensible to sort everything out with. So of course I spoke with David. You can follow him on Twitter @DavidLSwan (the “L” is for legend.) We spoke about: News of the Week: Edgar Davids fashion, friendly in Lugano, the Europa League