The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Copywriting and Salesmanship with Geb Vence



Copywriting and salesmanship: two peas in a pod, two sides of the same coin. At their core, they're both about convincing people to take action. While they may seem like disparate fields, they're more related than you might think.In this episode, Geb Vance joins us. He talks about salesmanship as an art of persuasion. It requires an intimate understanding of human psychology. He shares what you need to know about your audience.Tune in and enjoy!Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:Learn tips and techniques that can help you improve your marketing skills.Increase your conversion rates and drive more sales.Gain valuable knowledge and learn from some of the best in the industry.For more, visit: www.bestbusinesscoach.caSupport the show