Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 072 - Coronavirus Vaccines & MS - WTF? Featuring Dr. Aaron Boster



It's a New Year! And although the COVID-19 crisis is still ongoing, there is light at the end of the tunnel with vaccines beginning to be rolled out.But even though this is really positive, there is a lot of misinformation out there about the COVID vaccines in general and how they interact with chronic health conditions like Multiple Sclerosis.If we need someone to cut through all the BS and talk about this, who else are we going to turn to other than Dr. Aaron Boster MD? He's been featured on the podcast twice before (FUMS 049 and 052) so he's the perfect person to bring on to sort through the noise and speak directly to how this affects us! He also spends time answering questions from FUMSers and tearing down a few Anti-Vaccine myths.This conversation was originally published as a Facebook Live even - see the original video on the FUMS YouTube channel.Topics covered include:The background to the spread of COVID-19, how this disease relates to people with MS and the impact of comorbiditiesThe