Keepin It Real With Janean

Current GeoPolitical Events w/ Brad Johnson (163)



Brad Johnson retired as a Senior Operations Officer and Chief of Station with the CIA’s Directorate of Operations. Mr. Johnson is a certified senior expert in Counterintelligence issues with extensive direct experience in the field. In 2017, Brad founded the non-profit organization Americans for Intelligence Reform to create awareness for political corruption and diminished capabilities within the intelligence community. Some of out topics: Hearings FBI, DOJ What’s with the Chinese balloons? Las Vegas Shootings How the intelligence agencies have been changing A lot of what is going on was set in motion pre WWll Need to clean house at the top Training and morale has become a joke Chinese are building an aggressive fleet Philosophies based on self deception CBDC’s Term Limits Government as an inefficient charity Some of Brad’s victories What can you do to help Brad's excellent website Listen on Bitchute Listen on Rumble Download.