Dr Karin Love & Life

Is Your Diet Making You Sick and Miserable? with Functional Medicine Health Coach Amanda Jones Ep. 211



We’ve all heard, “You are what you eat.” But what about, “You FEEL what you eat”? Put another way, how much of Americans’ struggle with depression and anxiety is due to our diet? To tackle this question, I’ve invited Functional Medicine Health Coach Amanda Jones to the program. In our conversation, Amanda and I take issue with the Standard American Diet and Western Medicine’s conventional approach. Specifically, we ask: Is minimizing symptoms and slowing down disease progression the best we can do? Why do we look for sustainability and root causes in various social and environmental domains, but when it comes to healthcare, we still just treat symptoms instead of discovering the origins of a problem? Why don’t we pay enough attention to drugs’ side effects? Are uncomfortable and painful symptoms actually a gift? What if a runny nose and high fever are an indication our body is healing itself and our immune system is working well? Can we really expect to heal if we make no changes to our diet and li