Dr Karin Love & Life

Dating as an Empath with Intuitive Life Coach Melissa Lyons Ep. 168



Intuitive life coach Melissa Lyons wonders—what if we considered the “nutritional value” of our thoughts in the same way we assess the nutritional value of our food? Are we paying attention to our mindset? Do we recognize the impact of our thoughts on our feelings and on the energy we radiate and attract back to us? Melissa and I delve into the energy we bring to the dating scene and I share a few examples from my personal life when I found myself slipping into a negative, defeatist mindset. I realized I needed to get more intentional about, as Melissa would put it, the “nutritional value” of my thoughts in order to remain hopeful and positive. Melissa believes empaths, in particular, often struggle because their healing energy keeps them focused on others. She shares her thoughts on dating as a highly sensitive person and how women can begin to believe they deserve exactly what they desire in love and life! She also shares her free “I Have a Choice” mini course https://melissa-lyons.com/loveandlife and the o