Dr Karin Love & Life

How to Feel Worthy of Love: Even if You’ve Never Felt This Before with Leisse Wilcox Ep. 163



If you’ve ever struggled to believe you deserve love, you’re not alone. Many of us grew up in emotionally toxic or traumatic home environments. It’s hard to cultivate self-love and acceptance when no one has ever built us up, believed in us, and cherished us. Author and mindset coach, Leisse Wilcox, wrote the book (literally!) on how to love ourselves—To Call Myself Beloved a Story of Hope, Healing, and Coming Home. She joins me to discuss both the strategies she shares with her clients and her personal journey to self-love. Specifically, we touch on: How to unlearn the stories we’ve told ourselves—many of which are lies. Messages we’ve internalized and the meaning we ascribe to these messages. The story Leisse believed about herself for so many years—I’m the type of person who’s at the end of the table begging for scraps of love. The question that changes everything—are your relationships reinforcing the lies you’ve been told about your worth? The reality that worthiness is the point of self love; t