Dr Karin Love & Life

Dating with Confidence at ANY Size! with Veronica Grant Ep. 161



If you’ve ever said, “I really want to date, but I can’t get back out there until I feel confident with my body,” you’re not alone. Most women have wrestled with body image at some point—or at MANY points—in their lives. Veronica Grant understands this struggle and provides powerful strategies for finding where “healthy meets happy” regarding our physique, nutrition, and romance. Join us as we explore themes surrounding: Healthy eating that comes from an unhealthy place! The rigidity inherent to food restriction—even in efforts to eat more nutritiously! The connection between body, intuition, and love life. How obsessing about our size may cause us to miss red flags when getting to know someone! Getting physical quickly which actually keeps us emotionally unavailable. How our efforts to control our diet and exercise spill over to trying to control our partner. Our relationship to food and how it mirrors our relationships with others in our life. Veronica shares her journey from obsessive calorie c