Homers Leadership Podcast

10. How To Use Your Weaknesses As Strengths



Big thought: The very things that we view as weaknesses in our personality often reveal what our strengths are but because those traits have got us into trouble, we think that we are supposed to avoid or hide those traits all together. I have found, time and time again, that those highlighted “weaknesses” are simply disguising our unrealized strengths. When you lean into these traits, rather than away from them, you will tap into your hidden potential like never before. So here are 5 steps to help you identify and utilize your weaknesses as strengths: Identify areas of “trouble” and lean in. Clarify your passions and marry them. Identify areas of mental neglectfulness. Establish automations or people for what you neglect. Start saying no to the things that don’t meet your passion. Take away: What is your secret strength, and when can you first recognize it in your childhood? What changes in your life or role do you need to make in order to better utilize your personality strengths? After id