Michelle Donelan Mp

Intervening in the debate about allowing local councils to decide whether to extend Sunday Trading hours



Yesterday I intervened in the debate about allowing local councils to decide whether to extend Sunday Trading hours. Currently stores are subject to reduced Sunday Trading Hours if they exceed 280 square metres or 3,000 square feet in size. I would have liked to speak but this was a very popular discussion. I am disappointed that it did not go through and believe that this is a great shame for high-streets in Wiltshire and local democracy. A great shame when our high streets are dying and need help. My key concerns was that those opposing the relaxation to Sunday trading failed to explain why it is fair and right to ensure that we offer Sunday protection for those working in retail but not any other sector. Workers in a number of sectors work shifts on Sundays - the care sector, the NHS, tourism, hospitality, transport and catering to name a few. The point about it impacting on family time was laboured in the debate but the reality is only 1 in 10 people work in retail and a proportion of those are alread