Homers Leadership Podcast

12. Ways To Overcome Discouragement



Big thought: Discouragement can be one of the biggest stumbling blocks for someone who is close to break through, and if left unresolved, can completely change the course of someone’s future. Not only can discouragement demoralize you and set you off course, but it can also be an unrealized killer in your satisfaction and joy. There are many times people are genuinely and deeply discouraged without and even realizing it. So whether you’re currently discouraged or you want to know how to overcome it for the future, here are 7 tips to help you overcome discouragement: Recognize you’re not alone or the only one. Expose and stop self-defeating thoughts. Identify possible sources of your discouragement. Make any possible changes to your circumstances. Engage with a trusted community with transparency. Start a gratefulness journal. Journal your true thoughts prayerfully. Find output focused activities/hobbies to practice. Take away: Find a person or counselor to confide in on